Weight loss group

What should we call the Weight Loss section?

  • The Losers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Weigh Low Winners

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • NSVs (Non-Scales Victories)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fatbusters

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • The Winners

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Loss Adjustors

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • The Weight Loss Group

    Votes: 12 46.2%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all.

Over the past few weeks I have been speaking to quite a few members on here who, like myself, have a considerable amount of weight to lose, to help their diabetes and generally to improve there health. Everyone has questions on what to eat, what exercise to do and generally is looking for good support to get to their goa, or even started on the right track.

I have been wondering if there is any way we can start a separate thingy (sorry don't know what you call them - but like 'off the subject' 'general message board' etc for those wanting a weekly check in or even daily advice?

Not sure if this has been tried before, or even if it is possible (Northerner??) but thought it worth asking. I certainly would appreciate a group of friends to help me along the way and making it more formal - would make me check in every week.

Would also be easier to go there and look for advice when having a low moment, rather than sorting through all the threads on general messageboard. Let me know your views please.

Hope i am not taking over too much here.
Hi Lucy, that sounds like a brilliant idea. I am one who has weight to loose and wants support. I'm sure Northerner will let us know what can or can't be done.

Many people find groups like weight watchers or slimming world helpful, but groups tend to meet once a week and there doesn't seem to be a lot of scope for support in between.

My GP runs a slimming clinic once a week right in the middle of the day, since I work full time that is not always an option and I don't really want to take a days leave for him to tell me what I already know!

I very much like the idea of a message board for those of us wishing to attain a healthier weight as it means we can pop in whenever we like and ask for ideas.

I am aware for some there are other health issues too, so it is always a good idea to also keep your GP/DSN/Care Team in the loop too.
That sounds like a very good idea. I am losing weight after joining Slimming World but I cannot follow their plan 100% because of the diabetes, high cholesterol, stomach ulcers etc. I said right from the start the most useful thing for me would be the weekly weigh-in and that has proved to be the case. Slimming World recipes rely heavily on Splenda or other sugar substitutes. To me they are evil - straight through which I suppose is helpful to weight loss but not to a social life.

I would be willing to put my weight up each week - if we get a separate board then perhaps we could have a dedicated thread to weigh-ins only - no comments - just our weight. We all know the score.

At the meeting last night we talked about the times you know you are going out and you know there is no way of sticking to the plan. Our consultant said one way to treat 'syns' (SW speak for cheats) is to give yourself say 70 syns and then count down. So a big cake might be 10 syns, leaves you with 60. Quite often you would find you don't use all the syns which makes you feel better about it. Instead of counting up your syns and bringing on feeling guilty, you enjoy yourself without beating yourself up. Obviously, on a big blow out - don't expect to lose weight too!!!

So, in short, brilliant idea.
I like the idea of syns because of how it sounds, although I use chcolate as a treat. Go on tell me a bar of chocolate as a treat for not syning defeats the object, but it ammused me.
Hi Marg and Caroline.

So pleased you like this idea. I have pm'd Northerner also for his views on his return.

Marg - I am not sure everyone would want to declare the weight to all? Maybe putting the loss each week and desired weight loss remaining may be a bit kinder.

e.g Target weight loss this week was 1lb - actual 2lb - Loss to go for next target 1st 4?

People can set realistic mini targets - rather than having (like me) 6 stone to go? Maybe just go for 1 stone at a time? - Just a suggestion though?
I'm one of those who thinks a personal target each week is easier to attain than a larger ammount in a set period. We are all indviduals, so what works for one wont work for others. the sharing of ideas is good.

I think another idea that might help is if we record our activity levels. Even an hours worth of hoovering and dusting is activity, but it is up to the individual
Yep that sounds good. And admitting when we aren't doing what we know we should be doing, so others can support us.
Just another thought - maybe we need a good name for our forum, assuming N lets us do it. Suggestions for a name anyone?
Just another thought - maybe we need a good name for our forum, assuming N lets us do it. Suggestions for a name anyone?

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or...The Losers!! (might be a bit harsh though!)

More suggestions needed I think.
or...The Losers!! (might be a bit harsh though!)

More suggestions needed I think.

ooohh dear mine are that bad are they.

*goes back into hidng*

POOF like magic all gone now.
The Weigh Low Winners sounds a bit more positive. Doing things that will benfit us and our health makes us winners. 😛
Keep them coming everyone ...then we can all vote at the end.
In WW we have whats called a NSV - non scales victory. It is like when someone says you are looking good or you fit into that dress that has been hanging on the wardrope for years or like me you can fit behind the wheel of your car without it rubbing your tummy... You get the idea...
I like that Cazscot - so we could count our victories too!
I like the sound of NSV. Mine is when waist bands don't feel quite so tight round the middle!
Oooh, I like these ideas!! 🙂

I've just got a set of Rosemary Conley nutri scales with my insulin pump, so no excuses! 😉

Re names - not an idea so much as a chuckle - I read a book (chick lit! 😱) a while ago, where the central characters met through a group called 'Fat Busters' lol!! :D
I like this idea alot and would totally join in if I owned a pair of scales that actually worked.
About 20 years ago when I went to wieght watchers I refused to get on the bathroom scales at home. When I had lost about two stone I got on the bathroom scales and they broke...
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