• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. Northerner

    A1c test misses many cases of diabetes

    Using the hemoglobin A1c blood test to diagnose diabetes tends to underestimate the prevalence of the disease, according to a new study to be presented Saturday, March 23 at ENDO 2019, the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in New Orleans, La. "Based on our findings, A1c should not be solely...
  2. AdeleTurner72

    My 1st diaversary, the scores are in....

    Next week marks 12 months from my type 2 diagnosis. Had my annual review today, and my Hba1c is now 41. Really pleased with this result, which I believe has definitely been achieved by following the great advice on this forum, and the Xpert diabetes course. The only thing which has puzzled me...

    Too Good at Controlling it.

    It`s a beautiful Sunday in Torbay:). Just strolling through the forum reading and commenting, before we stroll down to the beach. (200yds). Thought a good time to let you know my latest HbA1c results. Dx. October 2017 @156: December 2017 @48: April 2018 @48: June 20 2018 @38:D. Saw the DSN and...
  4. Luke

    Low HbA1c?

    Hey so, I was diagnosed with type 1diabetes 1 year ago and last week had my 1 year hbA1c - which came back today. It was 5.4- My nurse says it’s way too low - according to the sheet it’s ‘non diabetic’ but I thought that’s perfect because I fear the consequences of high blood sugar and do...
  5. KateL00

    HbA1c Control

    Hi, I know there might already be a forum like this but i am unable to find it. I have really struggled with my diabetes. I really find it difficult and my HbA1c isn't too good either it is 87. So i would like to know if there is anything that has helped you to get control of your bloods? And...
  6. T

    So far so good, but worrying it might not last.

    Sorry I know this one has been covered many times but I know people have had varying degrees of success with this. I was diagnosed with Type 2 in October, was briefly "definitely" type 1 due to my weight 13 stone'ish and age 33, but that turned out to be a nurse who didn't know enough about...
  7. nickinwarwick

    Update: HbA1c result in

    Quick recap - diagnosed type 2 in Sep 2015, didn't really address it or make any lifestyle changes. Fastforward to Sep 2017, had a tough speaking-to by DSN and started participating here. I've been trying to be fully low-carb and have increased exercise since September. Still overweight but it's...
  8. Northerner

    HbA1c Converter

    Converts %-age to mmol/mol and vice versa, and gives estimated average BG: https://www.hba1cnet.com/hba1c-calculator/
  9. CharleyWheeler

    HbA1C Result...

    Hi there, I'm new here, so please forgive any mistakes I make whilst posting! I've recently gotten my HbA1C result back, and due to complications with my mental health I've not been looking after my type one diabetes AT ALL, and my result is 11mmol/l :( I know this is terrible, but I've taken...
  10. RobK

    HbA1c Test Totally amazed!

    After having an HbA1c of 70 in early March I'm amazed that my latest on 24th May has dropped to 39 ! Its been incredibly hard work over the last 3 months with the diet and exercise but getting a result like that is far better than I could ever had imagined, To say I'm over the moon is an...
  11. Ralph-YK

    HbA1c, 46 again

    Got results today and it's 46 again. Last time, Feb, it was 47.
  12. A

    Hba1c calculation formula

    I wanted to know how to calculate your hba1c. I'm using mmol/L. I was thinking this was the right formula below. Please help me out A1c = (2.59 + average_blood_glucose) / 1.59
  13. khskel

    Another good review

    Saw the the proper Dr at the clinic today rather than the useless locum I saw last time. A good review because she'd read my notes and we discussed my D taking my other conditions and medication into account, what a refreshing change. Anyway HBA1C is 48 which she said was good for a Creonista...
  14. Ralph-YK

    Diabetes Review - positive

    Had review today. Supportive and positive. Yay. Been trying to tell them needed more from them. Then: "How much cake have you been eating?" o_O:rolleyes::oops: HbA1c, from February: 47. Up 1.
  15. CosmicOwl

    Type 1 diagnosis with low blood sugar?

    First off I am type 1 diabetic myself, and diagnosed, however my fiance (non diabetic as far as we know) went to hospital today for passing out at work, and they tested his blood pressure (low), blood glucose (3.8), and ketones which came back as 0.4, he also had ketones present in his urine...
  16. HelenA21

    Recently Diagnosed

    Hello All, After a routine Fasting Blood Test result of 7.6 in October 2016, followed by a Glucose Tolerance Test result of 8.5 (before) - 15.4 (after), I was diagnosed as Type 2 at the start of December 2016. My Total Cholesterol result was 6.5 (HDL 1.2, LDL 4.2). As directed I made an...
  17. CosmicHedgehog

    Hba1c Question.

    Good Morning :) I should know this, but it seems this bit of info has wandered off and got lost in my brain... If you have a virus ( cold/flu ) and your numbers are higher than they should be when you have the blood test, does it affect the result? As its a snap shot of numbers over however many...
  18. S

    Hba1c not coming down !!

    hi everyone just need some advice please My daughter is 14 and her hba1c has been as follows, 14 % in June 10% in September and now 12% this month, her levels during the day vary between 4 & 9 but mostly in range , however she wakes up over 16 most mornings even though she's on 44 units of...
  19. AlisonM

    Oh Frabjous Day!

    Just been to the clinic for my MOT. HbA 47 (6.5) which is bleedin' amazin' given how ill I've been and the stress from that - I really thought it would be far higher. I is so relieved. BP was 115/69 which is about my usual and, and, and... I managed to mislay 10 kilos since last time I was...
  20. Ralph-YK

    HbA1c results, 46

    Got a letter yesterday with my results. 46. Yay they just sent a letter and I didn't have to get onto them. First reading from new practice. I was a bit taken aback. I've wasn't aware I'd had that test. I've been sorting out my prescriptions with the Dr's and had to go in for a review app...