Advice on pregnancy and diabetes !!!

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Hi ladies ...
I am 32 weeks pregnant and a type one diabetic and have been since the age of 14 .

My sugar levels have been well controlled all throughout my pregnancy ( first baby by the way ) I need abit of advice and I see all the time women being told they have bigger babies !!! On my 32 week growth scan baby was apparently a lot smaller than expected she weighs around 3.8lbs I am seriously stressing as I now don't have a due date for induction I just have been told to have weekly scans and to eat and not put too much pressure on myself with diabetes ???

Can anyone share or help me please very worried x!!!
I have had 3 kids now all while being diabetic I was told the first time by baby was too small but at 34wks he decided to make an appearance weighing in at 6lb 4 ozs which turned out ok as babies usually gain weight on the last 6wks of pregnancy so he would have been big. Insulin can cause the baby and you to be bigger than a non diabetic in my case I went from a size 8 to a size 22 due to insulin causing more amniotic fluid to be produced please don't stress over it i know easy said than done but ignore the diabetes(as such) and enjoy your first pregnancy as u are a first time mum first and a diabetic second. not diabetic and a first time mum always remember that I spoke to 154 diabetic midwives about how diabetics are first time mums too and there first question/advice should always be about the pregnancy not the diabetes in a lecture where as a patient I made the point all as people talked about was my diabetes not about being pregnant to which I was clueless. I knew what it was like to be diabetic for God sake. It made many rethink their approach to diabetics who are wish you all the luck hun.xxxx
Hey a quick update! Had scan today and baby is still growing although still on the small side so I'm being induced this Sunday at 37 weeks.

Their view is that all the development is done by then so why wait any longer and risk placenta slowing down or other complications. More importantly I agree with them!

Excited now! Good look with your scan tomorrow to @Brakersx xxx
Hey a quick update! Had scan today and baby is still growing although still on the small side so I'm being induced this Sunday at 37 weeks.

Their view is that all the development is done by then so why wait any longer and risk placenta slowing down or other complications. More importantly I agree with them!

Excited now! Good look with your scan tomorrow to @Brakersx xxx
Good luck and enjoy the moment
Hey a quick update! Had scan today and baby is still growing although still on the small side so I'm being induced this Sunday at 37 weeks.

Their view is that all the development is done by then so why wait any longer and risk placenta slowing down or other complications. More importantly I agree with them!

Excited now! Good look with your scan tomorrow to @Brakersx xxx
Good luck @Nicola16 I hope everything goes well! 🙂
Hey a quick update! Had scan today and baby is still growing although still on the small side so I'm being induced this Sunday at 37 weeks.

Their view is that all the development is done by then so why wait any longer and risk placenta slowing down or other complications. More importantly I agree with them!

Excited now! Good look with your scan tomorrow to @Brakersx xxx
How are things going @Nicola16 ? Hope all is well 🙂
Hey a quick update! Had scan today and baby is still growing although still on the small side so I'm being induced this Sunday at 37 weeks.

Their view is that all the development is done by then so why wait any longer and risk placenta slowing down or other complications. More importantly I agree with them!

Excited now! Good look with your scan tomorrow to @Brakersx xxx

Hiya !! Sorry to hear it's a little early but trust in them and get baby here safe is the most important !!! ❤️ Hugs !!!
More panic for me I'm afraid !!! My baby girl is growing fine and placenta seems to be great too so after a scan just yesterday little one is still breech her head is under ribs with no sign of turning so a c section has been booked but I'm having a panic attack as most of my day I have spent crying with worry as they cannot book me in over next weekend I will be 38+5 and I'm really worried that is too late as I don't have an over active baby I've been hospital many times with concerns of movement and I always heard over 38 is dangerous !!!! Someone help me with t1 was anyone at all aloud to go over 38 because everything I have read has said to be induced or c sec at 38 not over !!! I'm so stressed !!!! Xxxxxx
Hiya !! Sorry to hear it's a little early but trust in them and get baby here safe is the most important !!! ❤️ Hugs !!!
More panic for me I'm afraid !!! My baby girl is growing fine and placenta seems to be great too so after a scan just yesterday little one is still breech her head is under ribs with no sign of turning so a c section has been booked but I'm having a panic attack as most of my day I have spent crying with worry as they cannot book me in over next weekend I will be 38+5 and I'm really worried that is too late as I don't have an over active baby I've been hospital many times with concerns of movement and I always heard over 38 is dangerous !!!! Someone help me with t1 was anyone at all aloud to go over 38 because everything I have read has said to be induced or c sec at 38 not over !!! I'm so stressed !!!! Xxxxxx
I can't help with this, but I would suggest contacting the Diabetes UK Helpline to see if they can give you any advice or reassurance:

Hoping all goes well for you!
Hi @Brakersx, sorry to hear you've been so worried and that you had to be booked for a c-section but it really doesn't matter how our little ones come into the world - I'm sure your little bundle will be absolutely fine so try to relax. I know they like to try and induce at 38 weeks, but as someone who has just been induced that can take days anyway so the fact they have booked for 38+5 wouldn't be more than if you'd been induced anyway. Remember If you weren't diabetic they would let you go to 42 weeks so under 39 is still early but still full term to a half way house and I'm sure all will be just perfect! Keep us updated ❤️

@Northerner - I'm fine thank you, my beautiful little girl was born on 21st after being induced 4 days earlier. Her entry was dramatic and I had to have a little operation afterwards after developing a hematoma but we are ok now. She is absolutely tiny at only 4lb 13oz (at the last scan they thought 5lb 6oz) and she has a little bit of jaundice which we are keeping an eye but she is just perfect!
@Northerner - I'm fine thank you, my beautiful little girl was born on 21st after being induced 4 days earlier. Her entry was dramatic and I had to have a little operation afterwards after developing a hematoma but we are ok now. She is absolutely tiny at only 4lb 13oz (at the last scan they thought 5lb 6oz) and she has a little bit of jaundice which we are keeping an eye but she is just perfect!
Oh, many, many congratulations @Nicola16 ! 🙂 I'm so pleased you are both OK now, what a little jewel she must be! 🙂 I hope she is soon strong and well, sleeping through the nights and keeping you entertained through the days 🙂
Hi @Brakersx, sorry to hear you've been so worried and that you had to be booked for a c-section but it really doesn't matter how our little ones come into the world - I'm sure your little bundle will be absolutely fine so try to relax. I know they like to try and induce at 38 weeks, but as someone who has just been induced that can take days anyway so the fact they have booked for 38+5 wouldn't be more than if you'd been induced anyway. Remember If you weren't diabetic they would let you go to 42 weeks so under 39 is still early but still full term to a half way house and I'm sure all will be just perfect! Keep us updated ❤️

@Northerner - I'm fine thank you, my beautiful little girl was born on 21st after being induced 4 days earlier. Her entry was dramatic and I had to have a little operation afterwards after developing a hematoma but we are ok now. She is absolutely tiny at only 4lb 13oz (at the last scan they thought 5lb 6oz) and she has a little bit of jaundice which we are keeping an eye but she is just perfect!

Hi lovely ... My baby girl was born yesterday emergency. C section and weighs 6.11lb she is overall really well and were so in love with her , I'm very very sore and in pain but she is here safe , my movements had slowed down and after getting an emergency scan Monday little one didn't move on the scan I was worried sick hope all is ok with you let me know how you get on xxx
Hi lovely ... My baby girl was born yesterday emergency. C section and weighs 6.11lb she is overall really well and were so in love with her , I'm very very sore and in pain but she is here safe , my movements had slowed down and after getting an emergency scan Monday little one didn't move on the scan I was worried sick hope all is ok with you let me know how you get on xxx
Huge congratulations on the birth of your little one @Brakersx ! 🙂 Hope all is well with you, and that you recover well 🙂
Congratulations @Brakersx so happy she's here safe! Well done us eh! Enjoy the first few days and get a rest when you can - much love xx
Congratulations on both your new arrivals ladies, well done :D I hope you're both getting some sleep and a bit of relaxation in between mum duties, and really enjoying every second with your gorgeous little bundles 🙂
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