What's the hardest part of being a PWD?

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I have a certain item of ammunition in my armoury now, at long last - and it can only be at long last.

How long exactly have you been the expert on my diabetes then?

By now, I can always beat them!
I have a certain item of ammunition in my armoury now, at long last - and it can only be at long last.

How long exactly have you been the expert on my diabetes then?

By now, I can always beat them!
That's great, I'll have to remember that one.
When exasperated I have been known to say, you're talking out of you ar*e
I have a certain item of ammunition in my armoury now, at long last - and it can only be at long last.

How long exactly have you been the expert on my diabetes then?

By now, I can always beat them!

I'm writing that one down!:D
For me, it's still the lack of spontaneity, even tho I pretend that I'm being spontaneous after preparing for an activity!😉 Other people haven't bugged me too much so far. Although the other day in class one of my six-year-olds saw me pricking my finger and said "Checking your sugar again!" What can you say to that? She was repeating something an adult had said and didn't understand what she was saying. 🙄
Yup, lack of spontaneity for me too, and the totally uncalled for problems with my eyes that have developed despite all my numbers being as good as they can be without me actually being cured :(
I can relate to everything everyone is saying, couple of weeks ago went to an evening wedding reception, did all my homework of what I can eat and drink. Had a small bottle of beer sister in law came up to me and said should you be drinking that , beer is what made you fat and gave you diabetes in the first place ! Last appointment with Dsn had lost 7 kgs and she has told me to loose no more weight. Same night whilst eating , was picking the filling out of a bap when somebody said why don't you eat the bap instead it will fill you up more needless to say didn't stay much longer
Perhaps we should wear something that says,
Mind your own insertyourownswearwordhere business or else !!!
Their again why should we.
Perhaps we should wear something that says,
Mind your own insertyourownswearwordhere business or else !!!
Their again why should we.
Have you heard the joke "oh really"???
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Perhaps we should wear something that says,
Mind your own insertyourownswearwordhere business or else !!!
Their again why should we.
How are the public to recognise diabetics? A new government initiative reveals how…

It’s confirmed – you’re diabetic, so please join the queue,
The surgeon should be on his way,
It shouldn’t take long, there’s only a few…
What’s that? Do you have something to say?

Oh, didn’t they tell you? It’s really no good!
We must make you stand out in the street!
Some try to disguise it by wearing a hood,
But you can still pick them out by their feet!

Here is the leaflet, I’m sure it’ll explain,
And there’s a picture of what they attach.
It’s free for the ‘standard’, but if you are vain,
You can pay extra for attachments that match!

A moment if you please, you must sign this release
To donate them back when you’re dead…
Now hurry along, you’re next on the list,
Would you like to have green ones or red?

Oh dear! Does it hurt? That’ll soon go away,
And you’ll learn how to sleep on your back.
You’ll be able to walk, but not quite the same way –
I’m sure that you’ll pick up the knack!

😱 :D
We should all be made to wear the same coloured hat (like the Sasha Baron Cohen film where all the gay men had to wear blue hats - what's it called?) or perhaps a t-shirt with the picture of a doughnut on it (for our sins).🙄
How about all wearing a Libre sensor, then at least it would be doing something useful too! :D
My daughter is already sick to the back teeth of people asking her what it is, does she know it's there, etc. some people just won't take "I'm sorry, i don't want to talk about it" as an answer, and we haven't yet found a suitable sarcastic response that she is happy repeating. Clearly I've been too successful in my attempts to bring her up to always be polite... :(
How about all wearing a Libre sensor, then at least it would be doing something useful too! :D
My daughter is already sick to the back teeth of people asking her what it is, does she know it's there, etc. some people just won't take "I'm sorry, i don't want to talk about it" as an answer, and we haven't yet found a suitable sarcastic response that she is happy repeating. Clearly I've been too successful in my attempts to bring her up to always be polite... :(
Perhaps we could come up with a few polite ideas that your daughter would find acceptable.
How about all wearing a Libre sensor, then at least it would be doing something useful too! :D
My daughter is already sick to the back teeth of people asking her what it is, does she know it's there, etc. some people just won't take "I'm sorry, i don't want to talk about it" as an answer, and we haven't yet found a suitable sarcastic response that she is happy repeating. Clearly I've been too successful in my attempts to bring her up to always be polite... :(
I've found 'go and stick your head up a dead bear's bum' usually shuts people up 😱 😉
Perhaps we could come up with a few polite ideas that your daughter would find acceptable.
I've always tried to teach her that if someone asks polite question then they deserve a polite answer. Am now trying to tell her that if they ask the same question a second time give them the same polite answer, if they ask a third time then I think you're entitled to start getting a bit rude and tell them to mind their own! She's still not entirely happy with that, maybe the next tack is start teaching her to state the bleedin' obvious without actually mentioning anything she doesn't want to talk about, e.g. What is it? A plastic disc stuck on with Tegaderm! Why is it there? Because my mum put it there! Did you know it was there? Yes because you're the 15th person to ask me about it in 10 minutes etc. Then when you start to get bored with that conversation just ask what has it got to do with them anyway...

To answer the original question on this thread, I think my daughter would reply that the hardest thing about living with D is dealing with people, talking about her condition with anyone (even the doctors), and especially dealing with nosy parkers and know-it-all teachers!
How are the public to recognise diabetics? A new government initiative reveals how…

It’s confirmed – you’re diabetic, so please join the queue,
The surgeon should be on his way,
It shouldn’t take long, there’s only a few…
What’s that? Do you have something to say?

Oh, didn’t they tell you? It’s really no good!
We must make you stand out in the street!
Some try to disguise it by wearing a hood,
But you can still pick them out by their feet!

Here is the leaflet, I’m sure it’ll explain,
And there’s a picture of what they attach.
It’s free for the ‘standard’, but if you are vain,
You can pay extra for attachments that match!

A moment if you please, you must sign this release
To donate them back when you’re dead…
Now hurry along, you’re next on the list,
Would you like to have green ones or red?

Oh dear! Does it hurt? That’ll soon go away,
And you’ll learn how to sleep on your back.
You’ll be able to walk, but not quite the same way –
I’m sure that you’ll pick up the knack!

😱 :D
A fellow poet lol
You have diabetes now so please take care of you're feeties,
A nurse will show you how to inject 105 units will do the trick,
but if you go hypo you'll feel wrecked,
But dont worry sir no dont worry at all,
We'll get you're sugars down, just don't trip or fall.
If you damage your legs then worry a lot,
for the pain you may feel just a little not a lot.

We want you to test at least 300 times a day,
but we wont give you a prescription just please go away.
See you again if you last a couple more years,
You see dont care about you're worries or fears,
We care if you get anxious and test a lot,
but if you get neuropathy or anything else, we wont care a jot.
I'm very tempted to draw a face on one, the little hole in the middle could be its nose. I originally imagined a smiley face, but perhaps it should have its tongue sticking out! Will have to practise drawing one :D
I love him Annette. How the hell could you possibly 'not know' that was there, even without embellishment?
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