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Before Tea/Evening Meal


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I thought it would be interesting to see how people's day had gone before they have tea/evening meal.

I will go first. The heat seems to be affecting me. I had hoped for 7+ or - 1 but got a naughty 10.9 so injected and waiting an hour. These dinosaur insulins take a while to kick in. This is where a Libre would be useful!
I had a 9, despite having eaten very well, loads of veg and low carb, and an hours brisk walk (in the heat, not sure if thats a positive or not) I had an omlete for tea with veg afterwards so wonder what my level will be like in a couple of hours.

I also dont take any medication or insulin so just relying on diet to see if it makes a difference, if not I will be prescribed metformin in December.

Great idea for a thread, its like the other half of the waking thread :)
I had a 9, despite having eaten very well, loads of veg and low carb, and an hours brisk walk (in the heat, not sure if thats a positive or not) I had an omlete for tea with veg afterwards so wonder what my level will be like in a couple of hours.

I also dont take any medication or insulin so just relying on diet to see if it makes a difference, if not I will be prescribed metformin in December.

Great idea for a thread, its like the other half of the waking thread :)

That was the idea. Thanks for replying Jenny!
That was the idea. Thanks for replying Jenny!
I nearly replied yesterday, but I decided my afternoon had been a bit of an anomaly. But then I’ve done the same today! I was reckless enough to go out both days and do about 20 minutes gardening mid afternoon, which was enough to send my levels plummeting in the heat, so I ended up at 5.2 and 4.9 respectively before evening meal. Yesterday I needed a sneaky jaffa cake mid afternoon to keep levels up. That’s not typical, I’m normally between 6 and 7.
I have just had my evening meal and I am now hypo.
I was a nice 6.5 before the meal, and had reduced my pre bolus timing (a necessary adjustment in this heat), however it is so hot that found it difficult to eat the whole meal I had bolused for. Now nibbling my way through some grapes which are usually a no go for me, but this is a time with a minor hypo I can enjoy that glucose burst.
Updating before I do my morning one in a few hours. Wednesday was 8.0 but yesterday was 9.8. Yesterday's was worse as I got delayed at lunchtime ans went hypo (3.3) so treated and re-treated twice probably overdoing it! ☹️
I was 5.0 at 4pm
6.3 for me thats 2 hours after eating too, I am really pleased as I have eaten my food for the day so tomorrow I am hoping I may be even under 6 for my waking level, I really want to beat this horrible thing, if possible without medication. The only difference is im drinking a lot of water now, when before I had to remind myself to eat. Hope you have all had a good day :)

my meter even gave me a smiley face :)
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10.4 before and a consequent delay to the evening meal. I had underestimated the carbs at a late lunch and was a bit surprised. Then a curry so expected a bit of chaos until I go to bed. I think the heat has helped a bit so now 7.4 which is a lot better than I expected.
10.4 before and a consequent delay to the evening meal. I had underestimated the carbs at a late lunch and was a bit surprised. Then a curry so expected a bit of chaos until I go to bed. I think the heat has helped a bit so now 7.4 which is a lot better than I expected.
Hi @SB2015 does heat lower glucose levels, for some reason I thought it would raise them due to higher concentration/dehydration. I am still learning about what makes it fluctuate though and noticed a few others with low readings attributing it to the heat.
5.1 before eating tonight
Hi @SB2015 does heat lower glucose levels, for some reason I thought it would raise them due to higher concentration/dehydration. I am still learning about what makes it fluctuate though and noticed a few others with low readings attributing it to the heat.
It can vary either way. Glucose monitors have some clever inbuilt intelligence that overcomes the variation in blood concentration. (I think it compares the blood glucose to something that remains constant in the blood). The only thing I find is affected is a Libre sensor, where it’s measuring interstitial fluid, and that seems susceptible to dehydration.
I find my levels are raised in hot weather if my body’s just generally stressed by the heat, the liver compensating, I assume, but if I go out and do something active, my levels plummet, and quite quickly.
Hi @SB2015 does heat lower glucose levels, for some reason I thought it would raise them due to higher concentration/dehydration. I am still learning about what makes it fluctuate though and noticed a few others with low readings attributing it to the heat.
Things vary for different people. I find that I have had far more hypos in this heat. I have also needed to reduce boluses.
4.2 for me today. Happy enough with that but I had a couple of jelly beans (about 4g carbs) to stop any further drop whilst I cooked. Didn't bolus as meal was relatively low carb (spicy ratatouille.... to use up courgette glut...with chorizo, green beans and cheese coleslaw. Would normally have injected 2-3 units for it but levels had been dropping all day so thought I would get away with it.... I had to inject them later when my BG hit 10. :rolleyes:
Things vary for different people. I find that I have had far more hypos in this heat. I have also needed to reduce boluses.

Mine tend to go up and I have always put it down to your body not burning energy to keep you warm. I did go hypo in a chilly air-conditioned room on Friday which sort of seems right.
6.1 this evening