• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

A rather dull 5.5, after 20g of carbs a few hours ago.
Now off out to a Cuban restaurant and beer!

I also can’t remember the last time I took my Metformin. Might have been Thursday!
9.9 didn't double check with a finger pick this time because I had insulin on board from a snack I had ealier and thought I Already doulvlwd checked too much but there are reasons for it.)
Had silent migraine most of afternoon/evening. Couldn't do anything as just increased nausea
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day...

Oh and BG 5.9. Going to reduce insulin and just have a cuppa
It was a 6.4 for me pre-dinner this wet and windy evening...
Well ive ended up having a very very late tea due to some things and it's 9 3. I don't normally eat tea this late.
A slightly lower 6.2 for me on another windy evening...
I was 5.3!
Mine was 8.9
And it was a 7.6 for me on this wet and windy day.
Evening folks

Pre-dinner this warmish evening (12,1c) it is the same as my waking BG this morning, another 6.1 - Snap.
5.4 Again!
I was 8.3
After borderline hypo during physio am 5.6mmol/L this evening. This was the target when I was a child through to middle age it equated to 100mg/dL Trying to remember when I started to get blood test sticks in a reasonable quantity. When I got my first (half brick) meter for £200 about 1983 only the clinic would prescribe and then only 25 or 50for six months! :(
I was 5.3!
A 6.7 pre-dinner this evening and a 7.7 at bedtime.....