Type 1 diagnosis with low blood sugar?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
First off I am type 1 diabetic myself, and diagnosed, however my fiance (non diabetic as far as we know) went to hospital today for passing out at work, and they tested his blood pressure (low), blood glucose (3.8), and ketones which came back as 0.4, he also had ketones present in his urine.
He is having a blood test including an HbA1c on monday, but has anyone had experiences with this before? He does fit symptoms of diabetes, he hadn't had food for a while (since breakfast) so the low makes sense I think? Can you be diabetic if you have ketones present but low blood sugar?

First off I am type 1 diabetic myself, and diagnosed, however my fiance (non diabetic as far as we know) went to hospital today for passing out at work, and they tested his blood pressure (low), blood glucose (3.8), and ketones which came back as 0.4, he also had ketones present in his urine.
He is having a blood test including an HbA1c on monday, but has anyone had experiences with this before? He does fit symptoms of diabetes, he hadn't had food for a while (since breakfast) so the low makes sense I think? Can you be diabetic if you have ketones present but low blood sugar?

As far as I am aware, ketones at that level, with a low blood sugar, are likely to be ones naturally produced when the body is burning fat for energy, (maybe as a result of not having enough breakfast for the amount of activity taken?) and are not in themselves indicative of a diagnosis of diabetes.
Ketones of 0.4 is only marginally raised, and makes sense if nothing has been eaten all day, the body will be burning up fat because no carbs have been ingested for a while. Non-D's can get slightly low blood sugar so that makes sense too. Your fiancé might have passed out because of the low sugar or because of low blood pressure. I don't think he'll be diabetic with those numbers though, low sugar in a diabetic is only caused by their medication, and anyone will have low levels of ketones present if they haven't eaten for a while.
Thanks both! That was my conclusion too, I just needed to run it by some other people to double check! Obviously will be waiting for blood results on monday to get the final verdict, but fiance wont worry as much now! 🙂
Can't help you, but hello and good luck on monday
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