after last nights basal test, I need some advice on changing basal rates...

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I've been 3am testing as I honestly cannot do another full on one on a work night 😱 all three days I've been at 5-6. Very pleased 🙂 Gonna do a full one probs saturday night now.

Re the daytime one for work/home, how the hell do i work that one? Test at work, change then do a seperate one on non work days? Also, how do I work around the walk to work thing.

Am fed up of having to have really high TBR's on during the day and not seeing results til night on kick off time.

Also, I'll probs have to have another profile thingy for when I do late shifts. Joy...

Oh well, we seem to be making progress at least...

I would test on work day, like i said, no tbr, cos if you do you dont know what your actual basal is up to? with the results you can then tweak, If you are worried you will hypo, then i would wait till day off and get that set up right first. then on your work day you can programme a lower basal for that time, if that makes sense.

One thing at a time then other days/profiles are just a matter of tweaking your basic rates.
I would test on work day, like i said, no tbr, cos if you do you dont know what your actual basal is up to? with the results you can then tweak, If you are worried you will hypo, then i would wait till day off and get that set up right first. then on your work day you can programme a lower basal for that time, if that makes sense.

One thing at a time then other days/profiles are just a matter of tweaking your basic rates.

See, I *know* I will hypo if I leave it running and walk to work 😱 after a couple of rather terrifying ones both to and from work.

So, should I set my basals to 20% as I always do an hour before leaving, and then switch back soon as I get to work as I always do and test it that way? This is really hard work :confused:

I like your idea of doing it on a day off. Give it a sunday and I can very easily do that. Get some sugar free jelly in and I'll be well away :D

OR WAIT! I could get a bus on basal test day to work!!! That might work :D
No, you cant test basal with a tbr, as that is not your basal is it?

It sound like your basal is currently too high on a work day in the morning, this is why you need to eventually set up different profiles.

My profiles are different on days off to work days, for shifts you may need a different one for each of these. Its not as difficult as it sounds honestly.

If you test on work day, do what you normally would ie walk to work, if you get the bus again this will affect your insulin uptake and is not your normal routine, no point testing if it is not what you would normally do?

Personally if i were you i would do the test on your day off, then when you have the rate right for your day off, then i would set up a different profile for work days, with a lower rate in the mornings to cover your walk to work etc, then test this rate and tweak.
No, you cant test basal with a tbr, as that is not your basal is it?

It sound like your basal is currently too high on a work day in the morning, this is why you need to eventually set up different profiles.

My profiles are different on days off to work days, for shifts you may need a different one for each of these. Its not as difficult as it sounds honestly.

If you test on work day, do what you normally would ie walk to work, if you get the bus again this will affect your insulin uptake and is not your normal routine, no point testing if it is not what you would normally do?

Personally if i were you i would do the test on your day off, then when you have the rate right for your day off, then i would set up a different profile for work days, with a lower rate in the mornings to cover your walk to work etc, then test this rate and tweak.

oooooh now I see. So for instance, if I do a daytime one this sunday where I just sit around and do bugger all bar a bit of housework or whathaveyou? Makes more sense. I think a couple more days of 3am tests, or 2am and 4am should do the trick at establishing whats going on with my nightimes but fingers crossed these good waking levels continue.

Getting a CGM on tuesday so that should help.

I like your idea, thanks tracey. Day off basal test it is 🙂 It's kind of tough to do at work I gotta say

So, what should I do in the meantime? Because I'm running really really high in the afternoons at work, keep with the TBRs and low carb lunch?

a great big fat unhappy face :(

3am 6.8
6am 11.0

:( :(

i blame the pasta bake but still, its a blow. woke on 8.8 due to correcting but urgh
I know you think pasta doesnt affect you Sam, but it can make you rise up to 8 hours later, so the 2 hour test will be low as you have found.

I rarely do pasta as i have trouble getting right, but if i did i would do a 6 hour dw at least! Same with pizza.

If you are sure and i mean sure your lunch ratio is ok, why dont you just up your basal around this time instead of tbr. Its worth a try until you get round to testing these times. Or just increase your ratio if the rise is say 1-2 hours post lunch? dont do both though.
I know you think pasta doesnt affect you Sam, but it can make you rise up to 8 hours later, so the 2 hour test will be low as you have found.

I rarely do pasta as i have trouble getting right, but if i did i would do a 6 hour dw at least! Same with pizza.

If you are sure and i mean sure your lunch ratio is ok, why dont you just up your basal around this time instead of tbr. Its worth a try until you get round to testing these times. Or just increase your ratio if the rise is say 1-2 hours post lunch? dont do both though.

oh no, I know pasta affects me - just not hugely like with some people. Not having pasta tonight, just chucking something in the oven with some chips - THOSE AMAZING NO CARB SAUSAGES.

I've been hypo most of the day :/ odd. Had a scary one on the way home whilst going around lidl. Very odd. But there we go, I've felt much better today in myself at least, not seen anything above 10 (so far :D), and bar the hypos its been a pretty good day.

I need to do a couple more tests onight over the next couple of days but really think I've just about got the onights sorted - took long enough. But alas, it probably won't last :/

Tracey, I upped myself to 0.65 around lunchtime and it seems to have worked ok-ish. Spike was from 6.whatever i was pre lunch to 8 two hours after. Awesome. But then I dropped like a stone. Odd.

But thats better than the 20s post lunch right?

How many hours did you up? that may be the cause. I would have just done 1 or 2 hours max.

How much of an increase was it by? I try 0.05 every time no more.
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