What I ate today - please join and share your days food :)

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That is an American site so what they suggest is probably somewhat different.
I have worked out over the other days I have had between 89 and 105 carbs a day so todays is high at 141 but on the whole I am under 130 and my urine test shows mild kestosis and more importantly the weight is coming off 🙂 x
I have worked out over the other days I have had between 89 and 105 carbs a day so todays is high at 141 but on the whole I am under 130 and my urine test shows mild kestosis and more importantly the weight is coming off 🙂 x
That sounds a lot better that going for 225g per day as at that amount I don't think it would be doing your blood glucose any favours.
This is why I am so thankful for this site @Leadinglights it really helps having someone to ask these things, my family are lovely and have some knowledge, my daughter has to manage a couple of diabetic children when she worked in a nursery and my sons fiance manages patients who have diabetes (but not a diabetes nurse she is an occupational therapist but helps with diet as well when she visits her patients), both have given me advice but this site has such a vast amount of knowledge and people living it too so thank you x
This is why I am so thankful for this site @Leadinglights it really helps having someone to ask these things, my family are lovely and have some knowledge, my daughter has to manage a couple of diabetic children when she worked in a nursery and my sons fiance manages patients who have diabetes (but not a diabetes nurse she is an occupational therapist but helps with diet as well when she visits her patients), both have given me advice but this site has such a vast amount of knowledge and people living it too so thank you x
The children are most likely to be Type 1 so will be managed in quite a different way. I expect as an occupational therapist she will be dealing with people who are suffering from various complications of their condition.
The children are most likely to be Type 1 so will be managed in quite a different way. I expect as an occupational therapist she will be dealing with people who are suffering from various complications of their condition.
Yes she mentioned that, she has worked with some patients with awful conditions. She was very kind and took me shopping to fill my fridge with food that was healthy and safe for me to eat, she also got me a whiteboard menu planner and shared some recipes. I have since bought 2 books as well one is a diet book for diabetes and the other is called Glucose Revolution - lose weight, stop cravings, get your energy back so will settle to read that this evening.

My son makes me go on long dog walks and my daughter who has taken the summer off before starting her teaching degree in September goes for lunchtime walks with me each day so I do feel well supported, except I just walked into my daughters room to see her and her boyfriend tucking into those seashell chocolates...On the subject of chocolate, my sister asked me if I can have a square of dark high percentage cocoa dark chocolate as she said she though it was lower in carbs and calories but gave a level of satisfaction and full of antioxidants.

One last question at my sons wedding if I have a glass of wine with my meal is red better than white or should I stick to gin? (or water :( )
Yes she mentioned that, she has worked with some patients with awful conditions. She was very kind and took me shopping to fill my fridge with food that was healthy and safe for me to eat, she also got me a whiteboard menu planner and shared some recipes. I have since bought 2 books as well one is a diet book for diabetes and the other is called Glucose Revolution - lose weight, stop cravings, get your energy back so will settle to read that this evening.

My son makes me go on long dog walks and my daughter who has taken the summer off before starting her teaching degree in September goes for lunchtime walks with me each day so I do feel well supported, except I just walked into my daughters room to see her and her boyfriend tucking into those seashell chocolates...On the subject of chocolate, my sister asked me if I can have a square of dark high percentage cocoa dark chocolate as she said she though it was lower in carbs and calories but gave a level of satisfaction and full of antioxidants.

One last question at my sons wedding if I have a glass of wine with my meal is red better than white or should I stick to gin? (or water :( )
I have 1 square of dark chocolate as weekend treats, we like the Moser Roth from Aldi.
I don't think there is a huge difference in the carbs between red and dry white wine so I would just have what your prefer. Just avoid sweet wines and liqueurs, spirits with diet mixers are OK as well.
Many people find that by reducing carbs they actually crave then less.
I have 1 square of dark chocolate as weekend treats, we like the Moser Roth from Aldi.
I don't think there is a huge difference in the carbs between red and dry white wine so I would just have what your prefer. Just avoid sweet wines and liqueurs, spirits with diet mixers are OK as well.
Many people find that by reducing carbs they actually crave then less.
Yes, I went on the Cambridge Diet years ago which is a low carb meal replacement VLCD, and stopped feeling hungry, I got down to a size 8 in 3 months, lost over a stone a month but an all inclusive holiday messed me up, it wasn't sustainable in the long run and I needed to learn to eat healthy as a life style choice. I remember the estatic feeling I had when trying on clothes after having been a size 22, it felt unreal but was sadly short lived.
Yes, I went on the Cambridge Diet years ago which is a low carb meal replacement VLCD, and stopped feeling hungry, I got down to a size 8 in 3 months, lost over a stone a month but an all inclusive holiday messed me up, it wasn't sustainable in the long run and I needed to learn to eat healthy as a life style choice. I remember the estatic feeling I had when trying on clothes after having been a size 22, it felt unreal but was sadly short lived.
Yes I tried that one as I knew somebody who had lost 10 stone but when I saw him a few years later he had put most of it back. I didn't like it very much as I only 'liked' the soups and the savoury snacks. My mouth became very sore from not chewing on hard foods.
As you say not sustainable.
That is why I like my low carb approach 70g per day as I enjoy what I have and don't really miss anything.
Yes she mentioned that, she has worked with some patients with awful conditions. She was very kind and took me shopping to fill my fridge with food that was healthy and safe for me to eat, she also got me a whiteboard menu planner and shared some recipes. I have since bought 2 books as well one is a diet book for diabetes and the other is called Glucose Revolution - lose weight, stop cravings, get your energy back so will settle to read that this evening.

My son makes me go on long dog walks and my daughter who has taken the summer off before starting her teaching degree in September goes for lunchtime walks with me each day so I do feel well supported, except I just walked into my daughters room to see her and her boyfriend tucking into those seashell chocolates...On the subject of chocolate, my sister asked me if I can have a square of dark high percentage cocoa dark chocolate as she said she though it was lower in carbs and calories but gave a level of satisfaction and full of antioxidants.

One last question at my sons wedding if I have a glass of wine with my meal is red better than white or should I stick to gin? (or water :( )
It's a wedding.
Have anything you want.
Not a normal day for me as I have a gastro so I ate: AM 2 spoons of full fat greek yoghurt. lunch: An exante shake and a handfull of berries for lunch. Tea: The inside (no pastry) of a chicken gravy pie and had a cup of ginger herb tea. The gastro means I have lost a further 2kg but thats been the only high point :-(
I am type 2 diabetes managed entirely by making dietary choices that restrict my carb intake to 20g - 30g per day but mostly hitting around the 20g mark.

Yesterday I kept within my limits and did not spike my blood sugars ( I check them when I try a new recipe and my cheesecake was a new recipe I devised)

I had strawberry cheesecake for breakfast.

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Made the biscuit base from almond flour and other keto friendly ingredients - the cheesecake from Tesco soft cheese and gelatine and lemon zest and zero carb sweetener, the jelly from gelatine, strawberry flavour sucralose drops and some food colouring. Each small piece is fewer than 1g carb and I had four pieces.
I had fried breaded haddock and green beans for lunch.
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I made the breadcrumbs from crusts I'd saved in the freezer from melba toast I'd made out of home made keto bread I made using the recipe in my Christmas recipe book and coated a frozen haddock piece with first some egg and a quarter teaspoon of Pulsin Pea Protein ( zero carbs) then rolled in the breadcrumbs. Then i shallow fried it in a mix of ghee and olive oil. The only carbs in this will be fewer than 1g in the breadcrumbs and about 4g in the beans. I had a knob of butter on the beans.
For my evening meal I had steamed courgette in garlic butter followed by a huge plateful of mixed leaf salad with a teaspoon full of spicy kimchi, a tablespoon of grated mozzarella, a teaspoon of mayonnaise and some black toasted sesame seeds. I had a large strawberry and a tablespoon of double cream as dessert.

All day I drank decaf coffee, green tea and water.
Ok so todays food

Normal start : Benecol drink
Breakfast: Porridge with 6 strawberrys made with soya milk

Lunch: chicken with red pepper, Cucumber and cherry tomatos

Dinner: Ryvita with half fat cheese spread and mango

Snacks: Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, and almonds
10 cal jelly

Now I realise my error today, and that is the mango! I ordered berry mix from Waitrose and they substituted it with mango which I have read up is possibly the worst fruit you can have if you are diabetic. I went on a long walk and drank loads of water to counteract it but tomorrow is another day and the weight continues to drop and I am within the calorie intake.

Yesterday I made a lovely version of ratatouie which was lovely and low cal,etc very filling.

Ive been reading up on this site and looking at recipes, I would like to try the sprouting bread, which they recommend to have occasionally with an egg, I see its sold at Holland and Baratt and wondered if anyone had tried it and could recommend.
Ok so todays food

Normal start : Benecol drink
Breakfast: Porridge with 6 strawberrys made with soya milk

Lunch: chicken with red pepper, Cucumber and cherry tomatos

Dinner: Ryvita with half fat cheese spread and mango

Snacks: Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, and almonds
10 cal jelly

Now I realise my error today, and that is the mango! I ordered berry mix from Waitrose and they substituted it with mango which I have read up is possibly the worst fruit you can have if you are diabetic. I went on a long walk and drank loads of water to counteract it but tomorrow is another day and the weight continues to drop and I am within the calorie intake.

Yesterday I made a lovely version of ratatouie which was lovely and low cal,etc very filling.

Ive been reading up on this site and looking at recipes, I would like to try the sprouting bread, which they recommend to have occasionally with an egg, I see its sold at Holland and Baratt and wondered if anyone had tried it and could recommend.
I love ratatouille but my other half hates it with a passion, and gets panicky if he sees aubergine, courgette, peppers and tomatoes on the chopping board. He likes all the ingredients individually or even 2 of them together but all of them NO, NO.
I lived off rat when at Uni.
I love ratatouille but my other half hates it with a passion, and gets panicky if he sees aubergine, courgette, peppers and tomatoes on the chopping board. He likes all the ingredients individually or even 2 of them together but all of them NO, NO.
I lived off rat when at Uni.
How can he not like rat, I was so upset when Nandos took it off the menu in lockdown. I dont really like Nandos but did enjoy the ratatouille they had as a side dish. I didnt have aubergines in my version, but it was still lovely, I made the vegetables really chunky and cooked until soft, actually followed a Jamie Oliver recipe but removed the fat to keep it basically just veg 🙂
Ok, well todays meals were not very inspiring

Benecol drink
Porridge and berries

Ham and Veg (see photo)

2 brazil nuts, 2 cashews, 2 almonds, 2 walnuts, pumpkin seeds

Ryvita x 4 thinly spread with benecol and peanut butter with marmite (just a small amount)

4 litres of water
1 coffee

I had 2 long walks today, one at lunchtime with my 27 year old daughter who is currently taking the summer off before finishing her masters degree so I have her company most days which is lovely while I am working from home.

The second walk, my 29 year old son (the one getting married next week) messaged me to ask me to go on a walk with him at 6pm, we went on a long walk and he bought me a drink at the pub (coke zero no alcohol) , we sat outside and it was lovely a colleague I hadnt seen in 13 years was there and had a good catch up, although it was quite sad as she lost her dad and aunt to Covid and her mum who is in her 90s has it at the moment, we reminissed about working together and the people we knew and then she said to me "you didnt tell me you had such a good looking son, and if he wasnt getting married next week he would be in trouble" - a little pervy bearing in mind she is in her 50s, I mean if it was a man saying that to a young woman it would be frowned upon, although my son said he was flattered.

Anyway...my son helped me set up my scales and I weighed in, I expected to have a lot of fat and wasnt shocked when it said 47% fat and 15% visceral fat. The good bit is I have lost 3 pounds short of a stone in 2weeks! These scales confirmed what the other ones said, I am not updating my signature until Monday though as I dont want to get in the habit of weighing constantly.

My son told me my skin looks lovely and he hadnt seen me looking so well in ages, which was a lovely boost. I wonder if quitting smoking and drinking so much water has helped, as he said I looked younger, so almost 1 stone down and another 4 to go

here is a photo of my dull unappetising meal I had today

Hello all,

Hope you are enjoying this lovely weather 🙂

Todays food

Breakfast - Porridge with blueberries and a Benecol drink

Todays menu

Breakfast - Porridge with blueberries

Lunch - 2 wholewheat bread toasted, peanut butter, 2 small plums and a 10 cal jelly

Dinner - Chicken Stir fry

Snacks - nuts, yoghurt

Wholemeal toast and peanut butter.jpg
Take care of your health to be the best executive you can be. Eat high fiber low carb foods. By eating high fiber and low carb foods, you can manage both your expanding waistline and your spiritual energy no matter how many hours you spend pinned behind your desk.
I agree with this @joshyaar I am following this mainly, today I ate

Breakfast - Porridge and cherries + Benecol drink

Lunch - Chicken with a salad of grated carrot, lettuce, cabbage, cherry tomatoes, red onion, red pepper and used balsamic vinegar as a dressing

Dinner - Low Fat/Low sugar Yoghurt with 6 cherries, - too hot to eat anything substantial

Snacks, handful of nuts (almonds, brazil nuts, cashew, walnuts and pumpkin seeds)

3 litres of water, 1 coffee and 5oz glass of red wine

walked 5 miles today, wanted to walk longer but too hot.

Good news though, 4 pounds lost in the last 4 days, probably mainly water but still its going in the right direction

Hope everyone else is doing well too
Todays food choices

Breakfast - Porridge and cherries, benecol drink

Lunch - grilled steak and salad at the pub (the meal was meant to come with chips, fried onions, mushrooms and peas, and a sauce. I asked for it to be plain and with just salad, the barmaid looked at me strangely, a little annoyed, thinking I was fussy I expect, so I explained why and she was suddenly lovely to me.

Dinner - Strawberries and low fat, low sugar yoghurt

Snacks - Cashew nuts

Loads of water 🙂

Lots of walking today too.


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I’ve enjoyed reading what some of you are eating! I love talking about food.
Have you tried poached egg with crushed avocado?

With regard to low fat foods, they usually have more sugar in them than the full fat versions.

Are you using jumbo oats to make your porridge? The quick cook oats make BG rise but using jumbo oats keeps BG much steadier.
Hope this helps!
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