Type 2

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Yes, that was my thoughts too. The alternative is to cut the carbs like toast and biscuits from your diet.
Sorry to hear that you have been going through grief. I know it isn't easy, but it is important to look after yourself.
Thank you xx
Hopefully your wobbly feelings when your BGs are in range will begin to ease off as you spend more time in single figures @Saff

As others have said, it can just be that your body is use to running higher than is good for you, so just keep trying to aim for single figures (perhaps 7s, 8s, and 9s to start with?) while your ‘glucose thermostat’ resets itself 🙂
My numbers r running very high, doc gave me dapagliflozin but not doing much yet x
My numbers r running very high, doc gave me dapagliflozin but not doing much yet x
If you are no longer taking the gliclazide then you could revisit a low carb approach, some ideas in this link that people have found successful. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Don't forget you need to drink plenty fluids with the dapagliflozin as it encourages the kidneys to excrete excess glucose via urine so it would be easy to become dehydrated.
If you are no longer taking the gliclazide then you could revisit a low carb approach, some ideas in this link that people have found successful. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Don't forget you need to drink plenty fluids with the dapagliflozin as it encourages the kidneys to excrete excess glucose via urine so it would be easy to become dehydrated.
Thank you
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