What TIR is considered Good

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For the TTR figures does that not leave T1 at risk of developing Hypo Unawareness?
Yes, it does. That range is close to the pregnancy targets which are super-strict.

The suggestion of less than 4% below 4.0 tries to limit that I think. And less than 1% at lower levels (which are by some clinical definitions where hypos begin - with the brain being affected)

Though even 1% could mean 15 minutes a day 😱

I think the reassuring thing is that approx 25% of readings above range can still give you an on-target HbA1c.
Yes, but it’s very hard in pregnancy because at some stages hypos are unexpected and fierce, then at other stages you’re constantly fighting insulin resistance so it’s easy to overshoot. I appreciate not being pregnant would remove those specific difficulties, but it would still be hard to keep in that tight range without overshooting and going too low. It’s hard on a pump so I imagine it would be a lot harder on MDI without the ability to micro-bolus.

I guess what I’m saying is that the 3.9 to 10 TIR is more realistic both practically and emotionally 🙂
The study said it excluded one candidate (which appears to be you) because they did not have T1 diabetes.

I think it would be helpful to other members, especially new members, for your diabetes type to be changed to ‘other type’ as the study has concluded you don’t have T1 (of which LADA is a form).

If the study really concluded that, according to the rules they should have told me that, just like they had to tell me I had liver cirrhosis (a fibroscan was also part of the study). They excluded me out of convenience. Another way I would have messed up the table by the way was with my CV of around 9%, which is even extremely low for non diabetics.

They also threw me out of the Encapsulate study and then changed the inclusion criteria, now you must use insulin.
This is the consensus report.

It does not set 70% as an upper limit, of course, but it certainly does not describe 70% as “poor”.
Neither did I, you take what I said out of context.
That old report doesn't say 70% is excellent.

Too bad we are not discussing far more interesting things, like they also had success with calcium channel blockers.
I am not making these things up, they were discussed at the ATTD in Florence last month.
NO I DID NOT!!!!!!
Why am I accused of being a liar?

I don’t think you’re lying. However, you are evasive/misrepresentative about your diabetes type. You’ve also claimed Type 1 can be reversed, which isn’t true, and that Diabeter (?) were taking Type 1s off insulin, which, again wasn’t true. Even when we discussed MODY, you didn’t accept that or pursue the discussion. You mentioned other diabetes types like ‘MODA’ and another one I can’t remember.

I don’t think you’re saying incorrect things to deceive (ie lie). I think you’re mistaken.
A lot of focus is now on TIR rather than hba1c & rightly so, but one other factor that is equally important but often gets overlooked is Standard Deviation.
I don’t think you’re lying. However, you are evasive/misrepresentative about your diabetes type. You’ve also claimed Type 1 can be reversed, which isn’t true, and that Diabeter (?) were taking Type 1s off insulin, which, again wasn’t true.

But I HAVE reversed my type 1 diabetes though, @everydayupsanddowns could check that with his friend at Diabeter.

And when you say I was evasive/misrepresentative about my diabetes type I am sure YOU ARE LYING!!!!!
And I absolutely hate that, how can you have so little respect for other people?
But you are selling books on this forum so I guess you are allowed to do that.
If you are not lying show me where I misrepresented my type and also explain why on earth would I do that????

Meanwhile I have found two video's where you can hear Dr. Henk Jan Aanstoot say himself they are taking many type 1's of insulin, but unfortunately they are both in Dutch. In case you have friends that speak that, here they are:

Start after 49:38 where he discusses the Biomarker Study. This is about the future of diabetes care.
At 53:42 he says they took many type 1's of insulin. You may even be able to understand if you don't speak Dutch.
This is the second more recent video, which may be subtitled:

Here he also explains what nonethewiser just said, it's also important how fast your glucose changes, even in range.
I’m not selling books :rofl: I believe @everydayupsanddowns did check with Diabeter and said the people they took off insulin were not Type 1s. However, he can confirm that himself. There have been similar articles in the U.K. press - a small number of ‘Type 1s’ (note the inverted commas around that) have been found to have MODY not Type 1, and have therefore been able to come off insulin.
Here’s the thread in which @everydayupsanddowns wrote about Diabeter:

“Just to confirm, the suggestion that the Diabeter clinic takes people with Type 1 Diabetes off insulin is not the case.

From my friend:
“Yes I still work at Diabeter. Taking type 1 off of insulin would kill them, so no…
But maybe this is about people with MODY diabetes (who were first misdiagnosed as type 1)” “
Just watch the video and admit they are taking type 1's of insulin.
You won't be able to stop that anyway and pretty soon the same will happen in the UK.
It's not as small group either, so far they think it's 30 to 35%.

Of course it's not easy; HCP's get threatened now if they take people of insulin, so your scaremongering is succesfull.

This by the way is what I really said plus the context:

"I still think type 1 can be put in remission if you have the right kind"
"I don't believe I have MODY, but MODA, in fact I believe we all do and also that it is possible to lower our setting point."
"The setting point is the point at which insulin secretion starts. Higher glucose increases the setting point, so that effects us all."

It was “LADY” in response to contracting T1 as a child on another topic. But I don’t buy any of it.

The actual response was here. https://forum.diabetes.org.uk/boards/threads/setting-point-and-insulin-secretion.108142/post-1290050
This isn't true either, the post reads:

"MODA is Maturity-Onset Diabetes in Adults:
just like you have LADY, Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of the Young."

and was a response to the question what MODA was.
I like your name though;
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not as small group either, so far they think it's 30 to 35%.

If 30% of T1s at Diabeter had been taken off insulin, then my friend would have confirmed that. They also would have mentioned it when I visited Diabeter myself. And they would have published many peer-reviewed research papers to share their findings. Not least sharing them at the DUK Professional Conference which is taking place in London at the moment. There would also be lots of news stories about it.

You have said before that you think you have MODY / MODA, not T1. You have also said that you were excluded from a study of T1s at Diabeter (which would further support that they believe you are not T1).

My friend at Diabeter said they only took people off insulin who were mistakenly initially classified as T1, but later found to have MODY.

Are you currently being treated at Diabeter? How do they classify your diabetes?
If 30% of T1s at Diabeter had been taken off insulin, then my friend would have confirmed that.
I didn't say that, but they will take 30 to 35% off insulin.

Here’s the thread in which @everydayupsanddowns wrote about Diabeter:

“Just to confirm, the suggestion that the Diabeter clinic takes people with Type 1 Diabetes off insulin is not the case.

From my friend:
“Yes I still work at Diabeter. Taking type 1 off of insulin would kill them, so no…
But maybe this is about people with MODY diabetes (who were first misdiagnosed as type 1)” “

May be everydaysupsanddowns friend can watch the video and explain what he says, which is word for word:

"we hebben veel mensen met een Mody-achtig beeld van de insuline kunnen afhalen." which means:

"We were able to take many people with a mody kind of picture off insulin.

Be honest!
You have said before that you think you have MODY, not T1. You have also said that you were excluded from a study of T1s at Diabeter (which would further support that they believe you are not T1).

No I did not!!! This is what I actually said:

"I don't believe I have MODY, but MODA, in fact I believe we all do and also that it is possible to lower our setting point." "The setting point is the point at which insulin secretion starts. Higher glucose increases the setting point, so that effects us all."

You see how different that gets if you put that into context.
Now, be honest!
"we hebben veel mensen met een Mody-achtig beeld van de insuline kunnen afhalen." which means:

"We were able to take many people with a mody kind of picture off insulin.

Ah! thank you! That is really helpful.

This confirms that it is people a MODY type of diabetes (not people with T1) who are taken off insulin.

MODY is not a subset of T1. It is a completely different condition. A monogenic form of diabetes.
You have also said that you were excluded from a study of T1s at Diabeter (which would further support that they believe you are not T1).

In that case surely I wouldn't get tertiairy diabetes care at Diabeter.

I would never get that if they thought I wasn't type 1. Also, like I told you before, if they really did think that, they would have to tell me that, just like they had to tell me I had liver cirrhosis, that is mandatory.
No I did not!!! This is what I actually said:

"I don't believe I have MODY, but MODA, in fact I believe we all do and also that it is possible to lower our setting point."

But MODA isn’t a widely recognised type of diabetes?

MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young) isn’t exclusively diagnosed in childhood. It is more commonly diagnosed below 25, but you can develop MODY later in adulthood too.

It’s name is slightly misleading. MODY is a collection of monogenic forms of hereditary diabetes. A fault in one gene that leads to a form of diabetes that is often misdiagnosed as either T1 or T2, but which doesn’t necessarily need to be treated with insulin.

Ah! thank you! That is really helpful.

This confirms that it is people a MODY type of diabetes (not people with T1) who are taken off insulin.

MODY is not a subset of T1. It is a completely different condition. A monogenic form of diabetes.

People who were diagnosed with type 1.
Not just people with MODY.

Do you have insulin shares?
Better sell them and get GLP-1, which will soon be approved for type 1's.
All type 2 drugs will be used to treat type 1, why do you have a problem with that?
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