Bad day today.
B - homemade pancakes (gluten free), whipped cream and berries.
L - tapas (seafood paella, potatoes bravas, chicken with herb) finished off friends lemon meringue
D - nothing
Snacks - bag pork scratchings
Sangria and gin
We were celebrating but first time been out since been diagnosed. Hard to have social life still but determined not to let diabetes rule me.
BGL before bed 7.9
B - homemade pancakes (gluten free), whipped cream and berries.
L - tapas (seafood paella, potatoes bravas, chicken with herb) finished off friends lemon meringue
D - nothing
Snacks - bag pork scratchings
Sangria and gin
We were celebrating but first time been out since been diagnosed. Hard to have social life still but determined not to let diabetes rule me.
BGL before bed 7.9