• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Hello everyone, better late than never. What a glorious day it has been !!!

7.4 this morning at 8 am.

Didn't post this morning as I was in a rush as I was meeting my friend at the station to go shopping in Truro. Subsequently had a very active day as we walked down from the station into town. Went into several shops and tried stuff on then went to a venue that was previously very good and very innovative for lunch. They weren't very busy but it took 45 minutes for our order to turn up. It was nice enough, a flatbread topped with Parma ham, figs (fresh and dried) and Mozzarella, with coleslaw and a rocket salad. My god, but it was excercise just cutting the flatbread, even with steak knives. Anyway, it was tasty enough, but I confess to leaving the last quarter of it. Sadly the decor/furniture is looking a bit tired these days, whereas a couple of years ago it was quite exotic.

We then went on to TK Maxx (more trying on) before finally getting to M&S (via Primark) on the other side of town which was where I really wanted to go as I have a gift voucher to spend. By which time I was too weary to try anything on!!! My friend wants to go in every shop on the planet! Got home around 6pm.

@Gwynn, lovely to hear some good news from you! Enjoy what's left of the day folks.
Hello all - very strangely I'm sending this from the sky as my husband has tapped into the plane's wifi on his laptop. We set off this morning 2 and a bit hour drive to Edinburgh then flew down to Heathrow and now on our way to Canada. I'm accompanying him on a business trip. Only got 30 mins from home and realised that I'd miscalculated my meds and had only brought 3 days worth of penicillin with me! Phoned Pharmacy2U (no help); phoned my surgery (even less help which is quite unusual for them). No dispensing chemist at either airport. Emailed my Mum's cousin in Edmonton who we're staying with this weekend and within 20 mins he'd emailed back to say that he'd spoken to a pharmacy there and arranged that I can go in and show them my current box and they'll let me have some more - PHEW!!. My next problem that I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me with, is that I've realised I have no idea what I should do about my background basal dose of Lantus that I usually have at 10pm. I'm travelling back in time at the moment and am going to be about 8 or 9 hours behind when I get there. Do I take it in two hours which will be 10pm and then try to work out what the equivalent of that is in Canadian time for tomorrow as I can't take it again at 10pm Canadian time as I'll be ODing on it. Or do I wait until 10pm Canadian time which will actually be 7am UK time - HELP!! 😱 I'm tagging a few people who may know but if anyone else wants to chip in please do. @eggyg @PattiEvans @Eternal422
When I went to San Francisco I was on Lantus and I took half my dose at the time I took it at home, and then the other half at the same time (say 10pm ) west coast time. After that I split it the whole time I was away. It was fine! Have a lovely time!
When I went to San Francisco I was on Lantus and I took half my dose at the time I took it at home, and then the other half at the same time (say 10pm ) west coast time. After that I split it the whole time I was away. It was fine! Have a lovely time!
Thanks Patti - I'll give that a try. I was thinking I could just take it at the equivalent time but then reading your reply I've realised that I take it at bedtime for a reason don't I? To do with the liver ... Not sure why none of this had crossed my mind before I came away. I realised earlier that I haven't been on a long haul flight since 2019 - interestingly also not since I gave up drinking 4.5 years ago - think my head will feel much better after only a few hours sleep than it used to!
I've found this piece and it seemed to make sense to me - so I've taken half my Lantus now (15 mins early as I need to catch some sleep) and have changed my watch to new time, then at 10pm new time I will take the other half and then from tomorrow I will take the usual amount at 10pm - goodness knows if that is right but I'm armed with jelly babies if needed 😳 Night all - or good afternoon as my watch now says it's 1.45pm xxx

Good morning 5.7 today, think I forgot to post yesterday morning (a Len yesterday)
at work feels like my week is dragging & looking forward to the weekend

Happy Hump Day
Morning all. A low 4.7. Checked with the meter and it agrees. Can only think it’s because I watched Mary Berry, Bake Off and then Masterchef, I was so stuffed I didn’t need a bedtime snack! 😉

Child care Wednesday today, got the two of them, three year old and nine month old! How to entertain them on a cold November day? Not frosty this morning but forecast grey so don’t think the park will be an option, too far for a dawdling toddler to walk. It’s a three mile round trip, don’t mind on a warm day taking our time but not at 5/6 degrees. Maybe a visit to Buttons the donkey and Rufus the Shetland pony on the way to throw Pooh sticks into the river from the bridge. That’ll fill half an hour in! Sorted! o_O

Sorry I never saw your post @zippyjojo, I would have been useless as haven’t been long haul since 2014 and I can honestly say I can’t remember what I did! Total blank! Looks like @PattiEvans came to the rescue. Have a great trip.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Well, yesterday, after 12pm, and a real gentle gesture of love from me, my wife, who had hidden her self away in the bedroom, forlorn and lost er, crumbled, tears, sobbing, relief, hope. She had started working out how to 'escape', to run away into darkness and emptiness. Her papers everywhere on the bed gathering what she thought she needed. The love did the trick and she totally melted. The real, happier, relaxed, easy going, lovely person emerged. And the rest of the day was so good. Way better than an HS !

You know what I miss on this forum? @ColinUK s awarded houses for those who get an HS.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
6.6 today

GP went alright yesterday, he thinks it’s the ulnar nerve and he’s referred me to the hospital for nerve conduction studies to see if it is the cubital tunnel compressing it and if so whether it needs surgery.

In the meantime I’m just going to commit to becoming a left handed musician… expect the wait could be a while.
BG was 5.1 today Feel better today Diversities was bad yesterday spent most of day saying hello to my new best friend the toilet TMI sorry
Morning a 7.2 after a big chippy yea and again trying to juggle the insulin.
Listened to a webinar last night about current state of play of Cancer Vaccines and fascinating to get an insight into current trials being done in this area and how much work is going on and different approaches.
It was not too nerdy and given by one of top immuno oncologists in U.K. and have usually found that the real experts can communicate in a clear way rather than pure Scientific ramblings.
I do know how emotive and how much this awful disease effects us all but good to know that progress is been made in treatment of some of the more harder to treat solid cancers to give hope to us all in the future.
Anyway back to more mundane things like leaf clearing and putting the bins out.
Have a great trip Zippy Jo and must admit I do like Canada.
Many moons ago I had the opportunity to do a PhD at Calgary but turned it down and have often wondered what different path in life I would have taken but as I think Edith Piaf said “Non, je ne regrette rien,”
Enjoy your day all
5.4 for me.

I'm enjoying my annual leave. I'm not doing much but that was the point, really!

Eldest heads back to university today. He's in his final year so has a couple of deadlines looming. His sister is still in her first year, and is doing a subject where she can do some of her assignment from home, so is able to stay here for a bit more of hercreading week.

Once eldest goes I might make a start on trying to tidy his room ready to have it replastered after Christmas. Trouble is none of my kids are minimalist so I think I'll do a big clear out, look at their rooms, have no idea where to start so give up and go and have a cup of tea instead!

Enjoy this very chilly Wednesday everyone (definitely need your gloves here today)