Type 1 pregnancy help & advice

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Claire Type 1

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,
We have just found out I am 4 weeks pregnant and I have been to my first antenatal clinic today. I feel really overwhelms and bombarded with things to focus on. Although I am very early on I can't seem to get my sugars down and am super conscious that they need to be. Just looking for any tips and advice from people who have been through this personally. Thanks
I'm a bloke (and T2) so can't advise😉, but have you looked at our Pregnancy forum? Plenty of good stuff there (as everywhere else on here). And welcome by the way.
Welcome to the forum Claire.
Have you looked in Pregnancy section of this forum? Lots of tips there, plus that's a good place to post your search for advice to focus your apporach to blood glucose control.
I just wanted to say Hi - and congratulations to you!

A lot of changes coming your way - very basically 1st trimester highs, 2nd lows - 3rd - mega highs! You just need to know you need to keep changing what you do and when you do it in terms of amounts and timing of insulins - take a deep breath and do your best.

Do not be afraid to contact your DSN ANY time you need her - hope you've let them know you are preg? If not, do that NOW!

Good luck - you WILL cope!
Hello Claire and welcome. Congratulations with your pregnancy !

I'm 18 and a half weeks pregnant with my second and I have a 2 year old son. I'm 39 and I've been a type 1 for 20 years.

Yes, type 1 and pregnancy is incredibly hard work but the good news is that with good BG control you have every chance of having. A perfectly healthy pregnancy and baby.

Are you on MDI or a pump ? I'm on MDI (Novorapid and Levemir). In terms of practical advice :
1) Are you carb counting ? / have you been on a Dafne course ?
2 ) your pregnancy hormones will fluctuate throughout your pregnancy (yay!) affecting your insulin sensitivity / resistance. Meaning your background doses and quick acting ratios will change throughout, The only way I've managed to deal with is to test test test ! I test about 10-14 daily (good excuse to treat yourself to a good hand cream so your fingers don't get too sore !)
3) don't know how your ante natal clinic is set up but use the resources that you have there - they are there to support you. I've found the DSNs really good in terms of day to day management and the dieticians are a great source of support as well
4) your hypo awareness will change - I have a glucagon pen and have showed the husband how to use it.
5) you will be looked after really well - I go to the ante natal clinic every 2 weeks (I call it my second home!) . It's up to you to do the work but they are all there to support you . You're not on your own , if you need help ask.

Most importantly try not to worry too much (easier said than done i know !) . As long as you keep testing your BGs all the time you'll have an idea of whats going on , and if you're high (this is inevitable!) then you can correct And bring yourself down safely.

It's a long road and it's relentless but try to stay focused on the bundle you'll get at the end of the process 😉 and one of the perks of being a type 1 is that we get more scans so get to see bubs more often .

I hope that's helpful - pls feel free to ask any other questions - and can I suggest that if you what to respond then you can do so in the pregnancy section as it's probably more appropriate there 😉
Good luck x
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