Woof! What's that I can smell?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It's a hypo! Not me doing the sniffing, but one of the wonderfully trained dogs from Cancer and Bio-detection Dogs UK!!!

It's the Great South Run on October 24th 2010, and this year I am hoping to raise money to help this relatively small charity train more of these wonderful animals. Last year I managed to raise over ?750 for JDRF and the previous year I raised around ?300 for Diabetes UK, so I thought this year I would run for one of the charities who do a great job, but don't have the clout of the big charities.

It would be fantastic if you could spare any amount, no matter how small (or large!) to help the charity achieve its 'Sniff for Life' goal of training 50 dogs in the next three years. Obviously, many of us here know about hypos and their dangers, particularly to young children and those with poor hypo-awareness, but the charity is also training dogs to detect the signs of cancer and Addisons disease crisis (a problem with adrenalin response). The more dogs they train, the more they are able to understand the science of just what it is that the dogs can pick up on.

My Just Giving page is here: http://www.justgiving.com/sniff-for-life . I know there are many calls on people for charitable donations, and that times are tough, but as I always say - if you would buy me a pint, then please consider donating the cost of that pint as it will definitely help me get round the course on race day! :D

There are a lot of unsung heros in the shape of dogs who have saved their owners lives by smelling things like hypos. My friend had a dog who always let her know when she was going to have a seizure in time for her lay on the floor. Sadly the dog is no more happily she has much better control of the seizures these days.

We haven't seen Einstein for a while, but he has a hearing dog.
Hi Northener
All the very best with your run and raising money for this great charity. Thanks very much for the link as this makes it a very easy way to sponsor you
Hi Northener
All the very best with your run and raising money for this great charity. Thanks very much for the link as this makes it a very easy way to sponsor you

Thanks so much AJ, that's got me off to a fantastic start! :D
Done, sorry its not much but I have already spent most of my student loan :D...
Payday I will be adding my donation, and I've shall be nagging a daughter as well🙂

I have 2 unoffiical hypo warning dogs, so know how much difference they can actually make..

Both hubby and I being T1's having the reasurance that the dogs will let us know if we don't respond to hypo, or wake us up to warn is a relief indeed...

Muggins had forgot to turn her pump down this morning before taking the dogs out, If it hadn't been for Jones doing his nudging then sit in front then nudge etc again, I actually wouldn't have realised I wasn't feeling cold but starting to hypo.. 3.4mmol/l😱
Done, sorry its not much but I have already spent most of my student loan ...

It ALL helps Caz, thank you! 🙂

Payday I will be adding my donation, and I've shall be nagging a daughter as well🙂

I have 2 unoffiical hypo warning dogs, so know how much difference they can actually make..

Both hubby and I being T1's having the reasurance that the dogs will let us know if we don't respond to hypo, or wake us up to warn is a relief indeed...

Muggins had forgot to turn her pump down this morning before taking the dogs out, If it hadn't been for Jones doing his nudging then sit in front then nudge etc again, I actually wouldn't have realised I wasn't feeling cold but starting to hypo.. 3.4mmol/l😱

Thank you Ellie! I think it's a wonderful idea. Many of our members have reported similar experiences with their animals, so it's clear there is 'something' they pick up on - the charity are investigating what this 'something' may be so perhaps in the future they'll be able to make an 'artificial' dog nose for us to carry! Won't be as cuddly as the real thing though! 🙂
hi alan will sponsers as soon a hubby come in he knows all the passwords lol
I shall sponsor you as soon as I get a job and get paid :D

I will also sponsor Sam, as long as it's ok to sponsor her late.
I shall sponsor you as soon as I get a job and get paid :D

I will also sponsor Sam, as long as it's ok to sponsor her late.

Thanks Katie, that will be a great donation to get, because it will mean you have a job! Hope you find something soon 🙂
Done. I don't normally sponser people, because there are so many and can upset some if you miss them. So Alan, you are my first not only because its a worthy course, but you deserve the support for all the good things you do for our forum and also outside.

Best wishes
Done. I don't normally sponser people, because there are so many and can upset some if you miss them. So Alan, you are my first not only because its a worthy caurse, but you deserve the support for all the good things you do for our forum and also outside.

Best wishes

Thanks John, I really appreciate it - and your kind words as well, means a lot to me 🙂
Done! I've been tight but moving here and not getting a full month's pay this month has given my bank account a bit of an assault.

Hope it goes well!

Just to warn everyone...I plan to do some fundraising next year to mark 20 years of being type 1, so prepare to spare your pennies please! :D
Done! I've been tight but moving here and not getting a full month's pay this month has given my bank account a bit of an assault.

Hope it goes well!

Just to warn everyone...I plan to do some fundraising next year to mark 20 years of being type 1, so prepare to spare your pennies please! :D

Brilliant! Thanks Shiv! 🙂 I'll start putting my pennies in the big jar now! 😉
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