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Back in the day!

I was 19 and into Northern Soul and soul in general but not Motown. Unfortunately, I lived too far from Wigan Casino to attend and had to make up for the odd All Nighter put on by a local venue. Started at midnight until 8am. I’d dash home get changed and be at work in Chelsea Girl for 9am, absolutely shattered but not hungover as alcohol wasn’t allowed. I never really got the hang of the dancing, I passed muster, just about! Still got our 7 inch singles and on occasion we roll up the rug and have a dance about to “There’s a ghost in my house”, “Are you ready now,”, “Nine times out of ten” and many more that my befuddled almost 65 year old brain can’t remember. Happy days. No photos, thank goodness!
Chelsea Girl...now that brings back some very happy memories thank you @eggyg 😎 Shopped there in my early teens before I got the hippy bug and started shopping at Boodle-Am in Leeds for loons, desert boots and indian water buffalo sandals. Plus of course the essential for hippies: patchouli oil and joss sticks!
Ohhh... 1979. The year we got married. I remember teetering on 4 inch heels and getting the bridesmaids to wear low heels so they didn't tower over me. I will have to dig through the back of the cupboard and see if I can find the infamous wedding album.😱:rofl:
I used to wear platform boots which made me just under 6ft tall - and my skirts were shorter than my boots. They were really good suede and leather, they would make good handbags now.
We used to wear satin, brocade, leather and suede - these days people seem content with any old rags and tatters - and there was colour, not the sad drab palette seen now a days.
I was 19 and into Northern Soul and soul in general but not Motown. Unfortunately, I lived too far from Wigan Casino to attend and had to make up for the odd All Nighter put on by a local venue. Started at midnight until 8am. I’d dash home get changed and be at work in Chelsea Girl for 9am, absolutely shattered but not hungover as alcohol wasn’t allowed. I never really got the hang of the dancing, I passed muster, just about! Still got our 7 inch singles and on occasion we roll up the rug and have a dance about to “There’s a ghost in my house”, “Are you ready now,”, “Nine times out of ten” and many more that my befuddled almost 65 year old brain can’t remember. Happy days. No photos, thank goodness!
And one of the very best! "The Night" can't leave out "Stanky" either! too many to mention! do like up tempo Motown too, Alcohol was definately allowed and encouraged 🙂 different times prob, I'm a bit younger though!
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I was just coming into discovering music for myself about then. Those early forays of school conversations. There wasn’t a lot of chart music in our house (well any really). ABBA and Brotherhood of Man (unbelievable in retrospect) began to give way.

I was slightly confused by the tribalism and competitive nature of music choices that others seemed to lean into. I didn’t know enough to know what I was into. Looking back at the big songs in the UK for that year the ones I remember connecting with included ABBA, Kate Bush, Ian Dury and the Blockheads, Blondie, Boomtown Rats, Dr Feelgood, Art Garfunkel, Madness, The Police, Squeeze, Gary Numan, Queen, and Darts.

Over the next couple of years a change of school and tribalism becoming effectively compulsory saw me beginning to buy my own music rather than just seeing things on ToTP. I had a spell into Motörhead, Iron Maiden, Whitesnake, Queen, and the like (sorry @AceFace). I even had a patched denim jacket. But no long hair.

Didn’t last though. My taste was always too eclectic really.
I remember queuing to get into the local Indie Disco in the mid 80s. I was in my Goth/Grunge phase - floaty purple silk shirt and tie-dye (black and purple) leggings with my leather bikers jacket. We were in our early 20s. As usual, I was the only girl in the group (affect of being an engineer and socialising with people from work) so the lads were chatting to/up the girls ahead of us in the queue. They were discussing the recent politics - Maggie Thatcher had stood down in the last year and we were hoping for a change from the Tories in the next election (it took a bit longer). The lads were a little taken aback when the girls mentioned they were too young to vote (but they still held strong political opinions).
It was a good monthly event with the sounds of Sisters of Mercy, Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Mission,...
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I was just coming into discovering music for myself about then. Those early forays of school conversations. There wasn’t a lot of chart music in our house (well any really). ABBA and Brotherhood of Man (unbelievable in retrospect) began to give way.

I was slightly confused by the tribalism and competitive nature of music choices that others seemed to lean into. I didn’t know enough to know what I was into. Looking back at the big songs in the UK for that year the ones I remember connecting with included ABBA, Kate Bush, Ian Dury and the Blockheads, Blondie, Boomtown Rats, Dr Feelgood, Art Garfunkel, Madness, The Police, Squeeze, Gary Numan, Queen, and Darts.

Over the next couple of years a change of school and tribalism becoming effectively compulsory saw me beginning to buy my own music rather than just seeing things on ToTP. I had a spell into Motörhead, Iron Maiden, Whitesnake, Queen, and the like (sorry @AceFace). I even had a patched denim jacket. But no long hair.

Didn’t last though. My taste was always too eclectic really.
What I hope it was a quick spell :rofl: Iron Maiden, white snake, Queen, 😱
What I hope it was a quick spell :rofl: Iron Maiden, white snake, Queen, 😱

Looking at that 1979 list there was SO much brilliant music that year, that I only discovered much later. My pick these days would be very different.

Youth is wasted on the young.
In 79 I married wife Number 1 and bought our first house in Bristol, Life was pretty much about climbing the career ladder and doing sensible stuff like decorating, mowing the lawn and doing anything to earn extra money. We did the election count and as our luck would have it, it was a recount in Wedgwood-Benn's constituency and we didn't get home until 6am and had to be at work at 8.30.

We lived in what was then a large ish village and got excited when Asda open a store just down the road (jeez we lived in the fast lane)

We had so many part time jobs, just to pay the bills, we hardly saw each other.

We only lived in that house for about 2 years and then moved to London which was a whole new chapter for another time
In 79 I married wife Number 1 and bought our first house in Bristol, Life was pretty much about climbing the career ladder and doing sensible stuff like decorating, mowing the lawn and doing anything to earn extra money. We did the election count and as our luck would have it, it was a recount in Wedgwood-Benn's constituency and we didn't get home until 6am and had to be at work at 8.30.

We lived in what was then a large ish village and got excited when Asda open a store just down the road (jeez we lived in the fast lane)

We had so many part time jobs, just to pay the bills, we hardly saw each other.

We only lived in that house for about 2 years and then moved to London which was a whole new chapter for another time
I don't know how we did it, I can't remember bringing my daughter up being so hard, I have 2 grandchildren and I just want to be in goal, Grandad is in the conservatory it time out :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Me back in the day in Leeds, I can't remember the year, think it's 1979, I struggle to remember my own name these days what were you? Punk, New Wave ( Yuk) Rockers ( As if ) Skin Heads, or a Bay City Roller Fan View attachment 34446
Looking sharp!

Gonna see if i can find pic of my first scoot somewhere.

Anyone else please post yours, the more the merrier 🙂
I'm just grateful i didn't have it as a kid, that must really be terrible.
Not really hard work but some of the most fulfilling moments in my live have been with my daughter, apart from the wedding, Im now shuffling the streets in my pajamas it cost that much
Looking sharp!

Gonna see if i can find pic of my first scoot somewhere.

Anyone else please post yours, the more the merrier 🙂
First Scooter see everyone he's a top man :D
I'm just grateful i didn't have it as a kid, that must really be terrible.
I can see pros and cons.
You and I have the "befores and afters": we can remember what it was like when we didn't care about carbs and having to remember to carry hypo treatment with is wherever we go.
Many of those who had Type 1 diabetes as a child, don't know any different.

Ok I have simplified it but, for some people, the diabetes diagnosis was a wake up call and they have mentioned how much healthier they are now.
Thankfully, I don't have any other medical conditions and have no complications from diabetes so I continue to follow the advice my DSN gave me when I was diagnosed over 20 years ago, "Diabetes shouldn't stop you doing what you want."

If I had diabetes in the times we are reminiscing about, I would like to think I would still be clubbing, listening to music. wearing ridiculous fashions, etc.
The good times would be just as good.
"Ok I have simplified it but, for some people, the diabetes diagnosis was a wake up call and they have mentioned how much healthier they are now."

That was definitely me. I had been very fit in my younger days but very much lapsed. After diagnosis, twelve years ago, I got back into shape to the point that, four years later, I ended up doing a 140.6 triathlon. I've slowed down a little since then but I still swim regularly and will be dusting my bike off again now the weather is improving.
You got me beat on the number of owned scooters! no pic's of my best one Rally 200, didn't really take any back then.
Will have to make do with scooters seen on rallies in the '80s
Note - not my scooters or my photos
But here's a famous one when custom was big, artwork, engraving, themes etc, the pic's really don't do justice.
One for the Siouxsie fan's
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