Are you ready?

A new danger alert system begins any day now in the UK.

A loud 10 sec siren alert on your smart phone (or not if you don't have a smart phone) is heard and you must then do as you are told. These are not subscribed alerts but automatic.


This is seriously the first I’ve heard of this.

Well, not quite. This one has a catchier tune.

Masks were law/mandated/recommended upon no evidence they were effective. Will we begin to see other similar recommendations?

Your there again lad just can't leave it alone, it's become obsession with you.

People in flood risk areas do have option of being alerted, nephew is in one & gets warned when river levels are high.
People in flood risk areas do have option of being alerted, nephew is in one & gets warned when river levels are high
You have to register for alerts at the moment, (at least you do where my cousin is) so it tends to be locals who have registered who get a warning. I assume this new system would automatically alert anyone who happened to be in the area at the time, (close enough to the mobile phone mast that triggers the message, maybe,) for instance people on holiday, or day visitors.
You have to register for alerts at the moment, (at least you do where my cousin is) so it tends to be locals who have registered who get a warning. I assume this new system would automatically alert anyone who happened to be in the area at the time, (close enough to the mobile phone mast that triggers the message, maybe,) for instance people on holiday, or day visitors.

Possibly yes, some camp sites in Lake District often flood so travellers should be alerted one would think.
My only thought on this sort of stuff is that there cannot be much wrong with the world if time and effort is being spent on making sure that everybody gets to hear about a low probability event that will only affect a few.

Maybe it could be adapted to advise when a GP appointment becomes available.
Your there again lad just can't leave it alone, it's become obsession with you.
Truth isn't an obsession. Truth is the benchmark for life and the basis of civilisation. I don't lay awake at night or obsess about truth.

I'm sure we've all been lied to, misled or deceived by others at some point in our lives.

I don't know about others, but I feel far better telling the truth than misleading or lieing to others.

Please stop insinuating I've got an obsession, it couldn't be further from the truth.
At the risk of becoming a little esoteric, or may be even philosophical, might I suggest that we are a little careful when talking about "truth". It is a remarkably difficult concept to define and a truth to one may not be a truth to another.

If you want to see what I mean, watch Boris in front of the Privileges Committee tomorrow and then read the reports in the newspapers!
My only thought on this sort of stuff is that there cannot be much wrong with the world if time and effort is being spent on making sure that everybody gets to hear about a low probability event that will only affect a few.
It's low effort. Other countries have been using it for years, so it's already built into phones and (presumably) whatever the mobile operators are using. So not using it (for these rare situations) is just a waste.
Quite true @Bruce Stephens. I guess I am getting a bit weary of small things with easy solutions being presented as big things when big things that really need sorting and are not as easy to solve tend not get the same coverage.
At the risk of becoming a little esoteric, or may be even philosophical, might I suggest that we are a little careful when talking about "truth". It is a remarkably difficult concept to define and a truth to one may not be a truth to another.

If you want to see what I mean, watch Boris in front of the Privileges Committee tomorrow and then read the reports in the newspapers!
I'm not so much refering to truth as in perception or phiisophically (which is a valid point docb), but everyone knows when they are telling the truth, even a child. Deceiving, lieing, cheating, colluding, misleading etc we all immediately know these things when we see them.

We've all known what it's like to be short changed or ripped off. We feel that truth.
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It's low effort. Other countries have been using it for years, so it's already built into phones and (presumably) whatever the mobile operators are using. So not using it (for these rare situations) is just a waste.
What about when they start dishing out fines direct to your phone? Alert - you have left your house after being told to stay indoors. £60 or £30 if paid within 14 days.
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What about when they start dishing out fines? Alert - you have been found outside of your 15min city zone - £60 fine or £30 if paid within 14 days.
That isn't what this is for, and it wouldn't work effectively for doing that even if anyone wanted it to. Which they don't. The idea behind 15 minute cities isn't that people are forbidden from going further than 15 minutes, just that they can get most of what they need most of the time without going further.
That isn't what this is for, and it wouldn't work effectively for doing that even if anyone wanted it to. Which they don't. The idea behind 15 minute cities isn't that people are forbidden from going further than 15 minutes, just that they can get most of what they need most of the time without going further.
I just get a feeling that many of us are going be spending a lot more time at home as a result of these alerts.
The idea behind 15 minute cities isn't that people are forbidden from going further than 15 minutes,
That's exactly what the Oxford limitations are though.. 100 times annually for residents .. sounds like a limit on freedom of movement to me..