Wasn’t expecting to be posting this news again…surprise pregnancy!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Not entirely sure how this has happened (apart from the obvious!)

I discovered on Tuesday that we are expecting another little baby. Those of you who know me and my history know why this is utterly terrifying at the moment. With Eris I had lost loads of weight, my levels were in the non diabetic range etc. currently my hba1c is the worst it’s ever been and my weight is back up. I’ve admittedly failed to look after myself over the last two years since she arrived.

This pregnancy was not planned but it seems divine intervention has had other ideas for us.

I had a scan yesterday (on my 42nd birthday no less) and am measuring 5 and a half weeks with a nice heartbeat.

I’m just terrified that the damage is already done and I am going to face another loss.

The maternity unit were great and have prescribed my insulatard slow release night time insulin and novorapid. I’m also now using the libre as they are finding it very successful for pregnant women. I’ve got straight back on my healthy eating plan but I’m just so scared.


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Hi, lovely to see you again. It sounds like you’re being well looked after. I hope everything goes smoothly. It’s understandable to be worried but be gentle with yourself xx
Congratulations @merrymunky I completely get why you’re stressed because this is unplanned, but you’ve found out early and you’ve got the high dose folic acid really speedily. You’re getting the insulin sorted quickly too and you have the Libre.

Whether someone has diabetes or not, nothing is certain, but you’ve got everything sorted very quickly so stay positive. There are certainly other ladies who’ve had unplanned pregnancies with diabetes and/or high HbA1Cs. Focus on now and the things you can control. Xx
How exciting! Don't worry about the past, they always told me the road to hell was paved with good intentions - so it's brilliant you've been taken on this diversion from it, isn't it?

Make the most of it MM and have another successful healthy pregnancy and another healthy bouncing babe - you know we're still here all rooting for you - and this time - you already know that you CAN do it don't you?

No two pregnancies are ever the same, so yours wont be either I shouldn't imagine! Jolly good luck with it - again. {{{Hugs}}}
Lovely to see you back on here, and with such wonderful news.
We are here for you.
A little update. Had another scan on Friday as my initial was was earlier than they usually do a viability scan. Was measuring exactly 9 weeks and all looked good!


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Congratulations! And don't beat yourself up you've not caused any harm to baby and most importantly you know you can do it, you've done it before.

You have all the skills and strength needed to do what you need to in terms of your diabetes and weight. You can do it and we are all here for you 🙂

Made up for you!
Congratulations! And don't beat yourself up you've not caused any harm to baby and most importantly you know you can do it, you've done it before.

You have all the skills and strength needed to do what you need to in terms of your diabetes and weight. You can do it and we are all here for you 🙂

Made up for you!
Thank you. Being on insulin has been a godsend. My levels are almost always in my target range and the diabetes team at maternity are very pleased with them. I have my 12 week scan on Thursday so getting rather anxious in the build up to it.
Try not to get anxious. I know you had a tricky time before your last pregnancy.
Hope it goes well next week, please let us know how you get on.
Had my 12 week scan today. Measuring 12 weeks and 2 days. Dates moved forward to 22nd Feb. All looking good thank goodness.


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Oh wonderful!

Great photo too!

I hope your doing okay? And with this heat too urgh.
Oh wonderful!

Great photo too!

I hope your doing okay? And with this heat too urgh.
Some days have been tough, while the weather was at its hottest. This house gets very warm. Eris’ bedroom was 30° some nights. Unbearable. I’m glad it’s cooled a bit.
Hello all,

Not updated for a while so I thought I’d pop on and assure you that things are progressing really well at present.

I’m 17 weeks now and baby is looking perfect so far. I had a fetal medicine scan with the consultant this week and she was very thorough. Couldn’t tell the gender due to awkward views but I’m just happy baby is thriving at the moment.

My levels are well under control and usually within target range thanks to the libre and insulin alongside my usual metformin.

A couple of recent bump pics and my latest rubbish scan pics!1C567BF9-8FCB-4DE3-931D-E3C23611D462.jpegCEF6C2D7-85D9-49A2-A03C-62FDF6587425.jpeg1E0A2498-07FA-4D4C-8E60-E1E7E9BE681D.jpegBD16CE6B-D6DD-4C25-A8C9-C10F121837F9.jpeg
Ah you look wonderful @merrymunky !

So pleased to hear things are continuing well. 🙂
So pleased that everything is still going well and lovely photos. So fascinating to see the scans. Isn't technology amazing!
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