
I have been on Trulicity since March 2016 and have just came off it today 8th May 2017 due to suffering with side affects for over a year now, that I was promised would go away once I my body got used to the drug. I have decided enough is enough, the feeling of wanting to vomit all the time, the constant bloated stomach, the excessive belching 24/7 that would come on out of no where and become so bad that I could barely say one word between belches, the feeling I would get as if I had over eaten when I had not even eaten for hours. Just doing anything mildly physical like cleaning the car or housework could set me off into all I can describe as a belching fit, and to top it off the embarrassment of regular belches that smelled like bowel movements. It has run my life for far to long now and made me feel very very Ill at times, so much that I can't wait for the nasty drug to be completely out of my system for good
I have been on Trulicity since March 2016 and have just came off it today 8th May 2017 due to suffering with side affects for over a year now, that I was promised would go away once I my body got used to the drug. I have decided enough is enough, the feeling of wanting to vomit all the time, the constant bloated stomach, the excessive belching 24/7 that would come on out of no where and become so bad that I could barely say one word between belches, the feeling I would get as if I had over eaten when I had not even eaten for hours. Just doing anything mildly physical like cleaning the car or housework could set me off into all I can describe as a belching fit, and to top it off the embarrassment of regular belches that smelled like bowel movements. It has run my life for far to long now and made me feel very very Ill at times, so much that I can't wait for the nasty drug to be completely out of my system for good
Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Shaun and welcome
Sounds truly awful what the symptoms are you describe all power to you for saying enough is enough Hope you feel better soon
So sorry to hear that Shaun. Lilly are heavily promoting this awful drug to hospital diabetic nurses but the side effect profile is slowly coming to the for. I have been in marketing of drugs for over 30 years and know whats going on. It is important you ensure that your GP does a Yellow Form as to your experience, otherwise other patients will suffer like we did. I wish you better soon.
So sorry to hear that Shaun. Lilly are heavily promoting this awful drug to hospital diabetic nurses but the side effect profile is slowly coming to the for. I have been in marketing of drugs for over 30 years and know whats going on. It is important you ensure that your GP does a Yellow Form as to your experience, otherwise other patients will suffer like we did. I wish you better soon.
I understand that patients can report on Yellow Form online without going through the GP.
GPs need to know so that they can advise other patients being put on this drug by hospital prescribing.
As with all meds, what does for one doesn't necessarily have the same effect on someone else. This drug for me has been fantastic and I've not had any side affects so I must be one of the lucky ones. My blood sugar levels are the best they've been in years....
You are one of the lucky ones then. I vomited twice a week and was nauseous for the rest of the time at this dose. I would not be surprised to see it withdrawn eventually.
Aww I hope not it's really worked wonders for me and for the first time in 12yrs I feel it's finally under control.
All diabetics should avoid this awful drug. It has taken me 6 weeks to realise that I didn't have recurring norovirus attacks, it was this bastard drug. I have had severe vomitting, severe stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, headaches, rhinitis. It seemed to get worse dose by dose. It has ruined christmas for me and my family as well. Because it's a 7 day injection, when you finally realise that it is the drug causing your problems you can wait up to 6 days for it to leave your system. How did this drug get approved? Screw you Eli Lilly.
All diabetics should avoid this awful drug. It has taken me 6 weeks to realise that I didn't have recurring norovirus attacks, it was this bastard drug. I have had severe vomitting, severe stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, headaches, rhinitis. It seemed to get worse dose by dose. It has ruined christmas for me and my family as well. Because it's a 7 day injection, when you finally realise that it is the drug causing your problems you can wait up to 6 days for it to leave your system. How did this drug get approved? Screw you Eli Lilly.
I have just done my first week on this drug ..does it get any better ?
I'm on my first week on this injection..have to say it's been hell cant stop being sick or feeling sick not able to eat ..does this get better ??? Should I take my next injection or quit when this one runs out on Tuesday??
I'm so glad I've found this post. Took my first shot of Trulicity on Saturday. Felt a sick yesterday but fought the nausea. Could barely eat. Today as always highly stressed and busy at work. However was feeling very nauseated could only eat one weetabix at 06:00. 1 Belvita biscuit at about 10ish whilst on the hoof! I tried to drink water. When I finally got lunch I forced two tuc crackers with a tiny bit of cheese couldn't stomach the salad I had made. I felt dreadful when I got home. BM was 6:2 (low for my unfortunate high octane engine! ). I had the most awful gastric pain and nearly vomited. I took Gaviscon. An hour later a glass of milk and a slice of dry toast. I managed a mouthful of steamed chicken and two spoons of rice but I just want to be sick. My weight is 80Kg. Height 5 foot 3. I have called in sick to work as I feel so bloody awful. This can't be right.
I wouldn't touch this drug with a barge pole. I don't think it is fit for market. It's certainly fit for purpose - a high proportion of people taking it feel so bloody awful they can't eat. Some of the side effects are downright dangerous - the acute pancreatitis reported earlier for example. 20% of people who get acute pancreatitis die.

Furthermore, once you've injected it you can't get it out. If it were a twice a day injection, it wouldn't be so bad. But it lingers, doing god knows what to your insides.

This fad for prescribing it is simply caused by a drug company trying to get money back on development and using folk as a test bed.

It's hardly worth getting used to it, my guess is that it will be taken off the market before the year is out, and the sooner the better.
Sorry to hear that Ali and shame that you may have a few more days like this before it wears off. I assume its the 1.5ml injection? Speak to the GP or diabetic nurse and go back to what you have before. Also tell them that they need to stop putting patients on it. Its a horrible drug. The GP needs to put in a Yellow Form as well as this drug ids under surveillance
I am on week 6 of this new drug and have to say in all honesty it has got better although my appetite is greatly reduced. If I attempt to over eat it's not nice but my sugar are coming down I have been using milk shake replacement drinks to ensure I'm getting enough minerals and vitamins.. in using complan as a quick fix maybe twice three times a week now .. and the weight is coming off too slowly x
Sally, if that is what you have to do to be able to tolerate this drug then I'm not surprised your blood sugars are coming down, as is your weight. It is a ridiculously harsh regime, though, if you feel unwell eating even a small amount of normal food. You can't stay healthy just eating food replacement products that are meant for short term use. It must be having a strange effect on bowel function, if nothing else.

I still think it is a dangerous drug and should not be prescribed.
Hello Slash and everyone else. My lovely GP has taken me off of Truelicity. I have just had another bad turn. Struggling to hold any liquids or food down. I have to eat very slowly and only small amounts. Of course my sugars are low but they just went down to 5 and I really thought I was going to pass out. I managed a small water biscuit with peanut butter and very diluted Ribena. I am off sick from work. I have to sit very still and basically meditate to stop the heaving!
Anyway my GP looked over my medical records. Nearly 7 years ago I was admitted into A&E with severe abdominal pain. I was sent for an endoscopy. At the time a different GP told me all was well...but as I found out today that actually wasn't true. PLEASE NOTE I AM ALLERGIC TO BOOZE! My current senior GP is now wondering if I had a pancreatic event. I mention my allergy because everyone assumes pancratisis is brought on my de old alcohol. I also had gastritis and osephgeal inflammation. Please also note my brother and only cousin have type 1 diabetes.
My GP has also found out its actually difficult to diagnose Type 1 diabetes in your older population, especially women. So I am now being retested. I am 57. There was also small grains size gall stones seen. This gravel type of gall stone can block the pancreas.

Perhaps what needs to happen with Truelicity is that a full gastrointestinal history needs to be obtained and also a retest to ensure you are type 2. Truelicity is contraindicated in type 1.

My sympathy to all that have struggled with this drug but for some it's obviously proved successful but constant strong nausea is a babaric and rather dangerous way to control a type 2 don't you think. I am very sorry to read about the poor gentlemen who persevered and ended up in hospital.

Here comes another wave!