Well I certainly dont recommend Diabetes UK Diabetes Cookbook

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And then imagine spending a career as a health care professional advising people to do something that was actually detrimental to their health and then having to contemplate reversing that advice.
Dr David Unwin seems to have faced that challenge and risen to it very graciously.
There’s a low carb meal plan already offered (along with Mediterranean, and various other options)

So low carb options are certainly on offer from DUK 🙂

Who is Prof Roy Taylor ?
Who is Prof Roy Taylor ?

He is one of the Professors (along with Prof Mike Lean) behind the research projects (DIRECT) that have led to what is sometimes called the Newcastle Diet.
He is one of the Professors (along with Prof Mike Lean) behind the research projects (DIRECT) that have led to what is sometimes called the Newcastle Diet.
So is it worth reading any of his books are should I, for now , stick to the basic low carb stuff , backed up by diabetes uk links , like you have provided in this thread ?
So is it worth reading any of his books are should I, for now , stick to the basic low carb stuff , backed up by diabetes uk links , like you have provided in this thread ?

They are two quite different strategies. One is a short-term very low calorie diet designed to remove visceral fat around the organs, which ‘rebooted’ pancreatic function in about half of the trial participants.

The other is about finding a menu for long-term successful glucose management. You’d need to do this after DIRECT too of course - as regaining the weight by eating the same way as before can lead to diabetes re-emerging.

Direct/Newcastle does seem to have more chance of success the sooner after diagnosis it is implemented, but if you are already having success with low carb it may be tempting to stick with that?
I should think so Taffy - reducing carbohydrate consumption generally hadn't been conceived - let alone born and adopted, back then. It is nearly 25 years ago!
Im getting old lol when you look at it like that. Your right but its a good change although has taken a long time to change me.
They are two quite different strategies. One is a short-term very low calorie diet designed to remove visceral fat around the organs, which ‘rebooted’ pancreatic function in about half of the trial participants.

The other is about finding a menu for long-term successful glucose management. You’d need to do this after DIRECT too of course - as regaining the weight by eating the same way as before can lead to diabetes re-emerging.

Direct/Newcastle does seem to have more chance of success the sooner after diagnosis it is implemented, but if you are already having success with low carb it may be tempting to stick with that?

Well I certainly have visceral fat

That's the Newcastle diet ?
They are two quite different strategies. One is a short-term very low calorie diet designed to remove visceral fat around the organs, which ‘rebooted’ pancreatic function in about half of the trial participants.

The other is about finding a menu for long-term successful glucose management. You’d need to do this after DIRECT too of course - as regaining the weight by eating the same way as before can lead to diabetes re-emerging.

Direct/Newcastle does seem to have more chance of success the sooner after diagnosis it is implemented, but if you are already having success with low carb it may be tempting to stick with that?

Newcastle Diet , Fast 800 , Keto , Mediterranean......

I know I speak for plenty of newly diagnosed people who sometimes think .....

PLEASE just group all this together and give us a sensible eating plan !

It's incredibly frustrating

I am amazed the NHS hasn't provided a detailed and comprehensive reciepe and shopping list for us all

It's stressful and daunting and what's worse is reading supporters of each diet plan arguing over which is best ......like two bald men fighting over a comb .....I have seen plenty of this on the Internet

Maybe there is a link for simple souls like myself and others
I should think so Taffy - reducing carbohydrate consumption generally hadn't been conceived - let alone born and adopted, back then. It is nearly 25 years ago!
I thought the Atkins diet was about reducing carbs.
Wasn't that around last century?
(OMG now I feel old referring to "last century"😱)

Atkins diet wasn't a diabetes thing but I am pretty sure it had been conceived.
I know I speak for plenty of newly diagnosed people who sometimes think .....

PLEASE just group all this together and give us a sensible eating plan !

Unfortunately, the trouble with diabetes is that there isn’t one option that works for everyone. Not everyone in the DIRECT trial responded well… Not everyone gets on well with low carb… not everyone loses weight consistently on low calorie.

It can feel confusing, but in some ways I think it may even be better that there are options and alternatives to try - so you can find out what suits you as an individual.
Well I certainly have visceral fat

That's the Newcastle diet ?

If you want to read more you can follow @Kreator ‘s experience of the 800cal / Newcastle diet here

If you want to read more you can follow @Kreator ‘s experience of the 800cal / Newcastle diet here

Is that the same as the fast 800 Micheal Moseley approach
I am all over the shop
Is that the same as the fast 800 Micheal Moseley approach
I am all over the shop

Similar approach I think. Not 100% sure of the differences in detail, but Newcastle/DIRECT uses shakes to ensure people have a nutritionally complete menu in only 800 calories. I think Mosely may use ‘real food’?
If you want to read more you can follow @Kreator ‘s experience of the 800cal / Newcastle diet here

According to this article it is not very succesfull:

After 5 years only 8% is still in remission (from a group that is extra motivated, because they are being monitored)
and that number is dropping fast.
What happened meanwhile to the other 92%?
According to this article it is not very succesfull:

After 5 years only 8% is still in remission (from a group that is extra motivated, because they are being monitored)
and that number is dropping fast.
What happened meanwhile to the other 92%?
I saw the 5 year results - yep a little disappointing, but i'd still take the 8% still in Remission...

...As my own journey continues, I find it's not plain sailing by any means, but I will get to my year 5 and beyond...

i won't go back to my old lifestyle...I enjoy my new one too much...

To me, 8% it much better than 0%, so I'll keep the faith, and so should we all, it's progress no matter how small and gives more people more hope for the future...
Similar approach I think. Not 100% sure of the differences in detail, but Newcastle/DIRECT uses shakes to ensure people have a nutritionally complete menu in only 800 calories. I think Mosely may use ‘real food’?
Yep mosely uses real food, but he started his 800 journey through Roy Taylor himself...
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