Yippeeeee got my victoza

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As if yesterdays news was not good enough i got a call yesterday from my DSN saying i needed to come in today wanted to keep it quiet from here incase it was bad news i didnt want to tell everyone so left it until today.I now am the proud owner of 2 victoza pens lol..Took my first shot in the room under the watchful supervision on the doc and dsn but she said to me for all your hard work and dedication we could not say no in the end.I will be monitered closely for 3 weeks then i guess im left to my own devices......so sorry byetta babes im now victoza vixen pmsl..x

Great news Steffi, good for you :D Sheena
have read the link, really hoping this dramatically improves things for you.
Well done Steffie your hard work has paid off. :)
Hello Steffie,

Victoza is pretty new and still being investigated for side effects.
Pancreatitis and thyroid cancer seem to be what they are worried about in relation to it but the FDA says the benefit outweighs the risk at the moment.
But current users are basically guinea pigs.


there is also another drug awaiting FDA approval in the same byetta/victoza family which is a once a WEEK injection.
Great News Steffie, well done :D xx
Stef, that's great news - you got what you were after - you little vixen you !

Hugs from me,
thank you

mcdonagh thank you i have done alot of homework on victoza i did not take the choice lightly to go onto it, i am quite happy to be a guinea pig alwasy thought of myself as cuddley and hairy.
steffie congrations again lol
How's it going Steff? Any side effects at all?
have they set you the usual conditions to stay on it, with the weight loss and 1% reduction in A1c?
How's it going Steff? Any side effects at all?
have they set you the usual conditions to stay on it, with the weight loss and 1% reduction in A1c?

Going well ty Nikki, abit of nausea thats it, yeah got told my weight will be monitered closely got to lose a certain amount, feel abit pressurised if im honest but ill give it my best shot... my hbA has gone down significantly last week it was 6.7 previous 6.4 so she said my hbA was not to much of a worry at present.
Glad to hear its going well Steffie.
Thats good that it's nothing more than a bit of nausea. I'm sure the once a day is much easier for you. I'm thinking that when the once a week byetta gets released that will be brilliant
Yeah i was the same when i was started on the byetta had no where near as many issues as some of the other users in the forum...

I aint heard about this once a week byetta
Thank you kindly for that mcdo...

...and there is yet another GLP1 agonist (byetta-like drug) called albiglutide to be marketed as Syncria, which can be injected fortnightly or monthly and has the same results as byetta.
Its just moved up to Phase 3 tests, it causes nausea for up to 8 weeks which then subsides, they are working on reducing the starting nausea.

A monthly injection might make Type 2 a doddle ....as if !!
just caught up with all this wooooy wooo yet again ..well done steff all that hard work IS paying off ...your research and presenting your case to the team is admirable !!! xx
Thanks Mandy

first 4 days on it and things are good, not a hyper in sight since Monday lets hope it lasts.
It's good it's going well Steff, I'm pleased for you.

The Byetta seems to be making a difference for me, but not as much as I'd hoped. I'm still in double figures most of the time I'm waking up quite high, often in the mid teens but falling lower during the day, got down to 8.7 yesterday tea time. The BG pattern seems very different with the highest readings early in the day and lowest in the early evening, before Byetta it was the other way round. Confusing.

The worst of it is the nausea, I'm feeling really sick most of the time and have horrid indigestion and a very sore tummy. I find the symptoms are worse in the mornings and I can't manage to eat breakfast at all.
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