Types 2 gets all the help Shame while Type 1's suffer all we hear on TV is Type 2 Diabetes

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
We know that approximately 90% of diagnoses are of type 2 diabetes, and around 8% of diagnoses are type 1 diabetes, with the other forms of the condition making up the remaining 2%
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Hi Matthew,
I’m sorry you’re feeling this way.
Could you reach out to your GP and talk with them about the way you’re feeling perhaps?
Sorry , I do not understand enough . I hear you. I agree with Colin it seems you need to ask to see a specialist . I would say an endocrinologist will help as both conditions they would specialise in.
Go easy on the TV and broadcasters , they are not caring for any type just to make money out of us.
Food makes no difference to a tyoe one as long as they balance it they need insulin.
whereas in mild type 2 not all as sone do need insulin a change of diet will help .
Also body fat lost will help as thst helps your metabolism.
Too complex but the diet industry makes thousands for the world.
The main thing we all want is to be happy snd healthy.
You need to take that for yourself.
please see someone and get them to help you move on for you .
i hope others can help you that are type one two.
Self inflicted as shamed as i am i have to get through mine sadly.
I understand you have serious concerns. All we can do is offer good advice. I note previously you stated nothing works. I would suggest keep asking and we will answer. Trust me sooner or later something works. If not, you tried.
I appreciate you have concerns about your own personal level of care but attempting to shame Type 2 diabetics on a diabetes forum is not the best way to make friends and influence people.

This forum is excellent for support, regardless of type of diabetes. Please use the forum to ask any non-judgmental questions. You will always get really helpful answers.

Medical care should never be a competition and suggesting Type 2 diabetics are not entitled to care because of lifestyle choices is disrespectful.

Take care of yourself.
I appreciate you have concerns about your own personal level of care but attempting to shame Type 2 diabetics on a diabetes forum is not the best way to make friends and influence people.

This forum is excellent for support, regardless of type of diabetes. Please use the forum to ask any non-judgmental questions. You will always get really helpful answers.

Medical care should never be a competition and suggesting Type 2 diabetics are not entitled to care because of lifestyle choices is disrespectful.

Take care of yourself.
Good points all.
I was not shaming Type 2 Diabetes i am just stating facts Type 2's take up most of the Diabetes appointments and treatments,
We know that approximately 90% of diagnoses are of type 2 diabetes, and around 8% of diagnoses are type 1 diabetes, with the other forms of the condition making up the remaining 2%.13 Apr 2023

Type 1 Diabetes is rare Type and Type 2 are not the same Type 1 is a autoimmune disease, 90% of diabetics in the UK are type 2, 100% truth. I seen a Diabetes Nurse no help from her what so ever i been suffering with swollen legs, ankles and feet not one Diabetes person helped even the specialtist, been a Type 1 since 2003 seen diabetes people only a handful of types but i bet Type 2's have seen somebody every Month or week and im not being nasty its a fact look at the percentage of type 2's 90% in the uk and i did not say Type 2's should not be treated they should but treated, but just becasue Type 1's are more Rare they seem to blank us out or try and treat us like a Type 2, it took me years to get a libre sensor despite me being a Type 1 since 2003.
Sometimes you just want to rant and get it off your chest, which is fine. Just don't try to spin it as something else.
I was not shaming Type 2 Diabetes i am just stating facts Type 2's take up most of the Diabetes appointments and treatments,
We know that approximately 90% of diagnoses are of type 2 diabetes, and around 8% of diagnoses are type 1 diabetes, with the other forms of the condition making up the remaining 2%.13 Apr 2023

Type 1 Diabetes is rare Type and Type 2 are not the same Type 1 is a autoimmune disease, 90% of diabetics in the UK are type 2, 100% truth. I seen a Diabetes Nurse no help from her what so ever i been suffering with swollen legs, ankles and feet not one Diabetes person helped even the specialtist, been a Type 1 since 2003 seen diabetes people only a handful of types but i bet Type 2's have seen somebody every Month or week and im not being nasty its a fact look at the percentage of type 2's 90% in the uk and i did not say Type 2's should not be treated they should but treated, but just becasue Type 1's are more Rare they seem to blank us out or try and treat us like a Type 2
I think the grass is always greener on the other side.
I see type 1 as having this disease with no blame or shame as it should be.
There is a lot of technical equipment only given to type one.
There is a lot of sympathy for type one.
If i were you I would try get another opinion.
I am sure you could explain to another Gp and say i know i am Diabetic but all this is causing me concern.
I don’t want to see anyone myself having to goto get treated like an idiot.
Ive been crying with shame this morning my hubby told someone who might as well tell the world Put it in the news that i am doing this low carb to get sugars down. Yes I am but all they'll think its well fat slob she is anyways.
Yes I admit weight has been my is due since i had kids but having diabetes does not necessary mean I've given myself this . Anorexics stop eating is that self induced trauma too. Do sports people have more injury and not cost the health service anything.
We need to be responsible snd get ourselves help regardless . I cannot get type 1 anymore than you will get type 2 . Get yourself help snd stop seeing others as having an easier life. The rich may have their money but might also have more worries.
i hate life but i have to get up snd make the most of it.
i never asked to be born but I am who i am with what baggage i have.
Count our blessing do what we can to make it better but don’t think everyone else is better they are not.
“i bet Type 2's have seen somebody every Month”

I’m now 6 months overdue an HbA1c so it’s not all a bed of roses being T2 trust me.
I’ve never seen anyone other than the nurse at the GP practice regarding my diabetes.
The GP didn’t tell me I had diabetes for years after diagnosis.
I battle to get my retinopathy appointments.

I get mightily pissed off when the media infers that T2 is always due to someone being fat.

In the Telegraph recently a journo friend who I’ve known for 46 years wrote that the Barbie film was “diabetes sweet”. It is such an ignorant and ill judged comment and yet it got through the sub-editors and made it to the printed page.

Yes T1 care under the NHS can be patchy to say the least but it’s the same for T2 patients and I’d guess for all the rest other than maybe, hopefully, gestational diabetics.

Own your anger, it’s valid, but please don’t direct out at those of us who are T2.
The thing about some conversations is they are circular. And get nowhere fast. Just saying.
I thought it was a forum .
a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged:
"we hope these pages act as a forum for debate"
I did not realise I had to make a summary. Sorry!
I thought it was a forum .
a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged:
"we hope these pages act as a forum for debate"
I did not realise I had to make a summary. Sorry!
I should have added that I'm not saying don't have the conversation. Just keep in-mind what is happening and what the outcome may be and if you'll ever reach one.
I should have added that I'm not saying don't have the conversation. Just keep in-mind what is happening and what the outcome may be and if you'll ever reach one.
I really should have added that in the original post. So apologies.
I seen a Diabetes Nurse no help from her what so ever i been suffering with swollen legs, ankles and feet not one Diabetes person helped even the specialtist, been a Type 1 since 2003 seen diabetes people only a handful of types

Sorry to hear you have had such a poor experience of diabetes care. You certainly seem to have fallen through the cracks. You should be seen at least once a year after a diagnosis for an annual review, to get your feet checked and get various bloods taken (cholesterol, BP, kidney health etc). Best practice suggests getting an HbA1c 6-monthly can help, but it should be reviewed at least annually. You should also have been offered a structured education course, and one-to-one help with injections, diabetes management, and how to handly exercise and activity / illness etc.

It’s pretty clear that you have been offered almost none of that.

So as @ColinUK says, your anger is completely understandable.

But it really should not be directed to T2s.

Over the years on the forum I have seen many examples of good care for people with diabetes of all types… but I have also seen unfortunate examples of exceptionally poor care for people with different types of diabetes especially T2. People being completely ignored. Or not even told they have a diagnosis (for years!). People being denied access to technology or treatments (just like you were). People being treated with barely concealed contempt and stigmatised because “it was all their own fault”, when in truth a significant part of a person‘s likelihood to get (or avoid) T2 is genetic.

but i bet Type 2's have seen somebody every Month or week

Sadly this could not be further from the truth.

At the end of the day, this is a support forum. We are here to help and encourage each other. To share experiences, and give each other a helping hand where we can.

One of the strong aspects of this community is that all types and forms of diabetes are all in it together (including carers / parents / partners who don’t actually have diabetes themselves). Sharing experiences, swapping ideas and strategies, and passing on things we have learned.

We are sharing the struggle together.
Sorry that you have been crying i hope you feel better as the day goes on, the sort of thing i mean with the Type1 and Type 2 Diabetes is people even health professions assume that i am a Type 2 i told a man that i have Diabetes i did not tell him it was type 1 or 2 but he said to me Hmm Diabetes you should be managing that with your Diet, which i repleyed i am a Type 1 Diabetic and dependent on Insulin Injections up to 6 times a day and somes days more than that, that is what really really p*iss's me off and being treated like a type 2, i am type 1 our treatmeant is different, ignore people who think that about low carb you stay strong and stick to that if you are happy doing that, you are a Mother i have 100% respect for you.X
Being type 1 diet is only part of it as you have to equal whats going in with insilin etc.
i think we got the wrong end of the stick . Misunderstood your meaning.
i have to sort myself out so once i get through this ill be able to feel it was worth it.
i really hope you get the help.
i think its added burden having type 1 as you cannot get away from it.
i hope others give you support.
Being type 1 diet is only part of it as you have to equal whats going in with insilin etc.
i think we got the wrong end of the stick . Misunderstood your meaning.
i have to sort myself out so once i get through this ill be able to feel it was worth it.
i really hope you get the help.
i think its added burden having type 1 as you cannot get away from it.
i hope others give you support.
Thank you very much, its the healthcare professionals who don't understand type 1's they may have trained read books but i have lived with Type 1 for 20 years now and, advice i have had of them is wrong in the past they told me this i had a cheese sandwhich (2 slices white bread) and a small packet of crisp, my glucose level before eating was on 6.7 now after that food i would normally take 14 Units of Novorapid but the Health professional told me to take 4 Units Novorapid hour, hour and a half latter my brother picked me up checked my glucose and it was on 27.4 thats because i only took 4 Units, if i had of done it my way my glucose would have been between 6 and 9. Some very nice healthcare diabetes professionals but if you can't get help ehst else is there ? Very nice Guy you sound like.
Thank you very much, its the healthcare professionals who don't understand type 1's they may have trained read books but i have lived with Type 1 for 20 years now and, advice i have had of them is wrong in the past they told me this i had a cheese sandwhich (2 slices white bread) and a small packet of crisp, my glucose level before eating was on 6.7 now after that food i would normally take 14 Units of Novorapid but the Health professional told me to take 4 Units Novorapid hour, hour and a half latter my brother picked me up checked my glucose and it was on 27.4 thats because i only took 4 Units, if i had of done it my way my glucose would have been between 6 and 9. Some very nice healthcare diabetes professionals but if you can't get help ehst else is there ? Very nice Guy you sound like.
im a woman so glad i sound like a nice guy. Ive had brothers. lived in a neighbourhood full of lads and worked in garages, on men’s wards and with men in the community. Married to men too so i like guys. So guess its good to be like one of the lads. Better than the crabby old woman most say i am lol Oops hubby say hes not most. @ lol
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I was not shaming Type 2 Diabetes i am just stating facts Type 2's take up most of the Diabetes appointments and treatments,
i bet Type 2's have seen somebody every Month or week
Excuse my laughter.
I am type 2. Diagnosed 2016.
After the results came in the GP saw me ten days later having told me it was a routine follow up. He informed me that I was a very bad diabetic. I had a retest at 3 and 6 months but no follow up appointments
For a couple of years I saw a nurse once after an annual blood test, and after that - nothing.
I have read your posts and wondered if there is something else going on because what you are claiming really is not true.
There have been no treatments, no advice, no medication and no consultations for me.
Your claims do not match my reality at all.
As you seem to be having problems getting help with what is troubling you, contacting your surgery or consultant is probably the only way to try to resolve the situation. Your belief that type 2's are being helped at regular intervals seems to be totally at odds with the true situation, and could possibly be having a negative effect on your own treatment.
I am trying to be diplomatic but it is difficult.
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