Whats the hardest thing for you .

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I have to say something else i find hard is you think in your head your doing a good job your levels are good your control and diet are all good, but you go for results from your doctor and he tells you something somewhere is wrong and you think all this hard work was for absolutly nothing then you have to get out of the mindset well why should i bother in the end im always going to fail, you have to be so strong minded for it not to get you down and stay positive.
My diabetes has taken a back seat in the past three years. My neuropathy is there all the time, it's a pain, the best that can be done to control it is being done.

I'm lucky in that I took to my insulin regime quite easily and my form of rough carb counting works for me, so relatively little impact overall. Things come along one by one and I've dealt with them.

As for being there 24/7 yes it is, but I find a cursory glance into the back of my mind is good enough to keep it in check. Listening to your body and reacting when IT says is the critical part of management. If you don't to your body, you will have problems. It has to be looked after.

Neuropathy has been the two most difficult conditions to come to terms with through my diabetes. Painful peripheral neuropathy is just that when it's ok, agony when it's at it's worst. But even that isn't so bad as autonomic neuropathy, where your heart rate can go from normal to over 200 beats per minute in the blink of an eye, lasting for a few hours, then just a quickly back to normal and without notice it can be down to 20-30 beats per minute - that still freaks me out.

Oh and while you're on that branch of neuropathy your breathing, blood pressure, digestive sytems can also play games, autonomic neuropathy of the bladder isn't fun, well depends if you like UTIs?!

So the conditions brought on by diabetes can stink, but you the condition itself, I'm comfortable with and to be honest I like the regime of eating at set times, unlike Northerner I like to plan, change throws me, so I guess diabetes and I fit together.

Really wish I could say the same about deafness, I can't adjust so well to that.

I have an incredibly sweet tooth.

Occasionally I weaken and have something naughty. Then I have to burn it off.😱

I desperately want a whole large Domino's Peperoni Passion pizza to myself. But it's such a no no. Like throwing a brick through a police station window.
Like throwing a brick through a police station window.

Yes, but most coppers are too busy doing paperwork to be able to chase after you 🙄
hi steff

i totally agree with you on this one too, coughs and cold are so in my mind too, also i can't be spontaneous either or go anywhere on my own now as i have just been diagnoised with epilepsy too.

For over 5 years I had been obsessed with the thought that my cancer was going to come back and that I was unlikely to see my 50th birthday (which is still 2 years away). Then one day I was planning a holiday and when I called for travel insurance, I found that I no longer had to pay an insane extra premium as I was no longer regarded as being high risk.

This seemingly minor event caused a whole psychological change and I stopped being obsessed about every minor ailment/ache/pain - I'd finally turned a corner and life was good and the glass was completely full once again.

Until October 2009 that is - when a repeat visit to the doctor regarding a nasty rash in the nether region which refused to go away and stay away. Fasting bloods ordered, repeated a week later and then followed with a glucose tolerance test. Hey presto - I seem to have dodged the cancer bullet only to be hit with a stray round of diabetes (absolutely no history of it in our family)

So, the hardest thing for me was watching the glass drain away to half empty again and a new round of 'what if's' are vying for my attention. I haven't got round to phoning the crowd that I have my annual travel insurance with, but I've no doubt that a little extra premium cost is coming my way....

Such is life 🙄

Good question. I was contemplating the same thing a few days ago and decided the worse thing about diabetes is the lack of spontaneity. Always having to think about what my levels are, what i've eaten, how much exercise i do and how, what i already did will affect my levels later etc.... It's the first thing i think of in the morning and the last thing i think of at night!
Then i remind myself just how lucky i am to have the benefit of insulin and all those people throughout history who have had diabetes but didn't know it and died prematurely as a result.
Wow, sounds a bit serious. Didn't mean to get so morose. Anyway, i'm just being honest.
I know exactly what you mean. I do test very regularly and sometimes i wish that i didn't because i see those numbers and they scare me. When the doctor tells me my control is this good etc.... i always worry about averages. You know what Disraeli said about statistics!
the hardest things for me is when graham says" mum i whish i was not diabetic" my heart really sink i wish i could swap all his problem with me fortunatly does not happen often
the hardest things for me is when graham says" mum i whish i was not diabetic" my heart really sink i wish i could swap all his problem with me fortunatly does not happen often

Oh "Graham's Mum" you brought me back to earth with a jolt !! I was going through the other answers on this thread and it was "Yes, I can identify with that" but when you said about Graham wishing he wasn't diabetic and you not being able to take the blasted condition away from him - I realised "oh no I can't identify with that" and, because I am a Mum too, it must be harder for you than anything I feel about having Diabetes myself. Respect, lady, respect🙂
Another good thread / Q...
I don't mind a lot of it at the moment, and am managing quite well, carb counting, testing (sometimes), injecting... but what get's on my wick is the old levels whilst on or after the booze, even if it's just a few🙄 And I guess the knowledge that I'm screwed whatever I do (well almost)!! Woop Woo
Oh "Graham's Mum" you brought me back to earth with a jolt !! I was going through the other answers on this thread and it was "Yes, I can identify with that" but when you said about Graham wishing he wasn't diabetic and you not being able to take the blasted condition away from him - I realised "oh no I can't identify with that" and, because I am a Mum too, it must be harder for you than anything I feel about having Diabetes myself. Respect, lady, respect🙂

i think this is the hardest thing for every mum so respect to all the other mums in the same situation xxxx
Oh "Graham's Mum" you brought me back to earth with a jolt !! I was going through the other answers on this thread and it was "Yes, I can identify with that" but when you said about Graham wishing he wasn't diabetic and you not being able to take the blasted condition away from him - I realised "oh no I can't identify with that" and, because I am a Mum too, it must be harder for you than anything I feel about having Diabetes myself. Respect, lady, respect🙂

ditto vince13 ...im a mum too xxx and the parents on here have my total admiration🙂so do the kidsxxx
As a mum, I completely agree, you guys are amazing.

I think the hardest thing for me (at the moment) is not that I dont enjoy food any more (although that is true, I dont, it's a necessary evil now rather than a love affair!), the hardest thing for me is how people perceive me.

If it's not reading comments about type 2 diabetics being big fatties who deserve to be ill, it's the guilt of having your family so worried and treating you like you might die at any moment, as if I didn't feel guilty enough 🙄
I was sat here earlier when i had 10 minutes thinking about all the ways I have changed both personally and mentally and i suddenly thought what is the hardest thing for me personally when it comes to my diabetes.I came to the conclusion that 2 things I find really hard are the time my diabetes takes up in my life and the fact that I now have to be so much more careful about catching coughs and colds and other infections or it may end up with me in hospital it takes up so much more brain space thinking about everything i do and how it could effect my diabetes grr .Thats just a shorter version of what I find hard I was wondering what you all found hard??
ok, I am new at this so don't laugh... but what the heck is this???? You could end up in hospital if you get a cough??? someone please explain!! x
ok, I am new at this so don't laugh... but what the heck is this???? You could end up in hospital if you get a cough??? someone please explain!! x

hi I meant other infections you just have to be so much more careful.
why is that? My gp failed to talk to me about this. Are we more likely to get sick and not recover? Sorry for my dumbass naivity.... x

Just I think we are more secceptable and take longer to get over coughs etc, as diabetes is an immune condition after all , I think someone who has had diabetes longer and is abit more experienced can tell you more hun x
ok, I am new at this so don't laugh... but what the heck is this???? You could end up in hospital if you get a cough??? someone please explain!! x

Don't be alarmed! Illnesses can elevate your blood sugar levels, but this can be dealt with to a large extent. It's more of a problem for people on insulin who have to try and adjust their doses to bring down the levels in order to avoid something called DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) which can be dangerous. If you are not on insulin and keep reasonably good control, then coughs and colds shouldn't land you in hospital. Here's a bit more info:

thanks Steff and Northerner. Sorry if I sounded like I was over reacting. Everything is coming as a surprise at the moment, despite trying to take it all in my stride! I've learnt a lot from this thread about what it's like living day to day with diabetes - thanks lovely people.
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