• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Back in the sixes with 6.2. 🙂

5.3 here on this foggy start, moored just down from Gailey Top Lock, starting to head back to the marina for Friday. We’re doing it really slowly and not moving much each day, a real change for us from the past, but it’s kind of nice to be so relaxed.

Still got lots of thoughts tumbling around about T1/T2 and fear of losing the CGM if the consultant says I’m T2. Reading more about it, certainly years after diagnosis, it seems a very difficult distinction to be able to make between the two types.

Take care everyone!
Good Morning all - 5.8 this morning.
Its another wonderful sunshine day here so I shall take myself out somewhere.
Have a very good day everyone. icon_sunny.gificon_sunny.gif
5.6 for me on a bright, sunny but crisp Berkshire morning. Nipped down to Morrisons just after 8 o'clock to pick up a newspaper and some fresh strawberries for breakfast and - once again - they hadn't got round to replenishing the soft fruit aisle. Had to make do with one of yesterday's leftover punnets.

Our youngest is back at work today having missed two shifts due to our being away at the weekend, He did tell them at his interview that he was away those days, and reminded them when he finished last Wednesday's shift, but they still phoned him on Sunday morning to ask where he was!

More or less caught up with the laundry and some of the ironing yesterday, in between grocery shopping and swimming, so just the beds to strip today. Otherwise nothing special planned but will be popping over to nearby Bracknell later as my wife wants something from Waitrose and our local one doesn't have it.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
Morning all. 5.9 here.

Wednesday’s my busiest day but at least it stops me from thinking about my upcoming annual review at the end of the month!
A question to all Omnipod users - does anyone use an insulin other than Novorapid in their Pods? @nonethewiser @PattiEvans @PhoebeC @mark king
Yes, I use Apidra. It’s a bit faster than novorapid. I noticed it particularly when I went away without any insulin and could only get Novorapid which seemed so slow in comparison. Apparently Omnipod don‘t licence it, but everyone at my clinic is on Apidra.

5.1 today, nothing much planned. New glasses ordered so bank account if £350 lighter.

Hint of a blue sky here.
Next time try ASDA opticians. I get mine there, varifocals, anti scratch, anti glare and light reactive, I recently paid £139. Very happy with them.
Morning all. 5.9 here.

Wednesday’s my busiest day but at least it stops me from thinking about my upcoming annual review at the end of the month!
A question to all Omnipod users - does anyone use an insulin other than Novorapid in their Pods? @nonethewiser @PattiEvans @PhoebeC @mark king
i just started using Apidra works fine in my medtronic
Morning all and what a beautiful morning it is here in West Cornwall.

7.1 when I woke at 9am.

Slept like a log last night, probably worn out after all that traipsing round shops. In fact I dozed off whilst watching Masterchef and will have to watch the episode again (much to J's annoyance! tee hee). Still got to watch Bake Off so don't tell me the result @eggyg.

Today I have an appointment with the DSN at the local hospital where she holds a clinic once a week. Hopefully she can adjust my Omnipod so I stop getting this FOTF rise which the HCL is supposed to adjust but doesn't. Then a trip to a couple of supermarkets to get stuff for lunch on Sunday when we are entertaining. I'm making twice baked salmon souffles followed by gammon cooked in cider and then the (nearly) flourless chocolate cake that went down so well last weekend. Won't have another chance to shop before Sat when I plan to do most of the cooking, Chicken drumsticks for dinner tonight.

@Gwynn good to hear your news. You also asked where @ColinUK 's houses have gone. You remind me that it was @Michael1234 (now known as @miguel81 ) who started that and he's been absent from the forum for a while now. Do hope he is OK.

Have a good day all
A 6.1 for me this lovely sunny morning.
Good morning (it is, I checked), lovely blue sky here.

4.1 and a low alarm sounded for me, but pretty soon, I put a stop to that. BG rose to 5.3.

I went to the Doctor yesterday for a physical and some blood tests. I also told them about my fall two days back and how it took over four hours to stem the bleeding! They told me off for not getting medical help sooner, but since I stemmed the blood by myself, they stood down. My wife was right all along, as usual.
Still sore so I redressed my wounds (knee and fingers).

Have a good day everyone.
5.1 for me this morning, we had a survey on the house on Monday and was offered new loft insulation and some fancy valves for the radiators not sure what they are but as there free we said yes also putting new extractor fans in the kitchen and bathroom, anyway the guy said we would need to empty the loft before they can lay the new stuff, he said it will be a couple of weeks, that was Monday, yesterday the company phoned wanting to do the loft today, well of course there was no chance we could empty the loft in less than 24 hours, So there coming on Monday and its going to take a few days to empty the loft and we even have to take up the floor boarding so they can remove the old stuff, bit of a nightmare to be honest. not looking forward to workmen all over the house when we have just put new carpets in all the rooms. anyway have a good day everyone
Morning all. 5.9 here.

Wednesday’s my busiest day but at least it stops me from thinking about my upcoming annual review at the end of the month!
A question to all Omnipod users - does anyone use an insulin other than Novorapid in their Pods? @nonethewiser @PattiEvans @PhoebeC @mark king
Yes I am on fiasp. Apparently it’s not an approved insulin for the pod but I don’t think I’m the only one.
My workshop stool broke yesterday, one of the castors disintegrated. Obviously trying to tell me something. Scoured the internet and replacing the castors 5 needed as not easy to just replace the broken one actually cost more than buying a new one, which has just arrived.
Hello all - very strangely I'm sending this from the sky as my husband has tapped into the plane's wifi on his laptop. We set off this morning 2 and a bit hour drive to Edinburgh then flew down to Heathrow and now on our way to Canada. I'm accompanying him on a business trip. Only got 30 mins from home and realised that I'd miscalculated my meds and had only brought 3 days worth of penicillin with me! Phoned Pharmacy2U (no help); phoned my surgery (even less help which is quite unusual for them). No dispensing chemist at either airport. Emailed my Mum's cousin in Edmonton who we're staying with this weekend and within 20 mins he'd emailed back to say that he'd spoken to a pharmacy there and arranged that I can go in and show them my current box and they'll let me have some more - PHEW!!. My next problem that I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me with, is that I've realised I have no idea what I should do about my background basal dose of Lantus that I usually have at 10pm. I'm travelling back in time at the moment and am going to be about 8 or 9 hours behind when I get there. Do I take it in two hours which will be 10pm and then try to work out what the equivalent of that is in Canadian time for tomorrow as I can't take it again at 10pm Canadian time as I'll be ODing on it. Or do I wait until 10pm Canadian time which will actually be 7am UK time - HELP!! 😱 I'm tagging a few people who may know but if anyone else wants to chip in please do. @eggyg @PattiEvans @Eternal422
When I went to San Francisco then on to Australia I took half my Levemir basal (14U) the night before in the UK at my normal time then the second half (14U) at my normal time on San Francisco time. It seemed to work out ok for me. My DSN just said to gradually move the single dose by a few hours each day before travelling to match the destination time, but having found a website that suggested this method of splitting the dose, I went with that instead.

Here’s the spreadsheet I did which may give you some ideas and help :

Morning all. 5.9 here.

Wednesday’s my busiest day but at least it stops me from thinking about my upcoming annual review at the end of the month!
A question to all Omnipod users - does anyone use an insulin other than Novorapid in their Pods? @nonethewiser @PattiEvans @PhoebeC @mark king

Don't usually look at this thread but just seen your tag @Bloden

Yes I use fiasp, have done for some years now problem free, was previously using novorapid.