Odd how sometimes a bum can feel like a head and vice versa isn't it
that's why I was having the scan at 36 weeks because my midwife wasn't certain whether it was bum or head she could feel and didn't want to take the risk it was head. Second babies are more likely to turn at any point than first babies, uterus tends to be a bit more stretchy the second time around, usually once first baby engages they don't disengage without external help.
My induced birth was better than my first (prolonged, mismanaged labour ending in forceps). All the research (and most of the mothers I have spoken to who have had both types of section, which is a lot) says that in most cases a planned section is easier to recover from than an emergency section. I'm not sure if there is enough evidence about why (whether it's the psychological preparedness or not having been through potentially a long labour first). I appreciate the feeling of not wanting a section, I was determined to try to avoid one (although by the time I said I couldn't keep going, an hour into pushing, with my first I was so tired that I had forgotten there were any options between natural birth and caesarean and thought that I would have to have a section, and was quite relieved when they brought out the stirrups and I remembered that there were forceps and ventouse as options) but personally I wouldn't want to be any midwife or consultant's first (unsupervised) natural breech birth either if where she plans to give birth don't have anyone experienced available to at least supervise/oversee.
(To maybe bring it a little back on topic - sorry to people who don't want to read birth stuff - my practice nurse thinks that despite passing that OGTT, I probably did develop gestational diabetes. I continued to have glucose in my urine for the rest of the pregnancy - a further 6 weeks - but they didn't bother to do any more testing as midwife said by that stage of pregnancy - next routine test was 38 weeks I think - there wasn't much point in identifying it. My first baby was over 9lb/4kg and second wasn't much under, so possibly I had it towards the end with both.)