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Lou has just had some bloods taken and waiting on results. Will keep you guys informed 🙂
Thanks for the update Sam, can you tell her not to worry and to come back on here when she feels calmer and tell us what happened. Thanks.🙂Bev x
Thanks for the update Sam, can you tell her not to worry and to come back on here when she feels calmer and tell us what happened. Thanks.🙂Bev x

will do 🙂
latest text from lou's fiance, she's in being looked at by a doctor

I'm still really shocked at how poor someone can be looked after by a healthcare team, lack of bloodwork at diagnosis too. It's beyond laughable! Poor lou :(
she's out, bloods at 8.4 with no insulin and no ketones. They've told her to change clinics
Lou, i think you should make an appointment at your GP (ask if you can have a slightly longer one than normal) and go over your whole history since being diagnosed. It seems that you have been treated very badly and you need to 'start again'. I am wondering whether you are actually a type 1 instead of type 2? If your still a type 2 - you will still need to be given proper and thorough advice by a specialist diabetes team or consultant. Dont take no for an answer!
You do need to get to the bottom of this very quickly as you should not be allowed to stay at a level of 16mmols for a long time. This will eventually make you ill and can mean longer term complications. They should have been advising you that a hba1c of 11 is high and this can lead to complications - so they should have been supporting you to get better control. They havent and this is awful. Its not your fault - but at least now you have an idea of how to get things sorted out. Please let us know what you decide to do and hope your feeling a lot calmer.🙂Bev x
Hope you get sorted soon and start to feel better.

I can't believe how badly you've been treated, it's discusting!
latest text from lou's fiance, she's in being looked at by a doctor

I'm still really shocked at how poor someone can be looked after by a healthcare team, lack of bloodwork at diagnosis too. It's beyond laughable! Poor lou :(

That's what St George's did to me too. The ambulance lady did a prick test on the way in and wrote down the result for me (I was 24.5 too). They were supposed to do bloods in A&E but left me sitting in an exam room for hours then told me to go home and see my doctor asap. I had to get the bus home. It was another two weeks before I got the diagnosis.

I hope that doctor Lou's seeing has more on the ball than those pillocks she's been dealing with till now. Let us know us soon as you can won't you?

Hi everyone,

Doctor was great, explained alot to me. There wasn't alot he could do as I had no Ketones and sugars returned to normal(ish). I just gotta see my doc and get changed to a different clinic and hope that its better.

Thank you sooooooooo much for all your help an support today, I couldn't have gone through today without you guys

Hugely pleased you're OK, and hope that you can get some PROPER care from this day forward!!! Yayyyyyyyy!!!!:D:D:D
Glad to hear your levels are back to where they should be. Hope the docs can get you a new clinic quickly.
Hi there really sorry to see your care is so terrible but good your levels are steady now , I just hope you can get sorted and get the care you deserve x
I'm so glad to hear you're ok!!! I really hope that your docs can sort you out. You poor thing, that must have been horrible. Still, at least that might have alerted you healthcare team to the fact that something's not quite right with you.
All the best

hey Lou ...just picked up on this thread ...i had been wondering what was going on earlier (FB and all that...)ITS THIS PLACE BRILLIANT well done forum for kicking in at the right time and supporting you through wooow Im so glad you have been seen and at last might get an idea as to what is going on and what to do...BIG HUGS xxx i am appauled at your care so far...good luckx
Me too, just picked up this thread. Please keep us informed Lou.

Thank goodness for this forum. It does indeed ROCK big time. Feeling teary that people can be so good. Rare.

I really hope things are looking up for you soon Lou. You deserve good care. Everyone does.

I'm so glad you went and got some help Lou 🙂 Hopefully things can only get better from now on. Let us know how it goes with your new clinic and keep logging in here!

Hope you are feeling better today. Hope you can get better support form your clinic or get to a new one that gives you the care you deserve.

You said to me before that you have MODY, it is unusual for someone with this type to have been put on metformin, seems like your team doesn't know much about it. Maybe you can contact the team at Exeter for more help. I think I gave you the link, but I can post it again if you like.
Hi Lou - I was just wondering what your levels have been like today, hope they have been better.
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