Yippeeeee got my victoza

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As if yesterdays news was not good enough i got a call yesterday from my DSN saying i needed to come in today wanted to keep it quiet from here incase it was bad news i didnt want to tell everyone so left it until today.I now am the proud owner of 2 victoza pens lol..Took my first shot in the room under the watchful supervision on the doc and dsn but she said to me for all your hard work and dedication we could not say no in the end.I will be monitered closely for 3 weeks then i guess im left to my own devices......so sorry byetta babes im now victoza vixen pmsl..x
Brilliant news, I'm glad all your hard work paid off....
Woohoo !!! :D

Way to go Steff. :D We'll be cheering you on from the sidelines. :)

Well OK Vixen, we'll forgive you. I'm glad you got what you need, looks like everything's coming together for you, which is wonderful.
Well done Steffie all your hard work has finally paid off xxxx
That's good news Steffie. Hope it does the trick.:)
well done!

whats the difference between the 2 then?
You deserter,just kidding:D its great news steffie,congrats on the new job too.
Well done, hope it improves your blood sugars.......

From reading the links it seem that they do the same thing, stimulate the beta cells, they must be engineered differently which allows you to take it only once and not prior to a meal.......

Less injecting though, happy days.........:)
Steffie we will soon need a thread for ex byetta babes.:)
Hope it works well for you Steffi allsorts must have been going through your mind on the way there
Great news Steffie - really pleased for you x
Well done Steffie (seem to be saying that a lot recently)! :)

I'm quite looking forward to the promised 'Victoza Vixens' thread. ;)

Brilliant, well done for your persistence. Victoza vixen, I like it!!
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