What TIR is considered Good

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"We were able to take many people with a mody kind of picture of insulin.”

Exactly! That’s what we’ve been saying. Some people were mistakenly thought to have Type 1 but actually had MODY. MODY is not Type 1. I know because I had the investigations for MODY but the conclusion was that I was Type 1.
All type 2 drugs will be used to treat type 1, why do you have a problem with that?

It just isn’t true. And I don’t know how we can convince you of that.
In that case surely I wouldn't get tertiairy diabetes care at Diabeter.
I think in the UK hospital teams mostly treat people with Type 1, but they also treat people with less common forms of diabetes and trickier cases of all kinds. (And in some areas, everyone with diabetes.)

https://diabeter.nl/en/health-experts/what-we-have-to-offer/ says
Diabeter offers special care for both children and adults with (in most cases) type 1 diabetes. It strives for a future without complications from diabetes.​

which suggests they'd probably be treating people with MODY and other forms.
People who were diagnosed with type 1.
Not just people with MODY.

Do you have insulin shares?
Better sell them and get GLP-1, which will soon be approved for type 1's.
All type 2 drugs will be used to treat type 1, why do you have a problem with that?

That’s semantics. Yes, you could get 5000 people who have been diagnosed with Type 1. If you did further investigation, you’d probably find that some of those people weren’t actually Type 1 but were MODY. Their diagnosis has changed - because they were previously misdiagnosed. If I had had MODY and I’d been taken off insulin, I wouldn’t sit there and think I’d been cured of Type 1. I’d know I had been misdiagnosed and that in fact I had a form of MODY that didn’t require insulin.
Have you asked them what type of diabetes you have since you came off insulin?
I never came off insulin, I never took it.

It just isn’t true. And I don’t know how we can convince you of that.
Well according to Dr. Zaldumbide it is and I rather believe him than you:

This is in English by the way and THE most interesting video you can find.
No I did not!!! This is what I actually said:

"I don't believe I have MODY, but MODA, in fact I believe we all do and also that it is possible to lower our setting point." "The setting point is the point at which insulin secretion starts. Higher glucose increases the setting point, so that effects us all."

You see how different that gets if you put that into context.
Now, be honest!
The context you put “your particular diabetes?” Is misleading in your posts for type ones.
Please do some research on your own personal condition & stop generalising.
But I HAVE reversed my type 1 diabetes though, @everydayupsanddowns could check that with his friend at Diabeter.

And when you say I was evasive/misrepresentative about my diabetes type I am sure YOU ARE LYING!!!!!
And I absolutely hate that, how can you have so little respect for other people?
But you are selling books on this forum so I guess you are allowed to do that.
If you are not lying show me where I misrepresented my type and also explain why on earth would I do that????

Meanwhile I have found two video's where you can hear Dr. Henk Jan Aanstoot say himself they are taking many type 1's of insulin, but unfortunately they are both in Dutch. In case you have friends that speak that, here they are:

Start after 49:38 where he discusses the Biomarker Study. This is about the future of diabetes care.
At 53:42 he says they took many type 1's of insulin. You may even be able to understand if you don't speak Dutch.
This is the second more recent video, which may be subtitled:

Here he also explains what nonethewiser just said, it's also important how fast your glucose changes, even in range.
You haven't reversed your Type 1 Diabetes mate. Not sure who you think you're kidding but it cannot be done. It's pure science. I don't know why you are going on like you are the messiah and have a cure! If you "ever" were a Type 1, then you still are now.
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