• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Wow -what's happening?

I agree that you need to look at reducing your basal as you are likely to be more insulin sensitive at the moment.
I can't remember what you chnaged about your basal after your clinic appointment, did you split it or chnage the timing?
Hi Kojack. Many thanks for that. I also looked at the recipe and found hi sugar ect so thought better of it. Where does one get the rye bread from, can I get it from tesco or morrisons? Phil Vickery has been doing some wheat free recipes on this morning and I go on the website to see what is new. All seem to have lots of sugar so I have emailed him to ask for free from recipes, just waiting for reply. Thanks again I am loving this site as I have learnt more about diabetes that my DN.
Weed tracker
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I agree that you need to look at reducing your basal as you are likely to be more insulin sensitive at the moment.
I can't remember what you chnaged about your basal after your clinic appointment, did you split it or chnage the timing?

Hi nikki,

After my appointment I got a pen that does single increments and reduced my lantus by 1 unit. This raised me by about 2 mmol/l fasting which I wasn't overly happy about, so I've been doing more nighttime testing and also snacking if 7 or below, but sticking to my original lantus.

I think that the pattern that has dawned on me is that I am particularly sensitive to insulin 24 hours after the event (increased activity), and this then carries through the night and most of the following day - so that's about 40-odd hours! So, I should reduce my lantus on these occasions to take account of this.

I think I'm a bit obsessive at the moment about my levels - does that feeling ever go? I've been lucky, I think, in that I do seem to be pretty stable. I do feel for those who try so hard and are still having difficulty keeping within their desired range.
Hi Northener. I have had the same thing happen to me. My levels were just under 10 (was still fairly new to it all at the time). I took my slow acting and within 30mins it had dropped to below 2.5.

It took some doing to bring it back up and felt awful for several hours afterwards. I was advised by my Diabetic Nurse that I had probably injected into a muscle which has a rich blood supply, so used up all my insulin.

Occassionaly catch a muscle even now and dropping like a stone. Not so much since using Levimer.

Glad to hear you are ok now.
Hi Craig,

There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary when I injected - no spot of blood or subsequent bruise, but I think it can be the only explanation to plummet so soon after injecting the lantus. Hopefully, it won't happen too often!
Tsk! Another hypo last night:( I woke at around 4:30 needing to go to the loo, felt OK, but decided to test and discovered I was 2.7. Had something to eat and then had fitful sleep, waking up to 3.8. Funny thing was, I didn't have any real symptoms at 2.7, except vision wasn't great, but I put that down more to glare from switching on my lamp than anything else. If I hadn't tested, I would have been none the wiser - wonder what I would have woken to if I hadn't eaten?

Something that occured to me was, perhaps it isn't too much insulin, but not enough 'liver dumping' overnight? Is there any kind of profile for the liver's output of glucose? Just wondering if sometimes mine decides not to do it's job and that's why I sometimes, but not always, fall low :confused: I know alcohol affects the liver's ability to put out glucose, but I haven't been drinking.
Do you get up every night to go to the toilet?
Just wondering if you could be going low every night but only picking up on it when you get up to the toilet because you test them. Not because you wake up with symptoms.
Do you get up every night to go to the toilet?
Just wondering if you could be going low every night but only picking up on it when you get up to the toilet because you test them. Not because you wake up with symptoms.

Yes, most nights, and I test if I feel I may be hypo - sometimes I am, and sometimes I'm not! I seem to have a period most nights where I wake up and I have been sweating profusely (sorry for the image!), but I recall that I did this prior to diagnosis too, so maybe that's just part of my body clock.

I just had another odd hypo! I tested myself before lunch and was 4.3. I made lunch, took my insulin, ate my lunch (toast and jam and muller rice), and was just making a cup of tea when I started to feel symptoms. I tested myself and I was 3.0! I'm guessing that when I measured before lunch I was dropping and continued to drop before my lunch started to push my BG up. I had some jelly babies as I felt that I was going to drop further without some 'instant' sugar. Never had that before though.