vaccine for swine flu

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
I have enquired at our gp surgery about the swine flu vaccine, and was told that they are only giving out tamiflu to people with symptoms. I asked about the vaccine - but they said they havent been given any instructions to offer it to anyone routinely yet.
Has anyone been in touch with their gp's about being offered the vaccine?

I dont normally worry about general day to day illness's - but obviously A hasnt been diagnosed for long.

I wasnt particularly worried about swine flu - until the 6 year child died a couple of days ago - she apparently didnt have any underlying health conditions, so it makes me wonder is swine flu worse than normal flu?:confused:Bev
Hi Bev

I can understand why you're worried. I work in the NHS and whilst we know that people are concerned the illness is milder than usual winter flu that NHS services cope with every year.

As swine flu is now spreading the Government has abandoned plans to contain the spread of the virus and routine swabbing of suspected cases has been stopped and close contacts are no longer being traced and given antivirals.

The focus is now on treating people who become ill and those diagnosed with swine flu are being prescribed Tamiflu which helps to reduce symptoms and the length of illness.

The antiviral medication is also being given to people in the same household who are in 'at risk' groups for flu such as those with chest problems, pregnant women and under fives.

My understanding is that the vaccine isn't ready yet and there's not yet enough of it for everyone who is 'at risk' to have. We have been told at work that it is likely that the swine flu vaccine will be given to at the same time as the flu vaccine that is given in the Autumn.
Totally agree Bev i was not really that concerned until i heard of the man who died with no underlining probs and the girl as well who was being treated for tonsilitis , i am still yet to hear anywhere the diffirence between the swine flu and the nomral flu
Guys, what you need to remember is that the people who have unfortunately died have been REPORTED as having no underlying problems. The media may say they died of swine flu but actually there was probably lots more going on. Also, hundreds of people die of the normal winter flu virus every year but it's just not reported in the media in the same way as swine flu is being reported. Steff, swine flu is just a different virus to the flue that is around each winter.

Allison x
yes but the symptoms , they are not any diffirent to swine flu so you could be walking around with a runny nose and bad cough just thinking you had flu and you actually have swine flu
You're right the symptoms are the same. If you thought you had any type of flu you would need to phone your GP for advice and they would diagnose either way. At the moment I think GPs are treating most flu like symptoms as swine flu.
I may be wrong but I thought that the majority of people who dies from normal seasonal flu were the elderly. Swine flu seems to not be hitting the elderly but younger people, again someone correct me if I am wrong.

I wonder if we will get the vaccine through work before my GP offers it to me.
yep i friend of mine her 7 yr old son was off thurs/fri of last week he had high temp and a cough she phones up her GP he said oh he has a virus just keep him off for 24 hours, how on earth can a GP diagnose over the phone i said to my friend i would of turned up at my GP'S reception id not of accepted an over the phone diagnosis especially at the moment.
Guys, what you need to remember is that the people who have unfortunately died have been REPORTED as having no underlying problems. The media may say they died of swine flu but actually there was probably lots more going on. Also, hundreds of people die of the normal winter flu virus every year but it's just not reported in the media in the same way as swine flu is being reported. Steff, swine flu is just a different virus to the flue that is around each winter.

Allison x

In short the media are making us all a bit panicy and spreading news that problem isn't 100% accurate, or correct, as well as missing huge chunks out!

The news people really wind me up!
Steff I'm sure they are still saying don't go to the GP surgery if you have these symptoms. Better to request a home visit so the doctor will come out to you.
yup sofar the first lady to of died was 38, then we had a 73 year old a 6 yr old a 19 yr old a 9 Yyr old then a teacher in his 40.and then u had chloe buckley age 6 the gp richard day in his 50.s i think
It was 'suggested' on the national ITV news at 10 last night that there will soon be enough stocks of the new Swine Flue vaccine. They will initially be consentrating on Front line public service staff (eg GP practices and hospital staff) and people in the 'at risk' categories which included heart disease patients and diabetics, although this still had to be confirmed along with other at risk categories. Why are we always the Guinnae pigs 🙄

Thanks 🙂
Hi All...

I was watching BBC Breakfast news this morning...a lady doctor was on discussing swine flu. Although she did not comment on the availability of Tamiful or vaccine. What she did say however has worried me greatly...

She said " Swine flu seems to be targeting children and teenagers/young adults. I think we will all and should be prepared for our children contracting, as the probability of them contracting it is sooner rather than later"
The doctors advice was to all purchase a thermometer...and a sustained temperature of 38c by the patient..seeks a call to the doctor...she went on to say that all those who suspect themselves of having swine flu...please do not go to the doctors surgery or hospital A&E department.

If any of you have a radio nearby, Jeremy Vines on Radio 2 is going to discuss Swine Flu in his usual fashion! in the next hour or two!
Steff I'm sure they are still saying don't go to the GP surgery if you have these symptoms. Better to request a home visit so the doctor will come out to you.

To get my doctor to leave his comfort zone behind his desk you need a stick of dynamite or semtex or something.

Sometimes you need to be a bit persistent with your GP in order to get what you need.

I hope everyone manages to get the treatment they need.
yeah hedi i heard the same i have a thermomter sits up on the wall , i do try and close my mind to my lad contracting it but when she says it is looking likley all our kids will get it sooner rather then later kinda opens my eyes 😱😱
Hi Steff...

I kind of blanked or tried to out of my mind...but think in reality now I preparing for when Nathan gets it...I hope that does'nt sound awful...because its the last thing I want for him.

not at all hun im the same way of thinking, getting more n more worried x😡
Hi Steff...

I feel the same....I'm normally quite level headed about things like this....but have to say in recent days....panic is setting in

yup especially when i found out 2 people at his school had it
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