You're invited this wednesday

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Pizza in the oven, ninety grammes of carbohydrate coming my way. The plan is for fifteen units up front and then corrections as and when necessary. Bloods will be done prior to meal, two hours after, six hours after and then prior to bed.
Pizza in the oven, ninety grammes of carbohydrate coming my way. The plan is for fifteen units up front and then corrections as and when necessary. Bloods will be done prior to meal, two hours after, six hours after and then prior to bed.

Good one Tom! Your talking like a pumper already!🙂Is it possible that you could test hourly? Dont worry if its too much effort - I am just interested to know what it does on an hourly basis - it would be great for you to compare in future when your pumping too!🙂Bev
And because I'm peckish and can't wait for my pizza to be ready I am munching on a can of tuna...
Good one Tom! Your talking like a pumper already!🙂Is it possible that you could test hourly? Dont worry if its too much effort - I am just interested to know what it does on an hourly basis - it would be great for you to compare in future when your pumping too!🙂Bev

Will do that for you. Watch the results as they come in Bev.
Hi Bev

I am right with you! I gave my son pizza for tea.

I am waiting until tomorrow to give my results so that i can do one post with all the results from 6pm to midnight tonight.

Until tomorrow.............. x 🙂

ps. Have done an update on the pumpers thread.
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Hi Bev

I am right with you! I gave my son pizza for tea.

I am waiting until tomorrow to give my results so that i can do one post with all the results from 6pm to midnight tonight.

Until tomorrow.............. x 🙂

ps. Have done an update on the pumpers thread.

Hi Mand!

I am so glad youve joined in - i want to read all pumpers results!

Tom, dont have anything now - i suspect you will go high later with the pizza!😉Bev
Well i ave learnt pizza is still a thorn in my side caused me to go up and up, i wonder if having the hyper around 4-5 didnt help hmm well whatever another great experiment bev x
Thanks to everyone who took part - its really interesting reading everyones results! I was very pleased with ours as we started on a high level - but managed to even things out. I like doing these experiments as i learn so much from them.🙂

Just wondering if anyone else is learning anything? Are any of you surprised at 3 4 and 5 hour levels as you previously havent tested at these times?

Steph, it does seem as if pizza is a 'no no'!:( I am not sure what type 2's can do about having high carb meals?

Lou, you did really well - how are things this morning?

Tom, how did it go?

Mand - looking forward to reading your results and how you dosed!

Northey - your results were great - i wonder what would have happened if you had not split injection? Do you normally have pizza with one injection?🙂Bev
I rarely have pizza bev, but have only ever eaten any meal before with one injection - the split was a first for me! I think, given the evenness of my later readings it may have helped smooth a secondary spike. I was quite surprised at how quickly my levels rose initially - would have thought with all that fat it would have been much slower. I might try injecting 30 mins before next time I have a pizza, and splitting the dose too. I found it very useful as I wouldn't normally test that frequently after an evening meal, although I do have a fairly good idea about my breakfasts as I often test at 90 mins-2 hours if I am exercising. Those levels are ismilar to what I experienced with the pizza.

Great results for Alex - really shows the control you have with the pump!
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oOOo I dunno bev lol i cant win i thought doing my own might be ok but nope it was not .
Pizza test results

Hi Bev and all

My son had Sainsbury's pizza for tea last night.
(Pizza base, tomato sauce, ham, pinapple and cheese)
31.7 per 100g carb

Pre-meal blood 6.9

Bolused 8.9 of insulin for pizza

1 hr later = 4.8
2hr later = 3.5 (gave 100ml apple juice as felt hypo)
3 hr later = 9 (did not give a correction as wanted to see if continued to rise)
4 hr later = 9.5 (did not give a correction as wanted to see if still rising)
5 hr later = 8.5 (did not give correction as it was almost mignight and thought
this an ok number to go through the night on)
Woke this morning on 11.5

My thoughts on above
Went low to start with due to insulin peaking before pizza digested? But was surprised he did not go higher than 9.5 later.
Was the 11.5 this morning due to him rising even more due to the pizza after midnight? Although i cant imagine so as he had clearly began to come down. Or just one of those things? he does occassionally wake up on a higher than expected number.

I presume a dual wave would be good next time he has pizza to stop the low? But what ratio?

Your thoughts?
What do you think? Any advice/thoughts would be very welcome.

Mand x 🙂
I have posted my results on the other thread. It started out well, but then began to go wrong about 4 hrs in and kept going wrong...

I'm thinking I need a little bit less insulin up front and more later, and more insulin in general. I'm wondering whether a temp basal would be more useful to couteract the alter rise? Have any of the pumpers tried this? I seem to remember Adrienne saying she does something like this, but I could be wrong!

I really like these experiments, it's so interesting to see what other people do, and I definitely feel like I'm learning something!
Hi Mand, I copied your results into the sticky thread so we have them all together for future reference 🙂
Hi all,

Some interesting results there but nothing that made me other than very glad that I opted out of the experiment!

Hope that you all enjoyed the pizzas - I would have done in the past.

Let me know when you are testing out lower carbohydrate options. Something like bacon and eggs for breakfast - meat or fish with salad and/or vegetables for lunch or evening meal.

Best wishes to all of you - John
Hi all,

Some interesting results there but nothing that made me other than very glad that I opted out of the experiment!

Yes John, like I jokingly posted when the experiment was first proposed. the list (spagbol, fishn chips, pizza,fajitas) looked more like a "suicide note" for most T2s rather than a menu 🙂
Yes John, like I jokingly posted when the experiment was first proposed. the list (spagbol, fishn chips, pizza,fajitas) looked more like a "suicide note" for most T2s rather than a menu 🙂

I just think the intention was to see what diffirent foods did to our bgs levels , its all about trial and error i did really well with the fish and chips and the speg bol but not so good on the pizza so now that shows me i have to learn pizza is a no no.
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