after last nights basal test, I need some advice on changing basal rates...

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He said to bolus as if 50% of the protein was glucose. So if there were 10g of protein in your serving of bacon, bolus as if it were 5g carbs 🙂 does that make sense?

yes thanks, very useful I will take that on board. 🙂
i have found everything impacts bg, unlike mdi, which i presume was the background effect.

I ate a hard boiled egg recently and didnt bolus as i wanted to see what happened, wnt from 6 - 10 in 1 hour! 😱 Now i know i would count that as 1 unit ish.
i have found everything impacts bg, unlike mdi, which i presume was the background effect.

I ate a hard boiled egg recently and didnt bolus as i wanted to see what happened, wnt from 6 - 10 in 1 hour! 😱 Now i know i would count that as 1 unit ish.

Would you not increase your basal rate if that happened as opposed to bolusing for it....
Would you not increase your basal rate if that happened as opposed to bolusing for it....

no, its not the basal thats the problem, i did not bolus for the egg as its protein and hadnt eaten one by itself before,the effect was purely down to the egg.

the point i was making is that on mdi you do things differently to pumping because you have the background effect wheras on pumping you dont.
no, its not the basal thats the problem, i did not bolus for the egg as its protein and hadnt eaten one by itself before,the effect was purely down to the egg.

the point i was making is that on mdi you do things differently to pumping because you have the background effect wheras on pumping you dont.

When you say beackground effects what do you mean, both MDI and pumps give you background cover, dont they.....?

I am not pumping, yet, but I believe one egg would not do anything, significant, to warrant a blast of bolus and I probably wouldnt do it if on a pump, however people may be sensitive to food as well as insulin....

You said you went from 6-10 with one carb free egg, is that not alot.....
NRboi: I have heard of lots of people bolusing for protein only meals - and this point was confirmed for me when I saw Gary Scheiner speak (google him) and he said if you have a protein only meal, such as an egg, then to treat 50% of that protein as if it were glucose. So yes, it is possible that you may need to bolus for something that is purely protein.

Going from 6 to 10 is a big jump but everyone is different, and carbs effect people very differently - ie 10g of carbs for some may raise BG levels 2 or 3mmol, for some it might be 4 or 5mmol.

Why don't you try eating a boiled egg alone and seeing what happens? If your basal is set correctly, and there are no other outside factors eg illness or exercise, then you will see the effect it has on you.

Tracey has clearly proved that one egg DOES and CAN have an effect on people. As you say you are not pumping so perhaps that is the key difference - your basal insulin may be covering that protein, whereas the basal rate on the pump is often smaller and so much more in tune with your body's needs (ie covering only the glucose produced by the liver) hour per hour (rather than the 12/24 hours on MDI).
We count eggs as 4 carbs each as they have an effect on Alex's levels and if we were doing a basal test we would do it free from any food to get a real picture of what is going on.🙂Bev
When you say beackground effects what do you mean, both MDI and pumps give you background cover, dont they.....?

I am not pumping, yet, but I believe one egg would not do anything, significant, to warrant a blast of bolus and I probably wouldnt do it if on a pump, however people may be sensitive to food as well as insulin....

You said you went from 6-10 with one carb free egg, is that not alot.....

nrb, I was continuing the discussion on protein (turning into glucose if eaten by itself), insulin and pumping. I was merely stating what happened to ME when i ate a boiled egg. I did not bolus for it as i didnt know if i needed too, obviouosly I did. That may be personal to ME, it may not.

I was not discussing basal issues. If you had read the thread properly you would have known that.

Until you are pumping you cannot assume to know the differing affects between mdi and pumping. Yes I have a basal going continuously however, with fast acting insulin, it therefore has an effect immediately, unlike slow acting which can have a differing impact on food.

For instance on pumping after a hypo, fast acting glucose is necessary only and no slow acting cho needed, wheras it is needed on mdi due to the effect of slow acting insulin.
We count eggs as 4 carbs each as they have an effect on Alex's levels and if we were doing a basal test we would do it free from any food to get a real picture of what is going on.🙂Bev

Absolutely Bev, any basal testing i do is fasting apart from water.
lo all

so for the past 2 days I've woken up on EXCELLENT levels. I had a 6.4 this morning, a 5.8 the previous. Epic. Except, daytime seems to have gone haywire. I got a 22.2 after lunch today :/ spent most of the day running high as a kite, only just down to normal levels.

By the time I got to work I was 7.1 which I was pleased with. An hour later I was 10 and climbing. Socorrected and bolused, had a teeny snack cuz i was hungry and found myself at 14 and climbing. So corrected, put a TBR on, had lunch as normal and BOOM 22.2. Not impressed. Had TBR's on most of the day...

Looks like I need to start re-basal testing in the day.

Any ideas on how I'll do this with having to put lower insulin on for my walk to work?
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nrb, I was continuing the discussion on protein (turning into glucose if eaten by itself), insulin and pumping. I was merely stating what happened to ME when i ate a boiled egg. I did not bolus for it as i didnt know if i needed too, obviouosly I did. That may be personal to ME, it may not.

I was not discussing basal issues. If you had read the thread properly you would have known that.

Until you are pumping you cannot assume to know the differing affects between mdi and pumping. Yes I have a basal going continuously however, with fast acting insulin, it therefore has an effect immediately, unlike slow acting which can have a differing impact on food.

For instance on pumping after a hypo, fast acting glucose is necessary only and no slow acting cho needed, wheras it is needed on mdi due to the effect of slow acting insulin.

Dont get your knickers in a twist tracey..........

I was going off topic slightly but thats OK.....

I know you wernt discussing basal doses, but I was, I was asking for your opinion and knowledge on the subject and specifically if this is only recognised in a pumper due to the fact its only one insulin being delivered...

For example, me eating an egg would not effect my BG, is this because I am on a mixed basal insulin........
Thanks shiv...........thats all I was asking............and its quite interesting.......🙂
Thanks shiv...........thats all I was asking............and its quite interesting.......🙂

Its the way you ask sometimes that annoys people ......... it came across like you dont believe what i said

my knickers are not in a twist thank you nrb
Its the way you ask sometimes that annoys people ......... it came across like you dont believe what i said

my knickers are not in a twist thank you nrb

Tracey, I think this is where you have been going wrong - your tubing has been stuck in your knickers all this time and been twisted so insulin hasnt been getting through properly................doh.........😱😉🙂Bev
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Tracey, I think this is where you have been going wrong - your tubing has been stuck in your knickers all this time and been twisted so insulin hasnt ben getting through properly................doh.........😱😉🙂Bev


Let's get back on topic? 🙂

I woke on 7.1 this morning. VERY PLEASED. But...rising throughout the morning to stupid levels again. Had that 22 yesterday and managed to get to 16 after lunch today. Stupid pump *pokes it with a stick*
Tracey, I think this is where you have been going wrong - your tubing has been stuck in your knickers all this time and been twisted so insulin hasnt been getting through properly................doh.........😱😉🙂Bev

haha 😱 lol

Let's get back on topic? 🙂

I woke on 7.1 this morning. VERY PLEASED. But...rising throughout the morning to stupid levels again. Had that 22 yesterday and managed to get to 16 after lunch today. Stupid pump *pokes it with a stick*

Sam, did you do the overnight tests to check all is well? Numbers good, but you need to check before moving on.

If you have then great, move onto basal testing from waking up to lunchtime. I wouldnt change or do tbr going to work, you need to see exactly what is what.

You will need a different profile for work and days off though as your activity seems totally different. I think you need to get the work one sorted as this is more of your days.

Anyone else think differently?
Sam, did you do the overnight tests to check all is well? Numbers good, but you need to check before moving on.

If you have then great, move onto basal testing from waking up to lunchtime. I wouldnt change or do tbr going to work, you need to see exactly what is what.

You will need a different profile for work and days off though as your activity seems totally different. I think you need to get the work one sorted as this is more of your days.

Anyone else think differently?

I've been 3am testing as I honestly cannot do another full on one on a work night 😱 all three days I've been at 5-6. Very pleased 🙂 Gonna do a full one probs saturday night now.

Re the daytime one for work/home, how the hell do i work that one? Test at work, change then do a seperate one on non work days? Also, how do I work around the walk to work thing.

Am fed up of having to have really high TBR's on during the day and not seeing results til night on kick off time.

Also, I'll probs have to have another profile thingy for when I do late shifts. Joy...

Oh well, we seem to be making progress at least...
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