• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. Northerner

    HbA1c and OGTT: Understanding the Differences

    Is A1c better than an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in diabetes management? The prevalence of diabetes keeps increasing in the United States and challenges often arise when managing patients with uncontrolled diabetes. Diagnosis and adequate glycemic control relies mostly on A1c levels. However...
  2. CosmicOwl

    Sensitive to blood sugar levels?

    I've been told my blood sugar control is 'too good', it averages between 5-8mmol/l, but I feel sick and get headaches/thirsty/tired/blurry vision when it gets to the 7-8 range, so try and keep it at 5-6, because I feel my best then. The diabetic nurse said my background BG was 'very tight' and...
  3. M

    High hba1c unplanned pregnancy

    Hi there, I've found out in three weeks pregnant with an hba1c of 97. This pregnancy was not planned and as you can see my control has been shocking. Meeting with diabetic nurse tomorrow. She asked GP to inform me this pregnancy was incredibly high risk prior to meeting her. Any advice...
  4. Northerner

    Intensive treatment of glucose levels can lead to serious complications

    With a more-is-better mindset common in society, frequent commercials encouraging checks of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) levels, and ads for new diabetes medications to lower HbA1C in adults with Type 2 diabetes, Mayo Clinic researchers were not too surprised to find overtesting occurring...
  5. C

    Type 1 pregnancy help & advice

    Hi all, We have just found out I am 4 weeks pregnant and I have been to my first antenatal clinic today. I feel really overwhelms and bombarded with things to focus on. Although I am very early on I can't seem to get my sugars down and am super conscious that they need to be. Just looking for...
  6. Ralph-YK

    Nurse appointment, HbA1c

    Had appointment with nurse at GPs today. HbA1c is 48. Up from Januray. December 2014: 64 (diagnoses, big infection) March 2015: 55 August 2015: 47 January 2016: 46 The appointment was better than the others, although didn't have time to discuss everything. She actually some things, like...
  7. W

    Pre Diabetes advice please

    Hi, I have been told that I am pre diabetic. I have an annual stroke review in December and have bloods taken in late November. When I actualy had the review I was told to make a GP appointment as my blood sugars were high, I made the appointment for January 7th. On January 4th I had to go to...
  8. SB2015

    Top tips for lowering HbA1c please

    I read of people on here with amazing HbA1c values. I wondered what would be your three top tips for achieveping these values. I know everyone is different but I would be interested. I keep going back to Pumping Insulin and Think like a pancreas, and they remind me of good strategies. Now I...
  9. Ralph-YK

    HbA1c down

    Just got my HbA1c, in a very casual manner. She said it's gone down again, which suggests it's gone down before. I didn't know. It didn't bother the doctor that I did know and needed to ask. This is what I got today. HbA1c December 2014: 64 March 2015: 55 August: 48 January 2016: 47
  10. Northerner

    Overtesting for diabetes patients reaps negative rewards

    In a study released online in The BMJ, researchers from Mayo Clinic report a national trend toward overtesting glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) levels in adult patients with Type 2 diabetes. Overtesting causes redundancy and waste says the study team, adding unnecessary costs and time burden for...