What was you BG at diagnosis?

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My HbA1c was 16.1, which converts to 152.5. A venous fasting blood sample spot check was 16.2..
My GP still assumed I was Type 2. I never had ketones tested. I was offered Gliclazide and a nice healthy starchy carb diet! I managed to stay on my feet by reading up and adopting a low carb diet, and I managed to stop the 2lb a week weight loss, but I didn't know any better, so it never crossed my mind I might be Type 1. Luckily my GP thought I might be a 'weird Type 2' as she put it, and referred me to the hospital, and I had an appointment about 6 weeks later. That was in April. They also assumed Type 2 (goodness knows why) and added in Metformin, and it was only decided at the next appointment in July to add in Lantus as a basal. HbA1c had by that time fallen to 12.1.
Then in September (HbA1c 11.0 by now) a more on the ball doctor did a GAD antibody test, but I only got the positive result of it when I had a further appointment the following January. (In those days, you couldn’t see your results on line, else I’d have made a fuss). I was then taken off Met and Glic, and put on a basal bolus regime.
The nurse doing explaining the insulin to me did look at my notes and exclaim 'Goodness, I don’t know how you were still walking around all that time!'
That’s quite a high HbA1C. Worrying that when your GP thought T2 he said a starchy diet!
That’s quite a high HbA1C. Worrying that when your GP thought T2 he said a starchy diet!
That was and still is the standard advice to Type 2s, (the Eatwell Guide) unless you’ve got a very modern thinking doctor!
That was and still is the standard advice to Type 2s, (the Eatwell Guide) unless you’ve got a very modern thinking doctor!
So not completely there fault then
I’ve kept the document they sent me home from hospital with - thinking about framing it LOL. It says BG 464 mg/dL - that’s 25.7 mmol/L. Whichever number, it’s high!o_O No wonder I felt like rubbish. No DKA, but ketones ++++ apparently. Thank you nice GP for being on the ball. :D
I’ve kept the document they sent me home from hospital with - thinking about framing it LOL. It says BG 464 mg/dL - that’s 25.7 mmol/L. Whichever number, it’s high!o_O No wonder I felt like rubbish. No DKA, but ketones ++++ apparently. Thank you nice GP for being on the ball. :D
That high number must have been close to sending you into DKA same as with what @Inka said her number was
My HbA1c was 140 at diagnosis. It is 34 now 12 months on.
That high number must have been close to sending you into DKA same as with what @Inka said her number was
I had ‘ketonuria’ apparently. Mind you, I reckon I’d been diabetic (or at least hyperglycaemic) for about 9 months before dx - like @Robin I’d managed to stay upright all that time. 😛
Mine was 112, but that was a fasting result a few days in to hospital trips etc. I rang 111 after 4 weeks of coughing and feeling rubbish (around this time of year actually, 4 years ago!) Sent for blood tests and told to ring my surgery at 10am for an update. The grumpiest receptionist in the world was adamant "why on earth are you ringing us? It takes at least 3 days for results". Half an hour later, the same receptionist called me and had clearly had a personality change as she was incredibly pleasant and had forgotten the earlier call "Oh hello, I am calling with your results, you need to go to A&E as a matter of urgency.." My HbA1C, which was a fasting one the day after I had been in A&E and was 112. The first doctor I saw in A&E took me into a consulting room and told me I was type 2 diabetic and would be put on metformin. I was put on a drip and pumped full of antibiotics to get rid of the viral infection that was the initial cause of my call to 111. Then told to wait to be sent home but then a second doctor saw me, explained about fasting overnight ahead of lots of tests the following day. Just as I left I asked her to confirm whether I was type 2 as the first doctor had stated and she looked confused - "Which doctor? You are definitely type 1. Your keytones are through the roof too, but we are sorting that for you". When I explained what the first doctor had said she demanded to know who it was and when I told her she muttered "he's a stupid twat" as she walked off to find him!
i think my symtoms started after getting my second dose of the covid vanchine
Mine was 112, but that was a fasting result a few days in to hospital trips etc. I rang 111 after 4 weeks of coughing and feeling rubbish (around this time of year actually, 4 years ago!) Sent for blood tests and told to ring my surgery at 10am for an update. The grumpiest receptionist in the world was adamant "why on earth are you ringing us? It takes at least 3 days for results". Half an hour later, the same receptionist called me and had clearly had a personality change as she was incredibly pleasant and had forgotten the earlier call "Oh hello, I am calling with your results, you need to go to A&E as a matter of urgency.." My HbA1C, which was a fasting one the day after I had been in A&E and was 112. The first doctor I saw in A&E took me into a consulting room and told me I was type 2 diabetic and would be put on metformin. I was put on a drip and pumped full of antibiotics to get rid of the viral infection that was the initial cause of my call to 111. Then told to wait to be sent home but then a second doctor saw me, explained about fasting overnight ahead of lots of tests the following day. Just as I left I asked her to confirm whether I was type 2 as the first doctor had stated and she looked confused - "Which doctor? You are definitely type 1. Your keytones are through the roof too, but we are sorting that for you". When I explained what the first doctor had said she demanded to know who it was and when I told her she muttered "he's a stupid twat" as she walked off to find him!
That’s scary and slightly confusing about the doctors
I had ‘ketonuria’ apparently. Mind you, I reckon I’d been diabetic (or at least hyperglycaemic) for about 9 months before dx - like @Robin I’d managed to stay upright all that time. 😛
What’s “ketonuria”?
Don't have a clue, went to nurse for a fasting finger prick and was just told it was higher than it should be and she went off to consult with a Dr, was told to come back in the afternoon to see the Dr so off to work I went, was still higher than it should be when the Dr checked it so she checked my urine for ketones which were present so was taken to hospital for an overnight stay, not once was I actually told my BG readings or ketone levels but hba1c on day of admission was 101 xx
Don't have a clue, went to nurse for a fasting finger prick and was just told it was higher than it should be and she went off to consult with a Dr, was told to come back in the afternoon to see the Dr so off to work I went, was still higher than it should be when the Dr checked it so she checked my urine for ketones which were present so was taken to hospital for an overnight stay, not once was I actually told my BG readings or ketone levels but hba1c on day of admission was 101 xx
Not being told your BG result might have been either helpful in making you not anxious for what it was or making you anxious because you didn’t know!
Not being told your BG result might have been either helpful in making you not anxious for what it was or making you anxious because you didn’t know!
I just feel I should have been told, after all it was me that was having the rough ride, sure it might be in my records but I haven't taken a proper look at them yet as there's so many pages (only requested them the other month) xx
I just feel I should have been told, after all it was me that was having the rough ride, sure it might be in my records but I haven't taken a proper look at them yet as there's so many pages (only requested them the other month) xx
You definitely should have been told but I guess they could have been concerned about ketones?
After nearly collapsing at work on a 4th floor roof at an old factory in the middle of nowhere, my blood glucose was 31.7 & ketones of 3.0

I feel lucky to be here to tell the tale.

Unsure how close I was to DKA - I’m not actually sure what DKA means really.

I don’t even know in the grand sceeme of things how poorly I was - I obviously know it was serious though
After nearly collapsing at work on a 4th floor roof at an old factory in the middle of nowhere, my blood glucose was 31.7 & ketones of 3.0

I feel lucky to be here to tell the tale.

Unsure how close I was to DKA - I’m not actually sure what DKA means really.

I don’t even know in the grand sceeme of things how poorly I was - I obviously know it was serious though
Yikes! That could have had a very different ending. DKA is Diabetic Ketoacidosis which means extremely high ketones. Absolutely no idea what is classed as “high” in ketones tho
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