I've been using a Dexcom One for 89 days (last sensor expires tomorrow). I've had two sensor failures but Dexcom sent new ones the next day, I'm self funding but will not be carrying on with it. The main problem I've had with it is sensor placing and I tried several places but being a side/front sleeper there didn't appear to be any part of me that wouldn't apply pressure to it during the night, also I found the connectivity to be flaky at best and had signal failures even when it was right next to me and I have never got readings overnight as contact was always lost around 1am and wouldn't restart until I restarted the app in the morning. It's been useful to see the effect of different foods on the readings but I'm not convinced of the accuracy between sensors as some were over reading compared to a finger prick the smallest difference over the whole period was .40 and the largest 2.60 with an average of 1.2 for all the readings I compared. The app was running on an iPhone XR. You can get great reports out of the Clarity app but if the readings are not consistent I'm not sure how useful they are.
I decided to get the monitor after listening to a few podcasts and youtube videos by Jesse Chappus/Dr Robert Lustig/Jason Fung and realised that the problem is not just high levels of glucose in the blood but that it's insulin resistance that causes it. As a result I embarked on a regime of time restricted eating, namely the 18:6 method (fasting for 18 hours and having a 6 hour eating window) and so was interested in what my week/by/week progress would be on my glucose levels. I've been on that path for just over three months now and lost 10kg in the first 6 weeks but that has stabilized now at 65kg. I've got another round of blood tests next week and am very interested in what the changes might show, the last lot of tests showed very much increased glucose, raised cholesterol and triglycerides.