after last nights basal test, I need some advice on changing basal rates...

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Sam - just thinking about what Gary Scheiner said at FFL. If you've got say, a cheesy sauce in that lasagne, that could add to the slow release of carbs.

He suggested for pizza giving the bolus over 2 hours, then setting a 150% temp basal for 8 hours. I tried it last night after pizza, except I did the temp basal over 4 hours as we only had small pizzas and it did seem to work although I think I do need to do it for the full 8 hours as I rose between 3 and 7.30am despite a small correction at 3am.

Not sure how that theory works with pasta, but I'm going to try it soon. I reckon it could work quite well.
Sam - just thinking about what Gary Scheiner said at FFL. If you've got say, a cheesy sauce in that lasagne, that could add to the slow release of carbs.

He suggested for pizza giving the bolus over 2 hours, then setting a 150% temp basal for 8 hours. I tried it last night after pizza, except I did the temp basal over 4 hours as we only had small pizzas and it did seem to work although I think I do need to do it for the full 8 hours as I rose between 3 and 7.30am despite a small correction at 3am.

Not sure how that theory works with pasta, but I'm going to try it soon. I reckon it could work quite well.

i LIKE that idea! We're having pizza next week. I might try it.

I was at 4.8 pre bed, so I guess any rises were coming later.
also, because we're out of food for the week of everything bar pasta and pasta bake sauce, guess whats for dinner tonight.

I'm wondering whether to try that theroy - do the bolus over 2 hours and then temp basal it for 4 or 6. It's interesting and got me thinking.

And yeah, I forgot to say matt made a really cheesy sauce last night. Could be half of the problem O_o
Sam are you going to test the changes of your overnight basal tonight? Until you get that right you wont be able to move onto those high morning readings? 🙂

If i eat any pasta etc i would dual wave for at least 4 -6 hours as it takes so long to digest.
Sam are you going to test the changes of your overnight basal tonight? Until you get that right you wont be able to move onto those high morning readings? 🙂

If i eat any pasta etc i would dual wave for at least 4 -6 hours as it takes so long to digest.

i doubt it, work tomorrow and we don't have anything no carb/low carb in the house.

I just want to wake up on good levels. But if i test tonight I'll end up an emotional wreck at work tomorrow.

I am currently having a crying session over this whole messed up me and the pump situation. I hate that I can't seem to get anything right with it, and part of me wants to go back to injections even though my control is so much worse on that.
dont be silly Sam you are doing fine.

I only ask because no point making a change if you dont test to see result. I often test in the night regardless of working etc. I understand you are tired with it all, its tough.

do you have a problem getting back to sleep after a test? i go straight back off so i dont find it a problem. I totally understand if for you it seems to disturb your whole nights sleep :(
dont be silly Sam you are doing fine.

I only ask because no point making a change if you dont test to see result. I often test in the night regardless of working etc. I understand you are tired with it all, its tough.

do you have a problem getting back to sleep after a test? i go straight back off so i dont find it a problem. I totally understand if for you it seems to disturb your whole nights sleep :(

it does disturb my sleep way too much, I take ages to go back to sleep and it makes me all emotional and snappy. Bit like now actually. Urgh, I am a soppy thing.

I might do it tonight. But wouldn't the pasta get in the way? Or maybe I'll just get something else for dinner tonight.

Matt keeps telling me to just randomly change bits in the night, which just resulted in more tears because he doesn't understand. Nevermind.

I should dry my eyes and go out, treat myself to something nice.
it does disturb my sleep way too much, I take ages to go back to sleep and it makes me all emotional and snappy. Bit like now actually. Urgh, I am a soppy thing.

I might do it tonight. But wouldn't the pasta get in the way? Or maybe I'll just get something else for dinner tonight.

Matt keeps telling me to just randomly change bits in the night, which just resulted in more tears because he doesn't understand. Nevermind.

I should dry my eyes and go out, treat myself to something nice.

yep, definately have a nice treat! dont change anything else util you test whenever that is. Otherwise you wont know whats affecting what.

Maybe you could have something with toast tonight instead of long digestion stuff? Egg and bacon on toast, mmm i want some now! :D
yep, definately have a nice treat! dont change anything else util you test whenever that is. Otherwise you wont know whats affecting what.

Maybe you could have something with toast tonight instead of long digestion stuff? Egg and bacon on toast, mmm i want some now! :D

ive gone and brought these amazing super low carb all meat sausages. 1g carbs per 100g and I adore them! A plate of those and I'll be well away, no effect on my bgs at all so yay

Also brought myself a nice book 🙂 money well spent I think
ive gone and brought these amazing super low carb all meat sausages. 1g carbs per 100g and I adore them! A plate of those and I'll be well away, no effect on my bgs at all so yay

Also brought myself a nice book 🙂 money well spent I think

sound yummy, enjoy!
Dudes - just to let you know something else Gary S said - if you have a purely protein based meal (ie meat and eggs!) then 50% of the protein will turn into glucose. If you eat the protein with anything else, it doesn't - but if it's purely protein, you may need to bolus for it.

That's why he said a proper basal test involves no eating at all, apart from water and sugar free jelly apparently.
Dudes - just to let you know something else Gary S said - if you have a purely protein based meal (ie meat and eggs!) then 50% of the protein will turn into glucose. If you eat the protein with anything else, it doesn't - but if it's purely protein, you may need to bolus for it.

That's why he said a proper basal test involves no eating at all, apart from water and sugar free jelly apparently.

Hmm, i have never ever had a problem with eating meat and basal testing. It has never had an effect on my BGs.
Pasta as I said it does tend to last longer than given credit for...

I've got a feeling from the readings you gave, that the pasta is hitting twice, by about 3 hours in it seems to have cleared they system, but it bites you a bit later...

This could because your evening basal are a bit high, so helping your bolus sort it, then in the earlier hours of the morning the combination of pasta taking a second hit and your DP is causing big problems..

Can you compare several days where you've eaten pasta for lunch or tea and see if there is any patterns which look similar to last nights results?

As I got a gut feeling if you can work out what the pasta is actually doing and when it actually does stop impacting on your BG's then sorting out your basals are going to be a lot easier and clearer..
Hmm, i have never ever had a problem with eating meat and basal testing. It has never had an effect on my BGs.

Sam, the only way of knowing whether it does or doesnt have an effect is to have 2 nights eating the same meat and testing basals. It might be masking a possible low level as Shiv is right - it does have an effect on levels for everyone.🙂Bev
Sam, the only way of knowing whether it does or doesnt have an effect is to have 2 nights eating the same meat and testing basals. It might be masking a possible low level as Shiv is right - it does have an effect on levels for everyone.🙂Bev

I ate meat for my dinner, and have stayed at a steady 6 ever since.
Sam am I'm right in thinking, when you were on MDI regime eating meat didn't have any showable impact on your blood glucose?

Quite often because of the way MDI works what we got used to under MDI regime doesn't always pan out when pumping, because of the ability of being able to fine tune it uncovers the failings of MDI, so sometimes we have to rejig our stredigies and angles concerning this...

*ducks* as Sam throws somthing at me🙂

I know even more confusing information to add to the already confused information...

But keep soldiering on, you will get there and it will unravel itself and become clearer...
stop cunfuzzling me Ellie!!!!!!!!

Anyway, last night at 4am i was 10 - after going bed on 6.whatever. 2am i was 8.something. Hello more changes!

But after correcting tge 10 i woke at 6.8 :D
Dudes - just to let you know something else Gary S said - if you have a purely protein based meal (ie meat and eggs!) then 50% of the protein will turn into glucose. If you eat the protein with anything else, it doesn't - but if it's purely protein, you may need to bolus for it.

That's why he said a proper basal test involves no eating at all, apart from water and sugar free jelly apparently.

Thats really interesting, thanks for letting us know that. How much would you dose though as say bacon no cho value, would you just have to guess?
He said to bolus as if 50% of the protein was glucose. So if there were 10g of protein in your serving of bacon, bolus as if it were 5g carbs 🙂 does that make sense?
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