After reaching 115kg (11/2019) 183cm, Diabetic Type 1 for ~40years I got so fed-up with my continous rise of weight over the years, that I created my project for 2020 to reduce my body-weight. So I started in January-February 2020 to work on it, which also included some learning and frustration. The idea was that in combination with the covid-restrictions I had fairly good control of eating at home. My planning was to loose 40 kg (to reach 75kg) over the next 8-10 month. Didn't want to loose fast some kg, as in most of the time you are gaining it rather fast back. I was going through this frustration already.
First 1-2 month just tried to reduce the amount of food approximative plus some additional daily home-sport. In this time I have recognised that the approx. reduction of food helps for some time. I have reduced in this time my weight 8-10kg, but after it was slowing down down until it stopped.
So at this point I have started really counting of calorie and carb. and created written diary, what and how much I was eating. At the same time I kept my intake around 1500 -1800 kcal/day.
Eventhough some times the reduction nearly stocked for 1,2,3 weeks I was continuing with my reduced calorie and never gave up.
So over the time my body got used to it and I have learned (observation) to understand why I always was liked eating too much.
Essentially for me are the eyes/nose which are controlling my (virtual) hunger and not my stomach (it's coming secondary). So I have tried control it (still smetimes don't suceed). Over the following 10 month I have learned too to understand better, what I was eating and how much kcal.
In December 2020 I have reached my wish or dream weight of 75kg (at some times I have doubt it if I could ever reach it). Afterwards I have started slowly to normalise my food-intake over the next 2-3 month. Eventhough I must say that I am eating less and (I have got soused to it that I am still making an approx. counting of eating). But as Diabetes Type1, it's not a lot of additional burden.
Currently I am on 76-79kg and trying to keep it in this range,
PS: At the same time I have reduced my need of insulin by ~30-50%, my blood-pressure normalised again, as well some other medication I could reduce too and my shopping/carrying is much easier.