
I wonder if any type 2 Diabetics on the forum is either on or have been on Trulicity ?? My reason for asking is I've now been on this drug for the past week and it only came on the market in England in January 2015 and I'm the only one in my Doctors Surgery that has been prescribed this so I feel a little like a test dummy. This week has been a roller coaster of feeling up one minute and down the next my blood glucose has plummeted from between 14-20 and 9.1-14, I know this is a good result because in the long term with the help of my new food regime it could drop to near normal. My personal side effects are occasional bouts of feeling sick but the main one is a major loss of appetite and a feeling of being stuffed 24 hours a day and still at 19.5st this is sort of a good thing but eating as if I'm dining off of our bird table is making me think I'm doing more harm than good so if any members are also experiencing the same side effects it would be interesting to know.
Hello Slash hope your OK. Have posted about Truelicity! Am really suffering! Read your post a 3 am. Was so sick....including abdominal pain which GP thinks was a pancreatic flare up! Thanks as I don't feel it's just me!
Sorry to hear it's not worked for many of you. I had to come off the drug as I was on pre-conception care (drug hasn't been tested in pregnancy yet) and in just under 2 weeks my blood sugars were all over the place as were my moods and generally felt unwell so I am now back on the drug and all is well. I don't get any side effects at all with it so I must be the exception!
I am on week 6 of this new drug and have to say in all honesty it has got better although my appetite is greatly reduced. If I attempt to over eat it's not nice but my sugar are coming down I have been using milk shake replacement drinks to ensure I'm getting enough minerals and vitamins.. in using complan as a quick fix maybe twice three times a week now .. and the weight is coming off too slowly x
Sorry to hear that Ali and shame that you may have a few more days like this before it wears off. I assume its the 1.5ml injection? Speak to the GP or diabetic nurse and go back to what you have before. Also tell them that they need to stop putting patients on it. Its a horrible drug. The GP needs to put in a Yellow Form as well as this drug ids under surveillance

Hello there David. My GP has taken me off as my sugars have dropped now and I haven't been able to hold food down. I was so lucky as the senior GP made a real effort to see me today. He was very shocked when he saw me as I was obviously very ill. Sugars went down to 5:2 but that's because of the constant nausea and my urine output had declined as even drinking water induced severe nausea and I'd started vomiting. I also got an episode of very bad epigastric pain.

My GP was unaware of my youthful history of IBS and gastric inflammation (diagnosed by endoscopy). Had he known this he would have NOT given me Trulicity as it's contrindicated. Meanwhile I can't get my sugars up so have permission to tuck into a little jam and bread which I'm just about holding down. . Sugars slowly going up.

Cheers and wish you good luck and health.
Have used trulicity 0,75 for 3 weeks now. Was supposed to take the fourth last Sunday but was feeling so terrible I didn't. Went to see my GP yesterday and he agreed. Do not yet know the effect it had on my blood sugar levels. I had no appetite at all most days. Even a small bite of my favorite dishes was a struggle. Other symptoms were tiredness and waking up in the early hours of the morning. The lack of appetite and sleep made me very weak and extremely tired. Thoughts started racing through my head and I even experienced mood swings because of this combination of no sleep and no food. It completely stressed me out in the third week and now have to stay home from work a few days to recover. I hope these awful side effects will wear out soon .... Am glad to have found this post and know there are otters who have had similar severe side effect ... hope you all found a good solution
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I sincerely hope you'll recover from this quickly, @Tine - have you 'Yellow Carded' Trulicity yet?

If not please do, to help others in future. (Google MHRA Yellow Card scheme - I can't seem to post a link at the moment for some weird reason)
A month ago I felt ok. Now I feel awful. Trulicity. Walking to the toilet and back leaves me exhausted.

My bloods are down, sure, but what a price to pay.

I might die without Trulicity, but I’d rather not die WITH it.

No more Trulicity. It might take a while to clear my system, but I look forward to Trulicity-free days, starting tomorrow.

I’ll post again in a week or so.

@Tine hasn't signed into the forum since 2017. Hope she's OK.
No Trulicity for a month or more, and I’m almost free of it.

Appetite a long way from normal, taste buds still badly disrupted. 14kgs down (okay, not a bad thing, but not this way). Extreme fatigue now gone, back to normal. hba1c down from 71 last autumn to 40! Too much, too quick. Ask my nephrologist; ask my ophthalmologist.

Still got a hacking cough which I suspect is a Trulicity hangover.

Seems that the drug is SO powerful it stays in the system for this long (last dose end of January).

To those taking it and side-effect-free, good luck. To any like me, stop!

Hi all, I am type 2 and have been using the lower dose of Trulicity for about 4 months now, and am just about to start the higher dose. My hospital consultant prescribed this to protect my liver as I have non alcoholic fatty liver disease. I also suffer from sleep apnea, so am used to waking up with bad stomach bloating and tummy pains from my CPAP machine. Whether this is aggravated by the Trulicity I can't really say. Sometimes I feel sick and queasy but have found that is easily controlled with the omeprazole that I take daily. Up to now, the only thing I have noticed is I tend to suffer from constipation. I am also taking Metformin slow release 500mg twice a day. Wondering if the higher dose of the Trulicity will make a difference.
Hi all, I am type 2 and have been using the lower dose of Trulicity for about 4 months now, and am just about to start the higher dose. My hospital consultant prescribed this to protect my liver as I have non alcoholic fatty liver disease. I also suffer from sleep apnea, so am used to waking up with bad stomach bloating and tummy pains from my CPAP machine. Whether this is aggravated by the Trulicity I can't really say. Sometimes I feel sick and queasy but have found that is easily controlled with the omeprazole that I take daily. Up to now, the only thing I have noticed is I tend to suffer from constipation. I am also taking Metformin slow release 500mg twice a day. Wondering if the higher dose of the Trulicity will make a difference.

Hoping you get good advice from your GP, and find a way to make the combination of meds work well for you @scaredycat
Hello, I know this is an old post but is anyone still here to chat about Trulicity ?

I started 8 weeks ago on 1.5mg experienced nausea. Then it was upped to 3mg the following 4 weeks.
Ive not experienced hives/itching, nausea, vomitting , constipation and the worst is a full type pressure feeling in my head.
The diabetic nurse team have told me to stop and is could be blood pressure. I've been monitoring over the weekend and it his high. I feel awful. So frightened infact.

Just wondering has anyone here experienced a full pressure type feeling in their head with this drug ?