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Ok, so I’ve magicked away your Type 1 - can you now be totally spontaneous? No, you can’t. You still need to do prep for your hypothetical trip to the Alps: passport, cash, phone and charger, credit card, insurance, clothes and toiletries, getting to the airport, airport parking, accommodation, etc etc.

But the diabetes adds more prep, you say? Yes, it does - that’s true. But your problem IMO isn’t the diabetes prep, it’s the fact that your diabetes has been allowed to grow so that it’s so massive it’s blocking your perspective and has completely taken over. You can’t make it disappear but you can try to relegate it a little and put it back in its box.

So - back to your Alps trip - you’ll have to add packing your meter/Libre, test strips, pods, glucose, but that’s ok. Maybe the person you’re going with doesn’t have Type 1 and doesn’t have to do this, but you have two ways of dealing with that:

1) Spend your whole time in the Alps, mulling over how much you hate diabetes; how it’s not fair your friend Bob doesn’t have to bring all the diabetes cr*p with him; let the Type 1 take over your thoughts and affect your mood so you can’t even enjoy the scenery…

2) Or you can accept you can’t change the fact you have diabetes, allow yourself to have a brief moan at it while you’re packing - then keep it in the back of your mind and put enjoying your holiday at the forefront.

I know which I’d choose…
and if your my son you would also need an inhaler 🙂
Hi , what does an Australian male say to his partner before sex ?
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