Weight loss group

What should we call the Weight Loss section?

  • The Losers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Weigh Low Winners

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • NSVs (Non-Scales Victories)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fatbusters

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • The Winners

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Loss Adjustors

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • The Weight Loss Group

    Votes: 12 46.2%

  • Total voters
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Oh Caroline....that is awful but kind of funny.
Hi Katie, Adrienne and Twitchy (hope I haven't missed anyone - so please shout out if I have!) Welcome aboard.
Hubby thought it was very funny, I lost weight and broke the bathroom scales. To be honest I can't say i was sorry as they were one of those wedding presents I never really liked.
Nice idea Lucy🙂 As this is to "insure" we succeed, how about "Loss Adjusters"😉
I like that one Dame!
ohhh this sounds like a great idea and id defently join you all. i need some encoragement at the moment, ive lost about a stone an half in 5months but feel im slipping back to my old ways again which i realy dont want at all so count me in 🙂
Hi Tracy, Great you want to join us..and a big well done on weight loss so far.
what a great idea 🙂 a bit like a WW or SW group where we can discuss our weekly achievements and be able to discuss things i want to be part of it definately 🙂
I think it's a great idea - count me in. I can't think of any name suggestions at the mo, but I'll be back if I do!
yeh, i like the idea - but i don't have any scales and mum refuses to have them in the house :(
i've stopped eating chocolate altogether, good no?
yeh, i like the idea - but i don't have any scales and mum refuses to have them in the house :(
i've stopped eating chocolate altogether, good no?

I don't have any scales either - I would get obsessive if I had them in the house. I go down to Boots and get weighed when I want to know what I weigh between nurse appointments (usually I don't want to know!).
A very good point Katie - where are you men? Come and join it - it would be good to have some men amongst us too.

For those that don't have scales and don't want them- how about buying a tape measure and just doing measurements every few weeks? It all counts.

I haven't heard from Northy yet as he is probably still on holiday. Anybody any idea when he is back?
Think I'm a man, so you can count me in.🙂 I have already lost 1.5 stone since June, but would like to loose another stone.

I think I can also qualify in the man department.
However my problem is not so much what I've lost but in what I need to loose still. :( (According to the Doc anyway).
The first four stone was.....difficult, but the last two I am finding impossible, as I keep floating between fourteen and a half and fifteen stone. I would settle for another stone but I am really struggling.
So.... maybe joining a supportive infrastructure (sounds good) will help.
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I think I can also qualify in the man department.
However my problem is not so much what I've lost but in what I need to loose still. :( (According to the Doc anyway).
The first four stone was.....difficult, but the last two I am finding impossible, as I keep floating between fourteen and a half and fifteen stone. I would settle for another stone but I am really struggling.
So.... maybe joining a supportive infrastructure (sounds good) will help.

Hi Jimbo, First of all well done in losing 4st! I have lost 5st so far but according to bmi I have another 5st to loose my weight loss is really slowing down now, am "only" averaging 1lb a week and sometimes I stay the same for weeks on end. Dont give up, even if you remain the same weight it is an acievement...
I think that a board devoted to weight loss efforts is a splendid idea! I think that, rather than introducing an additional section, I will replace the 'Carers and Friends' section, as this has not proved particularly popular. I'm open to suggestions for the name of the section, so if you can agree on a name, please let me know 🙂
great fun idea .. I have no scales but am aiming to reduce by 1/2 stone by xmas ..slowly and surely xx
Hi All,

I am overwhelmed at the response to this post. How fantastic that we can support each other with the dreaded weight loss.

Fantastic to see all you chaps on here too! EXcellent.

Northerner - thanks so much for allowing this.

Now - how do we decide a name?
Does anyone know how to set up a vote post? if so, could you please go ahead and do as I have no idea. failing that everyone just post for now.

Thanks all - have been having a low day today and you have all cheered me up.
i loved the loss adjusters ....made me chuckle !:D
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