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I doubt my mum wud take me and I don't drive. None of us like to make a fuss... sounds stupid i know but we seem to spend our lives at the hospital what with other problems with other family members
The stomach ache is probably due to the high levels your having all the time and probably ketones.
You absolutely need to go back to your team and tell them you need to start from scratch because they havent told you anything from the sounds of it!

It is NOT ok to be 16 most of the time - this is really bad.

You need to know how to work out your insulin needs and how to carb count - otherwise its a stab in the dark and no wonder your always high.

I am appalled at how little they have told you. I would give you some advice but we are not allowed to as we dont know your full history etc - but i do know that you are being let down terribly by your team. Have you had a hba1c test done yet? Bev

Ive had 1/2 in the last .... 2/3 years prob
Also, you shouldnt be exercising if your levels are over 14 or it will make you even higher.
Also, you shouldnt be exercising if your levels are over 14 or it will make you even higher.

I didnt know that until you guys have told me in this post x
I doubt my mum wud take me and I don't drive. None of us like to make a fuss... sounds stupid i know but we seem to spend our lives at the hospital what with other problems with other family members

hun, it doesn't matter. This is your welfare we're talking about and it could be dangerous for you if you keep having levels like this :(
Seriously, get on the phone with your doctor RIGHT NOW, or if you have to then WALK to the hospital a&e dept.
What about your fiance? could he take you to the docs or anything?

It is so, so, so important that you get this sorted. There's only so much advice i can give you over fb, I'm not medically trained. But in all seroiusness, I would come to you right now if i could and march you straight down the doctors.

I'm so angry for you right now i could cry 😡
hun, it doesn't matter. This is your welfare we're talking about and it could be dangerous for you if you keep having levels like this :(
Seriously, get on the phone with your doctor RIGHT NOW, or if you have to then WALK to the hospital a&e dept.
What about your fiance? could he take you to the docs or anything?

It is so, so, so important that you get this sorted. There's only so much advice i can give you over fb, I'm not medically trained. But in all seroiusness, I would come to you right now if i could and march you straight down the doctors.

I'm so angry for you right now i could cry 😡

Fiance is at work. n so is mum at mo. I feel like crying too
Fiance is at work. n so is mum at mo. I feel like crying too

*massive hugs*

I wish i could swear on this forum. Seriously. I'm so angry that your team could let you down in such a way. You NEED to get this sorted out and NOW. Even if you have to get in a taxi and sit in your doctors surgery until they see you.
Try not to get too upset, just keep checking your blood levels. If they start climbing up into the 20+ range again, call NHS direct and ask for advice. They may suggest an ambulance - don't feel guilty about it, they'd rather take you to be checked out than let things get worse.

Reading back, I'm wondering if you are a misdiagnosed Type 1. You were put on Glargine (lantus) originally, then taken off that and put on metformin. That didn't work so now you are on lantus and NR. To me, it sounds like you were honeymooning initially with a slow onset Type 1. This should be investigated so you can get proper care, so something else to hassle your DSN/doctor about.
When you fiance is back PLEASE go to either the docs (if they are still open) or hospital and tell them that you are high all the time, have had no help and have stomach pains. you need to be referred to a diabetic specialist, this just isn't fair :(

Or like sam said, get a taxi to the doctor's surgery now. This is your health on the line.
Lou, dont panic. Can you ring your team today? If so, tell them that you were 24 and you are desperate to get this down and that you want an emergency appointment with them as obviously there is something very wrong. An hba1c of 11 is not great, they tell us to aim for 8 or less - 8 is still not great but its heading in the right direction. Please dont panic - but if your levels start going over 24 then just go to A & E as you will need help.🙂Bev
Also ask for a ketone monitor - 'optium exceed' is the one that uses a blood finger prick test and gives accurate results.
Bit late for getting too upset can barely see the screen lol Thanks guys. I knew my care was bad but I didnt realise it was quite as bad as it is.
Lou, dont panic. Can you ring your team today? If so, tell them that you were 24 and you are desperate to get this down and that you want an emergency appointment with them as obviously there is something very wrong. An hba1c of 11 is not great, they tell us to aim for 8 or less - 8 is still not great but its heading in the right direction. Please dont panic - but if your levels start going over 24 then just go to A & E as you will need help.🙂Bev

I dont have their number
i've just messaged you back on fb.

What hospital are you under?
Bit late for getting too upset can barely see the screen lol Thanks guys. I knew my care was bad but I didnt realise it was quite as bad as it is.

If you at leaset phone your GP surgery and make an emergency appointment for sometime tonight/tomorrow or monday (they dont even have to be proper emergencies so dont feel bad!) you will make me very happy :D xx
i've just messaged you back on fb.

What hospital are you under?

Not under a hospital exactly. I see a consultant at haslemere hospital but she doesn't do test etc just asks me bout my control and rights dwn what my levels are n then says they need to be lower
I dont have their number

Are they based at your local hospital? If so, just ring the main switchboard number and ask for the name of your consultant or the 'diabetes' dept. They will have an extension number and you should be able to leave a message or speak to someone. I am sorry if we have upset you - that wasnt our intention at all - we just all want to get you 'back on track' and hopefully feeling a lot better without tummy trouble!🙂Bev x
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