

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I wonder if any type 2 Diabetics on the forum is either on or have been on Trulicity ?? My reason for asking is I've now been on this drug for the past week and it only came on the market in England in January 2015 and I'm the only one in my Doctors Surgery that has been prescribed this so I feel a little like a test dummy. This week has been a roller coaster of feeling up one minute and down the next my blood glucose has plummeted from between 14-20 and 9.1-14, I know this is a good result because in the long term with the help of my new food regime it could drop to near normal. My personal side effects are occasional bouts of feeling sick but the main one is a major loss of appetite and a feeling of being stuffed 24 hours a day and still at 19.5st this is sort of a good thing but eating as if I'm dining off of our bird table is making me think I'm doing more harm than good so if any members are also experiencing the same side effects it would be interesting to know.
Hi Slash, I'm not aware of anyone on Trulicity - as you say it's pretty new to the market - but it sounds very similar to Bydureon, which is a weekly version of Byetta. We've had one or two on Bydureon, and quite a few on Byetta. Victoza is another medication from the same group and we've had quite a few on that as well.

What you report are actually perceived as good things - a reduction in blood sugar levels, plus a slight loss of appetite which is therefore thought to encourage weight loss. It may take a few weeks to get used to it, so give it time, but if you do develop bad side effects, or it doesn't appear to be working, then do report back to your GP as you might be able to try one of the alternatives :)
Following my request to find anyone on the forum who was either on or had been on Trulicity, I can now report that after 5 weeks on this drug I was suddenly rushed into my local hospital with acute Pancreatitis that was caused without a doubt by this wonder drug. It was a great shame because it was working for me by bringing down my blood glucose level to at the best to 5.9 and my weight down from 19st 5lb to 18st 4lb in the 5 weeks I was taking it. I now have to wait till the end of the month to have an HBA 1C when my Doctor will decide how much Insulin to start me on and when it is to be administered, at the moment it looks like just once a day at bedtime and a long acting type. This was my greatest fear being on Insulin but if any members have ever suffered with Pancreatitis they will know that if injecting Insulin means I will never go through that level of pain ever again so be it.
Sorry to hear that, hope you're better soon!

I think many type 2's have a fear of insulin beforehand, and find it's so much better than they expected. Speaking from a type 1 perspective, it's much easier to be able to eat what you choose to (within reason!) and match it with insulin, than it is to struggle along with whatever your own pancreas can still be bothered to make.
Hope you can find a treatment that's right for you Slash. I've been unfortunate enough to suffer acute pancreatitis and it's an evil pain! :eek: You're right, anything to avoid that!
Hi slash,
I have just started on trulicity. Wonderful results, insulin down from 28 to 18 units morning and evening.
Feeling nausia no appetite.
Would love to know how you feel, I live in Gillingham.
Hi slash, I was started on insulin at the beginning of the year, yes it takes some getting used to, am still tweeking my doses ( am on basal bolus) but I am so glad I am on it. My blood glucose levels were hi the whole and only now they've improved I realise how ill I was, how rough I was feeling. Take it a step at a time when starting on insulin it will all click into place. Nursed a lot of patients with acute pancreatitis in my former life, you have my sympathies, nasty!!
Jo x
Oh crikey, I had acute pancreatitis when I was admitted to hospital at diagnosis, apparently my immune system decided to have a go at the whole organ rather than just the beta cells. It was mighty painful and caused a problem with my lungs so I can see why you'd like to avoid that. My case was "mild" but it put me off finding out what a severe case feels like I can tell you :eek:. Hopefully you'll find insulin does the trick for you and pancreatitis can be avoided forever. I hope they're testing everything just in case though, I know pancreatitis is a known complication of T2 drug therapies but belts and braces are definitely a good idea when it comes to pancreatitis (I can still feel that searing back pain when I close my eyes..shudder).
The important thing after an attack of acute pancreatitis is to avoid alcohol like the plague for at least 12 months after. That's the current standard advice, but general surgeons don't always pass this on to patients.
I wonder if any type 2 Diabetics on the forum is either on or have been on Trulicity ?? My reason for asking is I've now been on this drug for the past week and it only came on the market in England in January 2015 and I'm the only one in my Doctors Surgery that has been prescribed this so I feel a little like a test dummy. This week has been a roller coaster of feeling up one minute and down the next my blood glucose has plummeted from between 14-20 and 9.1-14, I know this is a good result because in the long term with the help of my new food regime it could drop to near normal. My personal side effects are occasional bouts of feeling sick but the main one is a major loss of appetite and a feeling of being stuffed 24 hours a day and still at 19.5st this is sort of a good thing but eating as if I'm dining off of our bird table is making me think I'm doing more harm than good so if any members are also experiencing the same side effects it would be interesting to know.

All diabetics should avoid this awful drug. It has taken me 6 weeks to realise that I didn't have recurring norovirus attacks, it was this bastard drug. I have had severe vomitting, severe stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, headaches, rhinitis. It seemed to get worse dose by dose. It has ruined christmas for me and my family as well. Because it's a 7 day injection, when you finally realise that it is the drug causing your problems you can wait up to 6 days for it to leave your system. How did this drug get approved? Screw you Eli Lilly.
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Hi slash,
I have just started on trulicity. Wonderful results, insulin down from 28 to 18 units morning and evening.
Feeling nausia no appetite.
Would love to know how you feel, I live in Gillingham.
I am interested if your side effects increased the longer you took it?
You might find this interesting, it's from the FDA website.

In clinical trials, the most common side effects observed in patients treated with Trulicity were nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite.

It's worth reading the rest of the article as it looks like the FDA approved it after clinical trials but stipulated further testing to be ongoing as more and more people used it.

That might be just the FDA, but for an American company, that's where they would start. September 2014 was when they got approval.
Hi David, how long have you been on Trulicity, I have been on it since September 2016, not a easy drug, but you must bear with it.
Hi all,
I have been prescribed this drug today to go alongside metformin, Lantus and humalog insulin to aid in weight loss and better blood sugar control. I understand the side affects and they seem to be like metformin where you have to persevere with it. Fingers crossed!
Hi all, I've been prescribed this drug yesterday after being on insulin, metformin and forxiga. Over the last 2 years I have gained nearly two stone in weight despite being relatively careful with what I eat and carb counting.
Been told to carry on with my humulin and metformin ongoing but to stop the Forxiga now and the humulog after two weeks.
Took my first injection of trulicity yesterday. Painless and easy. Had bouts of nausea today and not much of an appetite. Nothing I can't cope with at present but I'm hoping I don't get the dodgy tummy as I work full time and can't afford time off sick. Will keep you informed on how I get on. Great site by the way. Really helpful Jen
Hi Jen
I'm into my third week of taking trulicity and I'm glad to say I've not had any side effects and it's done wonders for my blood glucose readings. I'll definitely continue to use it as I've lost 10lb in the last 3 weeks with a controlled diet.
Hi all, I've been prescribed this drug yesterday after being on insulin, metformin and forxiga. Over the last 2 years I have gained nearly two stone in weight despite being relatively careful with what I eat and carb counting.
Been told to carry on with my humulin and metformin ongoing but to stop the Forxiga now and the humulog after two weeks.
Took my first injection of trulicity yesterday. Painless and easy. Had bouts of nausea today and not much of an appetite. Nothing I can't cope with at present but I'm hoping I don't get the dodgy tummy as I work full time and can't afford time off sick. Will keep you informed on how I get on. Great site by the way. Really helpful Jen
Hi Jen
I'm into my third week of taking trulicity and I'm glad to say I've not had any side effects and it's done wonders for my blood glucose readings. I'll definitely continue to use it as I've lost 10lb in the last 3 weeks with a controlled diet.
Thanks for your reply that's really great to hear. Congrats on the sugar control and weight loss. It's so difficult to stay motivated when you try so hard to keep sugars down and lose weight at the same time so I'm hoping stopping the insulin and changing to trulicity will help me. I'm so committed to get both my weight and sugars under control. Will keep you posted