Well I certainly dont recommend Diabetes UK Diabetes Cookbook

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What happened meanwhile to the other 92%?

I assume that they put the weight back on and it came back.
Most people who lose weight do end up regaining it after a couple of years.
I assume that they put the weight back on and it came back.
Most people who lose weight do end up regaining it after a couple of years.
8% didn’t… 🙂
I assume that they put the weight back on and it came back.
Most people who lose weight do end up regaining it after a couple of years.
Or they are like me. I actually went low carb but nonetheless lost the required weight and more immediately after diagnosis. I kept the weight off and still couldn’t increase carbs without immediately gaining weight. I could however eat a decent number of calories that didn’t include many carbs at all without gaining weight or losing blood glucose control. It simply isn’t the solution for some people, whilst for a few it works. I strongly suspect there are sub groups of type 2, thus the different responses.

The more helpful tools there are in the box the better. Personal choices and convenience within their living situation of what’s sustainable long term, the origins of a persons own type 2 (appalling diets, excess weight, extreme stress, genetics, some other factor or whatever mixture of cause) all factor into what works.
Sure, there are different 'phenotypes' at play with type 2 - my experience of T2 is totally different to someone I know who is on a lot of medication, has never been overweight, and been T2 for years. I got back to normal levels with low dose of Metformin (Now even lower) and weight loss. So fingers crossed I can keep it that way for a few years.
Newcastle Diet , Fast 800 , Keto , Mediterranean......

I know I speak for plenty of newly diagnosed people who sometimes think .....

PLEASE just group all this together and give us a sensible eating plan !

It's incredibly frustrating

I am amazed the NHS hasn't provided a detailed and comprehensive reciepe and shopping list for us all

It's stressful and daunting and what's worse is reading supporters of each diet plan arguing over which is best ......like two bald men fighting over a comb .....I have seen plenty of this on the Internet

Maybe there is a link for simple souls like myself and others

The NHS does provide a diet plans - The Eatwell Plate
Sure, there are different 'phenotypes' at play with type 2 - my experience of T2 is totally different to someone I know who is on a lot of medication, has never been overweight, and been T2 for years. I got back to normal levels with low dose of Metformin (Now even lower) and weight loss. So fingers crossed I can keep it that way for a few years.
Of course it could just be that your acquaintance is a misdiagnosed, slow onset type 1, as sadly there are far too many that are misdiagnosed and the antibody tests are not always clear cut, especially if it is a long time since onset.
Of course it could just be that your acquaintance is a misdiagnosed, slow onset type 1, as sadly there are far too many that are misdiagnosed and the antibody tests are not always clear cut, especially if it is a long time since onset.
He had the tests for T1 when first diagnosed… 17 years ago.
I thought the Atkins diet was about reducing carbs.
Wasn't that around last century?
(OMG now I feel old referring to "last century"😱)

Atkins diet wasn't a diabetes thing but I am pretty sure it had been conceived.
Diabetes gets more than a mention in New Diet Revolution and a hundred years earlier William Banting's Letter on Corpulence was advising on low carb for weightloss and other health problems. It is not new, just been denied by so many unwilling to admit that it is beneficial to avoid grain and sugar.
He had the tests for T1 when first diagnosed… 17 years ago.
Trouble is not all type 1 are positive for antibodies if that was what was relied on. Some drs still haven’t got that memo, so it’s not a guarantee the initial diagnosis was right, albeit better than no tests at all being done. Blimey I’ve even heard of type being decided by hba1c or age so it could be worse.
Don’t get me started on the physio advice when I had a hysterectomy which only mentioned how to do housework even though i am a very active engineer (with a cleaner).
Aaah , see, that's the difference of having it done in a BUPA establishment, as I did, who probably automatically assume you have a cleaner, a gardener and a chauffeur. (Instead of just happening to work for an employer who enrolled all their employees in their company medical insurance!)
Aren't cookbooks dust gathers!
No food droplet gatherers. Every time I get a new book hubby gets something on it. Grrr
Blimey I’ve even heard of type being decided by hba1c or age so it could be worse.
Twenty years ago, my type was decided on weight.
I was told "you are too slim to have type 2 so it must be Type 1, despite your age". I was in my 30s at the time.
Since then, there has been nothing to suggest this diagnosis was wrong but, in hindsight it was very .. unscientific.
My Mum has a cookery book stand. It sits on the worktop, holding the book upright AND has a clear plastic cover to protect the pages from spills and splatters.
I guess it is something like this: https://www.johnlewis.com/john-lewis-anyday-acrylic-cookbook-stand-clear/p184210
Something else to clean lol he’d say. Also, I have to say nowhere to put it, my kitchen is a cupboard for some. Our larder back home was bigger. ah well we are poor. I don't work,I am not ill to get benefits, and at the dump heap end because I can't do things. TMI but yeah I dream of horses farms etc but at least I do not have to do all their hard work. That's why I am scared of them I guess @ lol
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Yes, anyone could tell what we cook most in our house by looking at the stains on the recipe pages!

Haha! Glad it‘s not just us!
Yes, anyone could tell what we cook most in our house by looking at the stains on the recipe pages!
Agreed what recipe is/was used the most and what has not been tried very obvious in ours too lol.
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