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Hi there, well I've been very brave! For someone who hates needles, and has had a lifelong needle phobia, I gave myself a pat on the back, as I actually injected myself with my daily dose of insulin, while my wife watched me. You know, it really wasn't all that bad! It might sound quite trivial, but for me, it really took some doing! Now I will try my best to get used to using lancets for finger prick tests when necessary. Better than Dracula appearing in a puff of smoke!!!! ha ha!!
I hope all is well with everyone!
Well done, becoming independent with these things can be life changing for both of you, with your wife being reassured that you can cope alone whenever needed.
Thank you Lucyr! Maybe I could encourage any new patient who also has a needle phobia in future?
Thank you Lucyr! Maybe I could encourage any new patient who also has a needle phobia in future?
Yes, I’d say keep practicing now you’ve done it once to build it as a skill you’re confident with, but of course good to also encourage others that it can be possible to get past the phobia to self inject.
I remember that feeling. Thanks to Inka I overcame my fears and have not looked back.
Well done
The worst part about it was seeing the needle go into my skin and I couldn't look away. That's what I feared most. It will make a big difference as I no longer rely on my wife, so take the pressure off her. She has enough to worry about with going to work and other commitments.
The worst part about it was seeing the needle go into my skin and I couldn't look away.
I never look… you might want to at first but once you know what you’re doing you don’t have to
I must admit I've never really watched. (I don't look when I get vaccinations either.)
Hi Bruce, so do you look away while being injected and prefer not to inject yourself? I know everyone is different and I fully respect that. I've always had someone inject me and never done that myself.
More like @Lucyr, I inject myself. I just don't look.
Ok now I understand. I need to try that too, as I've only just learned to have the courage to do that myself too. I've finally got over my needle phobia and never thought I would. Thanks Bruce.
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