Whats the hardest thing for you .

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was sat here earlier when i had 10 minutes thinking about all the ways I have changed both personally and mentally and i suddenly thought what is the hardest thing for me personally when it comes to my diabetes.I came to the conclusion that 2 things I find really hard are the time my diabetes takes up in my life and the fact that I now have to be so much more careful about catching coughs and colds and other infections or it may end up with me in hospital it takes up so much more brain space thinking about everything i do and how it could effect my diabetes grr .Thats just a shorter version of what I find hard I was wondering what you all found hard??
I think that about covers it Steff. It's on my mind 24/7, even when I'm busy, it sort of lurks in the back of my mind all the time. In fact, I'm obsessed. Maybe that'll wear off when I've been at this a bit longer.
I feel I have lost my freedom to be spontaneous and do whatever I want to do. I was never one to plan ahead - even fr the next hour sometimes, now I have no choice. Good question Steff🙂
I think it has to be the fact that sometimes you can try so, so hard to get it right, and when you do the next blood test it's not right. :(
Yeah I totally get you Northerner with that one, Everytime I plan I have to think will I need this will I need that do i take my bits with me will they have a good choice of menu all that kind of thing, It kinda takes over your life and no matter how we try and take control the diabetes always seems to stay that one step ahead.
Totally agree with the on your mind 24/7 thing. It has to really doesnt it, if you want to be healthy with good control, you have to know where you are with it all the time.

I had lunch with a friend today and she told me her brother is type 1 also. She said to me "he thinks about it all the time, is that normal?" I totally got it because i am diabetic and explained to her that unless you had it you can never truly unerstand what it is like. She has only known me with diabetes and i tried to explain that i am a different person than i used to be and ive had no choice in that. Thats what i find the most hard/sad. :(
Tracy with me if i try and switch off im dam sure that soon as i do i will have a hyper something then I know its impossible.
For me there are 2 things.
The having to think about it 24/7, make sure you always have everything you need, having to plan exercise and eating, not being able to just walk home from work, but having to check my levels and sometimes eat something first. Not being able to just eat anything without thinking about how much carb is in it, what my level is, what I am going to be doing, to work out how much insulin to have.
The other thing that is really annoying is that despite thinking about it 24/7 sometimes no matter how hard you try it just not work out.

Actually having the injections, does not really bother me, although before I was diagnosed I used to wonder how on earth people managed to give themselves injections.
yeah the diabetes is on my mind most of the time...

i hate when im doing quite well then next time u check your blood its sky high! that annoys me and i know i shouldnt let it but i cant help it.

then sometimes i just wonder when the next hypo will start and with my luck i get hypos at the wrong time! grrrr.
I am always thinking about my diabetes, and always worrying when i take my insulin then my food am i going to have a hypo, i hate the way hypos make me feel! Depressed and angry

The other thing i find difficult is trying to explain my diabetes to freinds and family,
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Three things have really changed in my life:
Firstly i have to go and see my GP every two months, like it or not (not!!), ill or not for my medication. Taking medication is another thing i've had to get used to.

What's really made an impact on me is it's totally changed my relationship with food. Before i took eating for granted, i ate what i wanted when i wanted. Now it's more of a nesseasary evil. I don't really like eating anymore. That's not to say i don;t do it, but if i indulge or over-indulge i feel very bad about it. And sometimes i resent the people who can and do still eat whatever they like. It's just too bloody complicated...I end up either berating myself for eating or not eating the right things.
yup. its there all the time. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to though, i kind of just...get on with it now.

I dislike the planning ahead though, and the counting carbs, and to be quite honest the pathetic effort from a lot of hospitals re diabetes, oh and the threat of complications etc etc.

If I try and forget about it, it feels kind of wrong y'know?
yup. its there all the time. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to though, i kind of just...get on with it now.

I dislike the planning ahead though, and the counting carbs, and to be quite honest the pathetic effort from a lot of hospitals re diabetes, oh and the threat of complications etc etc.

If I try and forget about it, it feels kind of wrong y'know?

I get that totally sam its like i said earlier if you get to complacent it is guarenteed to come back and bite your behind two fold.
Something else that bothers me is that, even though my numbers look really good I know that I go above 'normal' range every time I eat, I just don't regularly test enough to see those numbers. But I know they're there and messing me up more than a non-diabetic.
Yeah, that bugs me too. Which is part of the reason i get all funny about eating stuff...that and my serious carbohydrate addiction....:D See, before i was diabetic i didn't even know i had a carb habit, just a chocolate habit...
Yeah, that bugs me too. Which is part of the reason i get all funny about eating stuff...that and my serious carbohydrate addiction....:D See, before i was diabetic i didn't even know i had a carb habit, just a chocolate habit...

Yup i had no clue on nothing i guess the one positive thing since being diagnosed is that i have more then half cut out the rubbish i was eating.
Strange how sometimes the simplest things throw you and you realise that there are days where diabetes management is hard. I've just got myself a slow cooker so told my husband this morning that I was going to try a chicken dish in it today as I had all the ingredients including the muscovado sugar - response "But surely you can't have the sugar" and I have tried to educate him that I manage my carbs .... sometimes explaining things gets a tad tedious and I am not the most patient of women, especially at 6am
I agree about not being able to eat what you want, that can be really annoying although I'm used to that as I've had colitis since I was 16 and have always had to be careful what I eat in case it triggers an attack.

The thing I hate is if I get asked out for a meal I always have to ask the people at the restaurant if they can do my meal without certain ingredients in it because they trigger my colitis and now with the diabetes as well it makes it even harder to find something I can eat.

The other thing I that annoys me is when you put in a repeat prescription in plenty of time and when you go to collect it they say they have no record of it!
For me it is the monthly check ups at the hospital with the consultant - these are getting very boring now (I keep asking if they can see me less often, but so far NO). Also it is constantly thinking about what I can or can't eat - I LOVE chocolate x
My diagnosis was hard, the emotional impact really unsetttled me. Waiting nearly 3 months to find out if I even had diabetes was difficult. And then recently for me the hardest thing has probably been being diagnosed with neuropathy. With the pain and psychological impact that this has had.

Day to day the hardest thing is having highs and lows, I don't mind too much all the coutning carbs, injecting, being prepared, telling people etc. all that stuff, as long as doing it ensures my blood sugars are in range. The lack of guarentee that if you do everything right you will get good results.
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