What has the forum ever done for us?!

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I joined in January of this year and I can honestly say, I learn something new every time I log in. Some of it relevant to me and my situation, other information not relevant but interesting all the same.

The forum feels like a safe place first and foremost. No-one is judged, criticised or belittled for a) their illness or b) asking daft questions!!

Someone has already mentioned this but I echo their thoughts. I have friends and family who can sympathise with me but no-one (apart from one person) within my immediate circle has diabetes so they can’t empathise and fully understand the challenges. People on this forum can do that.

Keep up the good work, it’s a great forum and long may it continue xx
I especially love the Pavlovian response to any discussion that contains the word Statin.

I was reassured to realise, here, that it's controversial. I was slightly taken aback when my GP, during my 'you are pre-D' session, blithely suggested swapping to statins to control my high bp, not my (beloved!!) ace inhibitors. OK, we didn't have time to debate the pros and cons but I was a bit taken aback. I guess to the docs its no big deal, but I am always trying NOT to have my meds increased!!! (Self-deception or not, sigh.)
It has helped me to talk about diabetes, up until I joined I'd not been able to say I had diabetes out loud or talk about my complications, I still struggle in real life to talk about it. Having somewhere I feel safe and understood is such a good thing and knowing others are going through similar challenges was a lightbulb moment for me. Meeting forum friends in real life has been such a lovely thing.

Reading what is working for others. prebolusing is the big thing I learned from the forum, bolusing a few minutes before food is something I'd never heard of before I joined this forum and that has helped me so much to lower my HbA1c and Time in Range and keep it relatively steady. It's helped me realise that I can do diabetes. 🙂
The forum gave so much helpful information in relation from testing, metformin and which foods to eat. I especially love the Pavlovian response to any discussion that contains the word Statin.

My GP , the go to GP for diabetes in the surgery was (is) so utterly woeful. At times I feel like advising her to join the forum, it would be good for her.
I did suggest my son in law who is a GP looked here for information about advise to give to his patients.
Unlike some of the other posters, I have used various online fora starting with email newsgroups in the 90s.

But like them, I appreciate the support, information and shared experiences. It was very easy to feel that I had made friends here.

I also like that it is actively, gently, and well moderated, and that the "report a post" option gives us space to explain why - so for instance if we see a research request with no "approved by moderator" we can just flag up to check that you're/they're aware. Having that reason given I'm sure helps to actually moderate, and it also makes it feel that it's ok to make a report as I know if it is ok then I'm not "getting someone into trouble" needlessly. On various other forums over the years I have witnessed over and under moderating, and I feel that you @everydayupsanddowns and the other mods mostly get it right, which is a difficult balancing act, and contributes to the feeling of safety here
It has helped me know that it isn’t just me. Sounds ridiculous but knowing others with diabetes makes me feel a sense of “you’re not alone”
I know very few people with Type 1 and none with 3c. The forum has allowed me to "meet" lots of wonderful people with diabetes who are happy to share experiences and make suggestions. I've learnt a huge amount about managing diabetes.
The shared experiences have helped hugely with having more realistic expectations and realising the importance of "good enough" diabetes management so that I can get on with the rest of my life.
Hi , for me other members on this forum who like me are unfortunately diabetic are extension to my family.

Information I have found on the forum is invaluable to me regarding issues pertaining to me.

I am not depressed about being diabetic but I do suffer from terrible back problems that I admit causes me pain and
I wander away from the correct methods to treat my issues.

It's a shame that we cannot have local meeting ( perhaps we do and I am not aware of such meeting ) but I do understand if meeting do not take place.

I am a member on a car forum and what a performance certain members are put through.

I am so pleased our forum exists to talk issues through regarding our day to day issues and I would like to thank all people who run our forum a big thank you.
I haven’t been on the forum for some years due to burying my head in the sand and pretending I’m not diabetic. When I was a regular visitor the main advantage for me was reading about real experiences from people who suffer from diabetes instead of listening to someone who has studied it. I mean no disrespect to any HCP but there is a world of difference between learning and experiencing. The opinions on here are invaluable and you know you can rely on what is posted. Head has been removed from sand due to tingling / numbness in my feet which has scared the hell out of me. What has diabetes UK done for me? Made me remember I’m not alone and there is a great deal of advice based on experience to draw on
I haven’t been on the forum for some years due to burying my head in the sand and pretending I’m not diabetic. When I was a regular visitor the main advantage for me was reading about real experiences from people who suffer from diabetes instead of listening to someone who has studied it. I mean no disrespect to any HCP but there is a world of difference between learning and experiencing. The opinions on here are invaluable and you know you can rely on what is posted. Head has been removed from sand due to tingling / numbness in my feet which has scared the hell out of me. What has diabetes UK done for me? Made me remember I’m not alone and there is a great deal of advice based on experience to draw on
Seems now is the time to take things seriously and you will find lots of suggestion from people here. Knowing where you are at with your Hba1C and medication will help people make appropriate suggestions if you feel it will help you to move forward.
This link may help / encourage you to make some lifestyle changes. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
I just got diagnosed over a week ago and have yet to actually speak to a doctor and the forums made me feel less panicked and upset and I feel I have somewhere / someone to talk with about this very scary subject. What a difference. I'm very grateful for this space.
Without this forum I would have literally nobody to talk to that understands or cares and bad stuff can happen when you don’t have that
I completely agree.
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“Well… there’s the support?”
”Well yes, of course there’s the support! That goes without saying, the support. But apart from the support, the suggestions, the encouragement, the sources of information, book recommendations, food tips, the camaraderie, the sense of belonging and shared struggle - what has the forum ever done for us?”

Diabetes UK is interested in what positive impact the forum has on its members.

So whether you‘ve just joined this week or have been a regular member for more than a decade, what benefits have you found from being a member here?

I’ve always been comfortable with my own condition. (It’s been with me long enough.) It is what it “is” & could have been worse. Not perfect. But what is?

Now, do I follow the “shoe or the gourd.”
I have been pondering whether I could add anything useful or sensible here and not create a huge long entry of anecdotes. I have finally come up with a simple unordeted list of things I believe the forum has helped me...

1. Reassurance. I was completely lost at the start but people here helped me a lot to cope with confidence
2. Good Advice but, correctly, no medical advice
3. Examples of different approaches to deal with diabetes
4. Corrections where my thoughts and understandings were wrong
5. Kindness when things have gone awry or just feeling plain frustrated or 'down' or confused
6. Support in all circumstances
7. Humour (so important) in the face of life's trials and tribulations
8. Understanding for all
9. New ideas and thoughts. Different perspectives
10. Sense and discussion
11. Caring
12. A balanced view on all things
13. Anwering ALL questions no matter how trivial or silly they may seem
14. No condemnation (and a 'no question is silly' approach)
15. Acceptance of all-comers...inclusion
16. Patience esecially when someone wants to/needs to rant or asks the same question over
17. Thought provoking ideas and thoughts
18. A breadth of knowlege, experience.... shared
19. A sense of togetherness
20. Real concern for each other
21. Shared experiences - good and bad, successful or not
22. Useful personal 'warnings' or concerns
23. Information about new technologies and treatments
24. A no blame culture and a no 'I am right, you are wrong' culture
25. A wide tolerance of each others views and thoughts
26. A welcoming positive approach
27. A one stop shop for all things diabetic
28. Someone to actually contact/talk to in person on the phone....a life line for some
29. The forum is not just restricted to purely diabetes but has a healthy, interesting breadth of subjects too.
30. I love the humour and encouragement in the 'House Specials' and the awarded houses.
31. Great detailed explanations given (and they must take some time and effort to write)
32. The fact that it is clearly expressed that a diabetes diagnosis is NOT a death sentence !

I ran out of things to list ... brain is empty now 🙂 I am sure there must be more....
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The forum has given me friendship and excellent support throughout my journey with diabetes, now coming up to 15 years since diagnosis 🙂 Diabetes aside, I have met people from all age groups with all sorts of life experiences, and they have all been, almost without exception, wonderful people 🙂 It has been a particular pleasure to see those members who were supported through their pregnancies in the early years of the forum, and whose children are now teenagers! 🙂 There have been some sad times too, when we have lost friends (thinking in particular of @Copepod, @AlisonM and @ukjohn who were all taken too soon :( ).

Throughout it all, the forum has always been a place of warm welcome and good humour, so thanks to everyone who contributes and makes this such a special place 🙂

Forum Meets1024.jpg
This forum has been what keeps me almost sane! I can come and sound off in here and I’ve had so much help and encouragement. I’m sure I must drive @rebrascora round the bend . Love to you all
It has helped me know that it isn’t just me. Sounds ridiculous but knowing others with diabetes makes me feel a sense of “you’re not alone”

As someone only recently diagnosed (Told I was likely to be diabetic in March, diagnosed as type 1 just under 2 weeks ago), I'd like to echo this.

I only joined a few days ago after a hard few days (made a thread about it). They helped me realise what I was going through isn't out of the ordinary, and that it may never be an exact science, but, it gets better, or, it gets easier at least.
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“Well… there’s the support?”
”Well yes, of course there’s the support! That goes without saying, the support. But apart from the support, the suggestions, the encouragement, the sources of information, book recommendations, food tips, the camaraderie, the sense of belonging and shared struggle - what has the forum ever done for us?”

Diabetes UK is interested in what positive impact the forum has on its members.

So whether you‘ve just joined this week or have been a regular member for more than a decade, what benefits have you found from being a member here?
I'd managed to get through a large chunk of my adult life without meeting another Type 1 - maybe because we don't wear badges! The meet-ups, prior to Covid, were very welcome and it was fascinating to learn how other managed their diabetes.
The forum was also instrumental in helping me to find out about new insulins and the life-changing Libre system. I rarely post these days, as the older I get, the more I realise how little I know about the condition.
Thanks for providing a brilliant platform for everyone with diabetes.
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