What did you have for lunch today?

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I had sushi, and half a cinnamon swirl 😛
You'll be making that your 'every day' lunch then... :D
These days - it is one of my most frequent meals when eating in pubs. Sometimes beef instead of gammon steak. Also, sometimes a nice salad.

Almost always a large glass of red wine instead of beer or lager.
These days - it is one of my most frequent meals when eating in pubs. Sometimes beef instead of gammon steak. Also, sometimes a nice salad.

Almost always a large glass of red wine instead of beer or lager.

what do eat in the evening after a pub meal at lunch ...and wally do you always eat your main meal at lunch ? i heard somewhere its better for the ole digestion ?
Being nosy once again, what did you have for lunch today? I had a 3 egg omelette with some left-over vegetables thrown in from last nights evening meal together with a slice of burgen toast, followed by a 150g pot of fat-free natural probiotic yogurt. Full now and no more till later this evening! Toby.

Snap..my hubby treated me to lunch today and I had an omlette with cheese, ham and mushroom...yum...it came with salad and chips. I also had a Pepsi Max.
Lovely food, lovely company 🙂

Bernie xx
i just realised i didnt post up my lunch ...OH came home and we had a fried pullet egg with a large mushroom with i slice oaty bread toast ...then about 4 .30 when i started on the mince for a spag bol(wholemeal) i had 1/2 carrot and some celery ....which i always put in the base of a sauce (all munched up with oinion galic and mushroom in the food processer)
My brother got married today so i was munching on all the nice things you find in a buffet which was good cos me being me had hypo in the middle of the ceromony so i was sat in church crunching on gluco tabs,i dident want to spoil the ceromony for them but once they had both said i do i was out of there and got my self sorted out but what happens my stepdad only go's and hits me with his car ok it was only the wing mirror that hit me but even that packs a wallop, it was my fault though and im fine.
what do eat in the evening after a pub meal at lunch ...and wally do you always eat your main meal at lunch ? i heard somewhere its better for the ole digestion ?
Hi am64,

I didn't have another meal in the evening - I grazed a little on fruit (apple, satsuma, pear, strawberries, raspberries, dried prunes and apricots), mixed nuts & dried fruit, pickled beetroot/cucumber, stuffed olives etc. I suppose that was because my wife was going out to a restaurant with some of her friends and I went out to a meeting.

I quite often do eat my main meal at lunchtime usually in a pub or restaurant. However, we do sometimes eat later in the evening instead - when in the evenings those meals tend to be a Indian or Chinese restaurants. However, although it might sound as though we do, we don't live in pubs and restaurants, we do sometimes eat a light evening meal at home too. 🙂.

Lunchtime pub eating is almost always connected with a short walk to and from the pub of around two miles.

Usually, we have bacon and tomatoes for breakfast sometimes with a fried egg or omlette and/or mushrooms. If not that then berry fruits with yoghurt and a sprinkling of a couple of teaspoons of Lizi's granola.

There isn't any science, reason or great thought goes into what I do about my pattern of eating. It is all done fairly spontaneously arising out of how I feel at the time.

In general, I am doing less of sitting down to a meal and much more grazing of small amounts of food - in particular various fruits, meat, cheese, pickles etc with the odd oatcake with pate, cheese or a small amount of peanut butter.

When I think about it, I am tending to move increasingly to eating small amounts of food spread out over the day. I'm rarely sitting down to eat a large meal - today's pub meal was a large meal for me - I'd usually choose a smaller 5oz piece of gammon steak which is also on the Lite Bites menu.

Hope that answers your questions.

Best wishes - John
yesterday for lunch i had a wholemeal roll with egg an salad in it, then a muller light yogart.
today im having 2 egg an cress sandwiches on brown bread, ill be out at town today so i usaly go into tescos and buy the light choices sandwhich and there only ?1 an quite nice aswel.
A tuna salad with a slice of burgen bread followed by a medium sized banana. The trouble is I'll be hungry by 4-5pm, salads as much as I enjoy them never seem to keep me full longer than 3 hours after. Toby.
I am also quite hungry by 4-5pm, but its ok coz din dins is not far off......:D
Today we were picking up afriend from Leeds/Bradford airport so the wife and I had lunch at a fish & chip restaurant called Murgatroyd's near to the airport. What did I choose? Fried haddock and chips with mushy peas and tea to drink - bread and butter also came with the meal but I didn't touch any of that.

Not a wise choice I thought and I'm sure that many will agree!

My results? A quite amazing as far as I am concerned:

- 5.3 before eating
- 6.0 one hour after finishing eating
- 5.4 two hours after finishing eating

I really do seem to be getting some truly unexpected and remarkable results these days.

Today we were picking up afriend from Leeds/Bradford airport so the wife and I had lunch at a fish & chip restaurant called Murgatroyd's near to the airport. What did I choose? Fried haddock and chips with mushy peas and tea to drink - bread and butter also came with the meal but I didn't touch any of that.

Not a wise choice I thought and I'm sure that many will agree!

My results? A quite amazing as far as I am concerned:

- 5.3 before eating
- 6.0 one hour after finishing eating
- 5.4 two hours after finishing eating

I really do seem to be getting some truly unexpected and remarkable results these days.


There really good numbers John for such a high carb meal, I find with fish and chips that my bg is great 1 & 2 hours after, but starts to rise 3-4 hours later, so I split my insulin dose accordingly to balance things out. I see your type 2 so this isn't applicable regarding insulin, but do you not find that your bg spikes some time later in the day after a high carb, high fat meal? Toby.
There really good numbers John for such a high carb meal, I find with fish and chips that my bg is great 1 & 2 hours after, but starts to rise 3-4 hours later, so I split my insulin dose accordingly to balance things out. I see your type 2 so this isn't applicable regarding insulin, but do you not find that your bg spikes some time later in the day after a high carb, high fat meal? Toby.

Hi Toby,

I've carried out lots and lots of very intensive testing at all sorts of times from every 15 minutes after a meal to every hour in the day. However, I've never found that any of my readings start to go up again after they've come down. In fact, I have very rarely ever tested and found that any reading to be higher than my one hour after finishing eating reading - maybe the odd 75 or 90 minutes after reading.

The only thing that I ever see is when I get a rare higher than usual 'on rising' fasting level I sometimes think that it might have been because of something that I ate the night before - e.g. a late restaurant meal.

I'm absolutely certain that Type 1s are very different to Type 2s. What's more I seem to be quite a lot different to many other Type 2s that I communicate with.

I was very surprised to get the readings that I did today. My numbers just seem to get better and better - I can't even imagine how much better my blood glucose readings might become.

Best wishes - John
John (wallycorker) good news that your control is getting better and long may it continue!🙂 Toby.
Today I had a wholemeal roll with a fried egg and quorn sausage & a bit of tomato sauce. Running out of food! haha.
Boring again for me....salad.....mini cheedars, 2 mini pperami and a WISPA, yes you heard me, WISPA, yum

Was 5.2 at 12:00pm and I am now 10.7 (14:45), so not too shabby.......
Today I had a wholemeal roll with a fried egg and quorn sausage & a bit of tomato sauce. Running out of food! haha.

Well that was a bad idea because i'm now 17.1. I'm off to sainsbury's to buy some decent food!
i had 2 slices of organic wholemeal bread from local bakery with some chicken breast mayo and black pepper and a peach xx umm
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