What age were most of you diagnosed

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Ten years ago.
Headaches, tired, falling asleep, aches and pains.
Drinking water all night, getting up for the toilet.
(Probably had it, or heading for it a few years earlier)
Diagnosed type 2.
Took all the drugs they offered.
Took all the help the NHS gave.
Dietician, physio and exercise, training courses, massive 5 stone weight loss.
Met diabetes head on, definitely didn't want to live with diet control.
Reversed it within two years, no complications, put weight on in lockdown, did the Newcastle Diet (again) lost the weight (again) still going strong today. 🙂
Ten years ago.
Headaches, tired, falling asleep, aches and pains.
Drinking water all night, getting up for the toilet.
(Probably had it, or heading for it a few years earlier)
Diagnosed type 2.
Took all the drugs they offered.
Took all the help the NHS gave.
Dietician, physio and exercise, training courses, massive 5 stone weight loss.
Met diabetes head on, definitely didn't want to live with diet control.
Reversed it within two years, no complications, put weight on in lockdown, did the Newcastle Diet (again) lost the weight (again) still going strong today. 🙂
Thats really positive, thank you for sharing. I need someone to keep my mind off of google, so far with my other test results in my head I have had pancreatic cancer, end stage liver disease with a stroke and a heart attack around the corner, I think its the Serum C protein level that triggered me, I have a very high reading and it is indicative on inflammation and cancer was mentioned too, I have inflamed skin from the rash that hasnt healed in 2 years and hope it could be the cause, but my mind has already chosen the song for my funeraL, i am going to strive to be positive like you as my adult daughter said to me just now, there is no point worrying mum, it makes no difference to the outcome, just be healthy until you have the scan and other test results and then deal with it when you know (she is wiser than me and actually had her own cancer scare not that long ago which she dealt with very well, she suspected she had Hodgkins lymphona, they found cysts on her thyroid but she is being monitored as they dont want to do surgery just yet - its not cancer 🙂 )

Sorry rambling again, think I am in shock still
Myself 20 years old and now 48, i was getting ill fast, peeing like a race horse and usual stuff, lost 4 stone in 3 months and went to the Docs and found my Pancreus had failed.
Within in days of getting the Insulin i was getting back to normal.

And back then the NHS etc was a dam sire better and quicker than now.
Myself 20 years old and now 48, i was getting ill fast, peeing like a race horse and usual stuff, lost 4 stone in 3 months and went to the Docs and found my Pancreus had failed.
Within in days of getting the Insulin i was getting back to normal.

And back then the NHS etc was a dam sire better and quicker than now.
Thats a brilliant outcome, so glad you got on top of it, but it must have been hard being diagnosed so young. I have had weight gain and not loss so think mine must be type 2, but still waiting my average glucose results so not even officially been diagnosed, but the reaction of the doctor and nurse told me I have it but just not sure my starting point 🙂

I need to read more stories like yours @Faffer its really reassuring.

Thats a brilliant outcome, so glad you got on top of it, but it must have been hard being diagnosed so young. I have had weight gain and not loss so think mine must be type 2, but still waiting my average glucose results so not even officially been diagnosed, but the reaction of the doctor and nurse told me I have it but just not sure my starting point 🙂

I need to read more stories like yours @Faffer its really reassuring.

x with even diabetes, i am Type1
I am not / was not one to stress, even with illness and problems like this. Some folk cant cope, but with even Type 1 i found it easy really, just a matter of checking BG levels a lot at first, i did for a y, another thread on my stress on here, ear or so a good twelve times a day but then it died off to less as it never changed.

Its me getting old and things nowadays that the more you see adverts on TV etc and folk stressing over things nowadays, does not help folk new to this malarky. I have seen a specialist twice in 28 years, and only as a moved house and the new Docs wanted me to go to see them for there records. Dont get me wrong its not dead easy to keep things happy and level, all about a routine your happy with to keep your BG levels good. This will make a lot of folk scream, but for the majority of my diabetes i drank a lot, and cider. All i did was keep my meds inline with it. My Nurse could not work it out how i did it, but i did.

One thing is please dont stress over it. I have knwn of folk do daft things i dont want to share, and all for Diabetes.

You be reat 😉
Its hard being diabetic but it must be even harder to have a child with it. How is your daughter coping now. It is good that your mums colleague had the medical training to urge your mum to go to the doctor.
My daughter is 16 now so mostly just gets on with it on her own, the only thing I really still have to help her with is adjustments to basal rates and ratios. Day to day carb counting, bolusing, pump refills etc she just does herself. Oh and she still lets me do all the ordering of pump supplies and prescriptions, which is OK as long as she lives at home I suppose!
Diagnosed last October, aged 50, picked up at an over 50s health check. No symptoms, though with hindsight, I used to need to have a nap in the afternoon some day, which I thought was just getting older, but I don't need naps now. I was clinically obese which got a lot worse in the pandemic and lockdowns as I wasn't walking into work any more and was comfort eating more. I've tried to address my weight and put the brakes on my type 2.
Diagnosed last October, aged 50, picked up at an over 50s health check. No symptoms, though with hindsight, I used to need to have a nap in the afternoon some day, which I thought was just getting older, but I don't need naps now. I was clinically obese which got a lot worse in the pandemic and lockdowns as I wasn't walking into work any more and was comfort eating more. I've tried to address my weight and put the brakes on my type 2.
well done for putting on the breaks Windy and changing your lifestyle, its hard though isnt it. Funny that you mention naps, my adult son joked that he has spotted me on more than one occasion when he came to visit having a midday nap (which I thought was an age thing too) the bad thing is i work from home and once fell asleep during a teams meeting 🙂 I never thought it could be anything other than me being tired (not sleeping well at night due to itchy skin)
work from home and once fell asleep during a teams meeting 🙂
That's something I fear I'd do, especially if I snored or dribbled or did some other embarrassing thing on camera!
I was diagnosed at 31 (last month)

I suffered from really bad needle phobia, a result of a bad childhood trauma relating to needles. So I went to see a GP for various (now explained issues) probably from my early 20s. I learned to cope with the symptoms, right from the bad pain to everything else.

Still a little unsure though, I experienced unexplained weight loss in my 20s and given my current physical condition they're still awaiting antibody tests to confirm on suspect T1. But they're 50/50 on that.

Just going with the flow right now 🙂
That's something I fear I'd do, especially if I snored or dribbled or did some other embarrassing thing on camera!

I do snore so that may have happened

I have found a nasal spray that works though, I shared a room with my daughter and my sons girlfriend at a recent hen do and I was anxious as I knew I snored. They both had virtually no sleep and I was taken to Boots to get a decongestant anti snore spray, I didnt beleive it would work but I used a sleep ap on my phone to record me and they said I didnt snore the second night when I used it
I was diagnosed at 31 (last month)

I suffered from really bad needle phobia, a result of a bad childhood trauma relating to needles. So I went to see a GP for various (now explained issues) probably from my early 20s. I learned to cope with the symptoms, right from the bad pain to everything else.

Still a little unsure though, I experienced unexplained weight loss in my 20s and given my current physical condition they're still awaiting antibody tests to confirm on suspect T1. But they're 50/50 on that.

Just going with the flow right now 🙂
Needle phobia is hard with this illness as blood tests and finger prick tests are frequent but I am guessing that may help you deal with it. I am at the pending confirmation stage like you, they think mine is type 2.

Good luck and keep me posted with how you get on x
Thats really positive, thank you for sharing. I need someone to keep my mind off of google, so far with my other test results in my head I have had pancreatic cancer, end stage liver disease with a stroke and a heart attack around the corner, I think its the Serum C protein level that triggered me, I have a very high reading and it is indicative on inflammation and cancer was mentioned too, I have inflamed skin from the rash that hasnt healed in 2 years and hope it could be the cause, but my mind has already chosen the song for my funeraL, i am going to strive to be positive like you as my adult daughter said to me just now, there is no point worrying mum, it makes no difference to the outcome, just be healthy until you have the scan and other test results and then deal with it when you know (she is wiser than me and actually had her own cancer scare not that long ago which she dealt with very well, she suspected she had Hodgkins lymphona, they found cysts on her thyroid but she is being monitored as they dont want to do surgery just yet - its not cancer 🙂 )

Sorry rambling again, think I am in shock still

Had mine sorted for years.

I've had numerous tests in my life, MRI, colonoscopy, liver ultrasound, x-ray of my head, (which looked like a Halloween joke), I think the local NHS here get bored, as apart from diabetes they never found anything!

I am new here and this is my first post that isnt on the newbie board so apolgies if this is the wrong place for this. I am just curious how old people were when they were diagnosed and do you beleive you had it for quite a while before, years even. What prompted you to get tested. Sorry may sound nosey but genuinely think I would be none the wiser today had I not developed a rash that basically hasnt healed in over 2 years so a blood test was arranged and now I have several health issues that the day before I hadnt a clue about.

I realise now that the tingling sensation in my fingers in 2018 may also have been diabetes or pre diabetes, I got the first sore on my skin in March 2020, it was the start of lockdown and It was like an insect bite, but it just didnt heal and then more and more appeared. I worried it may be scabies or bed bugs and due to lockdown self treated with Permethrin. I couldnt get a GP appointment due to Covid, so I tried, Salt baths, Aloe Vera Gel, Clove Oil, Tea Tree Oil, MSM Silver etc etc...cost me a fortune but nothing worked, Eventually I was seen by the GP who said he didnt know what the rash was and I was referred to a Dermatologist.

The Dermatologist looked at my sores which some covered my upper back, shoulders, top of arm and buttocks, one on my thigh. He said it was Nodula Prurigo which ofter starts with an insect bite and then you get unbearable itching all over (which I had) and more sores appear. None have healed at all. Anyway the Dermatologist got me to do a blood test to find if there was any underlying cause like Vitamin D defficiency etc.

I had the blood test on 16th June, and a text from the Dermatologist the following day to say blood test is normal no further action.

Then yesterday -28th June - I woke up to realise I had had loads of missed calls and texts from 7.30 am onwards all from my GP surgery asking me to see them for an appointment that morning and a further blood test. It appears my blood results were far from normal and there was a clear indication of high sugar level and abnormal liver results.

So I have had another blood test to show the average for my sugar which I am waiting for. I have however received the other test results back relating to cholesterol and liver, both not good, I am to see a Lipid Clinic and have a liver scan. Im a little scared about this as every test I seem to have comes back with a bad result.

Sorry rambling here. I am 57 but reckon I have had these issues without realising for 3-4 years, so worried I may have done damage by not knowing. I havent been good with my diet and also smoked, I have given up since the consultation and not smoked at all and wont again, its like before the diagnosis I thought I was invincible. Now I know I am human and have let myself become very unwell.

I would be interested to hear about other peoples story and how they got their diagnosis and what made them get tested in the first place. I would be oblivious if it wasnt for the skin rash and a walking time bomb. It also made me think about 2 of my sons friends who are both very overweight (44 waist trousers) and 21 stone at 5ft 7 they havent got diabetes but then they havent been to the doctor, they are young, late twenties and I worry that they may have this condition too but havent got tested as not had a trigger, although one of them has sciatica which means they have seen a GP but not had bloods taken.
Well done for quitting smoking!
I was diagnosed a few months ago at 43. I had blood tests for symptoms relating to long covid and turned out to have diabetes and abnormal liver results too. Am waiting for a ultrasound on my liver so not sure what the issue is there yet. Am working hard to get my diet right and am doing better with it but the excess weight is only coming off slowly.
53 and didn't want to acknowledge the fact, despite running in family. Symptoms were thirst, tired, cold legs and more but no weight loss. Suspect had it for several months, maybe longer but mild symptoms.
Emergency appointment with doctor, hospital by blue lights, leave car in practice car park, no time to get my toothbrush, in for 10 days. At 53 should have had more sense. But did learn as got bowel cancer detected at early stage.
24 for me, only last year. Initially, my girlfriend and I had moved into a new flat together, and I was getting really bad hayfever-like symptoms so I went to my GP. They wanted to do allergy tests so took blood samples. A day later they phoned and asked me to do another set of samples as my glucose levels were a bit abnormal.

The week after, got diagnosed with diabetes. I was red-flagged with the endo as I was young, have a healthy weight and showed absolutely no symptoms and a year later I'm now waiting to find out if I'm MODY or not.

If we hadn't moved into the flat I likely wouldn't have known until symptoms started (which they still haven't, really). It wasn't completely unsurprising though, as my grandfather was Type 2, and now after my diagnosis, my mum was diagnosed too. Runs in the family it seems.
I was 39 when diagnosed. I had no symptoms at all. Went to a health fair at my old work place and a finger pick test came back at 26.7!!! Went to gp who carried out a hba1c test which came back at 127! GP suspects that I have MODY (maturity onset diabetes of the young, genetic form of diabetes) but won't get me tested as it's expensive.
I was 39 when diagnosed. I had no symptoms at all. Went to a health fair at my old work place and a finger pick test came back at 26.7!!! Went to gp who carried out a hba1c test which came back at 127! GP suspects that I have MODY (maturity onset diabetes of the young, genetic form of diabetes) but won't get me tested as it's expensive.
Complain to the practice manager
If you contact the helpline on this site I'm sure they can give you good advice on the best way forwards as well.
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