Yippeeeee got my victoza

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It's good it's going well Steff, I'm pleased for you.

The Byetta seems to be making a difference for me, but not as much as I'd hoped. I'm still in double figures most of the time I'm waking up quite high, often in the mid teens but falling lower during the day, got down to 8.7 yesterday tea time. The BG pattern seems very different with the highest readings early in the day and lowest in the early evening, before Byetta it was the other way round. Confusing.

The worst of it is the nausea, I'm feeling really sick most of the time and have horrid indigestion and a very sore tummy. I find the symptoms are worse in the mornings and I can't manage to eat breakfast at all.

Give it time Alison hun, when i first went onto byetta it took a good week before i started seeing the diffirence but it did happen.
Thanks Mandy

first 4 days on it and things are good, not a hyper in sight since Monday lets hope it lasts.

Brill Steffie, fingers crossed you keep those numbers coming down
Nice one Steff! Victoza's got a marketing license so it has been tested on people before you and is suposed to be reasonably safe (some things do go wrong or are discovered later, look at Rosiglitazone) so you're not that much of a guinea pig, more like a bunny rabbit. Hope you're a happy one, Rachel
Nice one Steff! Victoza's got a marketing license so it has been tested on people before you and is suposed to be reasonably safe (some things do go wrong or are discovered later, look at Rosiglitazone) so you're not that much of a guinea pig, more like a bunny rabbit. Hope you're a happy one, Rachel

Thank you Rachel i am very happy..Im sure if i start feeling queazy it will be spotted by the doc/dsn
Well done Steff, welcome to the Victoza club. I upped my dose to 1.2 on the 17th, unlike you I've not had any nausea.
When do you take your jag? I do mine at 5pm, don't know if that has any bearing on nausea.
Wasn't sure if people lost weight because they were throwing up,:), however it's only been 10 days for me and of course I've given up the Metformin which is supposed to make you lose weight, but still on a morning jag of insulin.
Well done Steff, welcome to the Victoza club. I upped my dose to 1.2 on the 17th, unlike you I've not had any nausea.
When do you take your jag? I do mine at 5pm, don't know if that has any bearing on nausea.
Wasn't sure if people lost weight because they were throwing up,:), however it's only been 10 days for me and of course I've given up the Metformin which is supposed to make you lose weight, but still on a morning jag of insulin.

I take mine at 4pm Vicsetter, im still on the metformin that was also upped to 4 a few days ago..did you up the dose off your own back or did you have to see your doc/dsn first?
My Dr gave me the victoza, phoned me the next 2 nights to see how I was getting on and then went on holiday. She's pretty happy that I do what I want and seems to trust me. Didn't really bat an eyelid when I stopped taking Rosuvastatin and wasn't too bothered about me stopping the Metformin. She said the first week on 0.6 and then up to 1.2.
Ok well I am in seeing mine this morning for a check on how it's going..
Steffie could I just ask you please what you had to do to get onto Victoza. I am seeing my DSN today to make the suggestion. Thanx
Steffie could I just ask you please what you had to do to get onto Victoza. I am seeing my DSN today to make the suggestion. Thanx

Hi batts, welcome to the forum :)I think Steffie is out at work at the moment so not sure if she will be able to get back to you before your appointment, but here is the thread where she first posed the question - might be some help :)


and here:

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Steffie could I just ask you please what you had to do to get onto Victoza. I am seeing my DSN today to make the suggestion. Thanx

Hi There as you can see from Alans answer there it was alot of hard work and alot of homework to i had to literally prove to them i was a worthy candidate for victoza as they said all along its alot more expensive then byetta, but the byetta was not doing what it should of been and they had the proof with my stagnent weight loss and again many hypers....I am more then likely to late now but I do hope they let you try the victoza out..
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