Whats the hardest thing for you .

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thanks Steff and Northerner. Sorry if I sounded like I was over reacting. Everything is coming as a surprise at the moment, despite trying to take it all in my stride! I've learnt a lot from this thread about what it's like living day to day with diabetes - thanks lovely people.

No problems Jojo - there is a lot to take in, so don't feel you need to know everything at once.
hi jo jo please dont panic...its scarey when first diagnosed so much to take in but big deep breathes..go prepared when you see dsn ...write down some questions if you want....write down what they say ...and then come back to the forum for a translation! my mind goes so blank when i see my DSN i have write it all down ! good luck xx🙂
That just about covers it for me too, that and the lack of support. My care is with my GP, if I go ask him questions he's well why are you asking me and the last time I saw the nurse I spent longer listening to her problems than anything else.

I have an incredibly sweet tooth.

Occasionally I weaken and have something naughty. Then I have to burn it off.😱QUOTE]

Snap! And knowing I should eat something makes me want to eat it more. And I do sometimes, then feel like pants almost immediatly afterwards & think well why did I do that, I knew it was going to make my body react like this. Not pizza for me though, I would rather like to eat an entire death by chocolate cake (aptly named really!), slightly warmed so its even more gooey than normal!

Although reading all the things that T1's & parents feel is the hardest makes my issues seem trivial!! 😱
For me the hardest thing normally is the 24/7 "riding a tiger" aspect of using mdi/DAFNE - you can get really good control, but it's really hard whilst having a hectic life toddler-wrangling & especially when pregnant...not least because of the added stress of being so responsible for baby's health at a time when all the normal control rules seem to not work any more! 😱 (vvvvvv scary!!).

My main current gripe though, is being quizzed every time I see an eye specialist / doc about my current proliferative retinopathy & bleeds in my eye...I had a really nasty bleed some weeks ago now so have been to some degree blind in my left eye (it's just taking ages to drain). The not being able to drive, knocking my hands etc on everything, headaches, not being able to read / watch TV/Vdu's easily etc I can cope with (albeit they are very annoying!!) but the really infuriating thing is that every bl**** specialist assumes this is all happening because I have somehow been negligent in my diabetes control - their first question is always preceded with a suppressed sigh and "is your diabetes control poor?" in a really judgmental tone.

Actually I have just had T1 for 30+ years, had awful pre eclampsia last pregnancy & happen to be pregnant now, which is why it's gone haywire - thank you for not jumping to conclusions!!!!! 😡 GRRRRRRR!!!!

(Sorry, feeling a bit sorry for myself. Will go & think about how lucky I am not to live in Haiti & get some perspective now!!!!)
Sorry, hope I haven't killed this thread off!! Didn't mean to be gloomy!!! 😱
Sorry, hope I haven't killed this thread off!! Didn't mean to be gloomy!!! 😱

Not at all Twitchy, you were only answering the question! It's about the things that exasperate us and are a constant worry or grievance, not what we love about being diabetics!
So not the free prescriptions & excuse to wear comfy shoes then?! 😉
For me it is watching what I eat and like others going for a meal out or even staying with friends. It's there all the time. Being the cook of the household I don't expect others to go without certain foods just because I don't eat them so it is hard at times when I don't get to eat some of the goodies. Also I find it hard when I get a down day for no reason at all. I get fed up with visiting the loo more than I did before the diabetis and while I keep smiling and making light of it with the family, bless them as I couldn't stand a lot of fussing over me I just wish I wasn't diabetic but I am so one just has to deal with it and carry on.
For me it is watching what I eat and like others going for a meal out or even staying with friends. It's there all the time. Being the cook of the household I don't expect others to go without certain foods just because I don't eat them so it is hard at times when I don't get to eat some of the goodies. Also I find it hard when I get a down day for no reason at all. I get fed up with visiting the loo more than I did before the diabetis and while I keep smiling and making light of it with the family, bless them as I couldn't stand a lot of fussing over me I just wish I wasn't diabetic but I am so one just has to deal with it and carry on.

Extremely good point r.e being the cook of the house I almost feel like saying you do the cooking luv lol, they get all the food i want to eat but cant i guess its mind over matter.
good question i think its the way people treat you and i feel i am always thinking about food trying to work out can i have that should i have that
and how it affects my family
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